Greetings from CM Serena of <Summoners War: Chronicles>!
So far, we've covered how to obtain and develop Monsters in the early game.
This guide is about how to develop Summoners, who control Monsters.
Please read below for more details.
▌Power Up With CM Serena (Part 3. Summoner Development)
You will have chosen a Summoner between Orbia, Kina, and Cleaf for your Chronicles adventure!
These Summoners can also be developed for extra PWR.
Summoners can be developed by leveling up, enhancing skills, acquiring/enhancing equipment, and transcendence.
In the early game, it's better to focus on the level, skill, and equipment.
Use your skill points and equipment whenever you can to progress faster.
Skill points can be reset anytime before Lv. 60. Even after reaching Lv. 60, it's possible to reset them as many times as you want using Gold.
Typically, early game equipment is cheap to enhance, and certain levels guarantee enhancement success. Thus, it is recommended to enhance the equipment as much as possible.
① Summoner Level-up
The maximum Summoner level is 60 by default, and the Summoner will become stronger according to the level achieved.
Later into the game, you can use transcendence to expand the MAX LV to 70 and acquire skill points.
Your level will gradually increase as you continue your adventure as each game mode provides a certain EXP.
But the most common way to earn EXP in the early game is to clear the [Rahil Kingdom Story], the main quest.
If you get stuck during the Rahil Kingdom Story, try out [Area Exploration] and [Guard Journal] subquests
as they'll provide you EXP, equipment, Runes, and other items that can help you get stronger.
Your Summoner will level up in no time if you clear all Rukurangma quests and complete Repeat Requests that provide EXP.
② Enhancing Skills
Skill points earned from Summoner level-up can be used in the [Skills] menu to level up skills.
4 types of skills exist; Active, Passive, Utility, and Attribute Research.
Active and Passive skills vary by Summoner, but Utility and Attribute Research skills are the same for all Summoners.
There's no specific order for enhancing skills. It's completely up to you which skills you enhance first!
As previously mentioned, skill reset is free before Lv. 60, and available after Lv. 60 using Gold.
It's important to test all the available skills and choose the skill tree that suits your playstyle.
Here's a little tip for you if you're still unsure about which skills to enhance.
[Serena's Skill Level-up TIP]
1. Try to enhance all Passive and Utility skills to Lv. 1!
- Even if you don't think you'll use them, they'll boost your PWR efficiently as Lv. 1 enhancement doesn't require many skill points.
2. Prioritize enhancing Passive and Utility skills!
- There are lots of useful Utility skills that provide more Evade skills, decrease Evasion cooldown, increase MAX Mana, decrease Mana recharge time, and decrease Monster switch time.
Of course, enhancing Active skills will deal more damage to the enemy, but some dungeons in the [Rahil Kingdom Story] require manual play, where utility skills may come in handy.
E.g. Bosses that use AoE skills can be easier to beat if you have more evasions.
3. Level up the Active skills you use the most often!
Active skills sometimes apply bonus effects or deal bonus damage in certain conditions.
Enhance skills in the order that you use them for better synergy.
Taking Orbia's Water attribute skill as an example, Ice Bolt (Skill 1) can freeze the enemy for 2 sec with a certain chance.
* Freeze is a type of CC effect.
Ice Wave (Skill 2) extends the duration of the CC effect.
Ice Storm (Skill 3) deals bonus damage to enemies under CC effects.
Thus, it's better to enhance Skill 1 first as Orbia tends to use skills in the order of 1, 2, 3.
4. Reset the Attribute Research skill according to the continent you're on!
Attribute Research skills use up many skill points and the damage only increases by up to 10%, making it inefficient in the early game.
These skills should be low-priority and only enhanced with spare skill points.
It's easier to hunt creatures if you level up the weapon's Attribute Research skill that counters the attribute of the continent you're currently on.
E.g. Enhance the Water Attribute Research skill in Tesca.
③ Obtaining Equipment
Equipment comes as Weapons, Sub Weapons, Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets, and Rings. You can equip weapons of each attribute, up to 10 pieces of equipment in total.
Some attribute weapons and accessory slots are unlocked as you progress through the [Rahil Kingdom Story].
Various pieces of equipment can be obtained from the Rahil Kingdom Story, Area Exploration, and Guard Journal in the early game.
It's important to clear and repeat the highest level possible in [Path of Growth] - [Subjugation] to set up your gear.
Equipment obtained in Subjugation has similar stats except for weapons. Weapons will have the same attribute as the Subjugation attribute.
E.g. Water attribute weapons can be obtained from the Ruins Ruler
Main and sub-properties are applied, and more sub-properties will be available according to the equipment's grade.
* Magic - 1 sub-property, Rare - 2 sub-properties, Hero - 3 sub-properties, Legend - 4 sub-properties
But you can gain bonus sub-properties by enhancing equipment.
Thus, it's important to check if the equipment's sub-properties are suitable for the Summoner before using it.
④ Enhancing Equipment
Once you've got the equipment, it's time to enhance it.
Equipment can be enhanced by enhancing, equipping Gems, and applying Effect Stones.
The most basic form of equipment enhancement is done with Enhancement Shards. Sky Stones are also used depending on the grade and enhancement level.
All equipment has 3 Durability and can be enhanced up to +15.
* Use Durability Restoration Stones to restore exhausted Durability.
Equipment can have up to 4 sub-properties. Enhancing Magic, Rare, or Hero equipment will unlock additional sub-properties at certain enhancement levels.
Enhancement in the early game requires fewer materials and guarantees enhancement success.
* If you obtained a better piece of equipment than the enhanced one you currently equip, previous equipment can be disassembled for Enhancement Shards and Durability Restoration Stones, which you can use to enhance better equipment.
The next methods of enhancing equipment are equipping Gems and applying Effect Stones.
These methods are unlocked as you progress through the [Rahil Kingdom Story].
Later on in the game, Gems and Effect Stones can be crafted in Profession, but they are generally obtained as quest rewards in the early game.
Don't save up on these materials! Use all the Gems and Effect Stones you obtain in the early game.
Better Gems and Effect Stones can be crafted using Profession later on in the game. Gems can also be unequipped and slotted into better equipment.
The best way to develop is to focus on reaching the highest PWR possible at every stage of the game.
We'll inform you about how to obtain and upgrade Gems and Effect Stones of higher grades in the next guide!
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That was all the tips about Summoner development in the early game.
The next guide will be a PWR-up guide for Summoners who have completed the Rahil Kingdom Story and are grinding Elite Raids.
Thank you.
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