※ The Challenge Arena (World) will be unavailable until the maintenance ends in all regions regardless of the region you're playing in when the maintenance begins.
Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.
We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update.
The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone:
Please check the details below.
■ Major Update
▶ Level Connection
- A new Level Connection Function will be added where you can share the Summoner level with Summoners of the same Affiliation.
· You can use Crystals to share the level by going to [Summoner]-[Level Connection].
· The amount of Crystals required will vary based on the level difference between the base level for the connection and the target Summoner.
· There needs to be at least 1 Summoner with Lv. 90 among the Affiliation to use the Level Connection.
· Select the Summoner with Lv. 90 to become the base of the connection and select the target Summoner to share the level.
· The target Summoner’s level will be changed when you reconnect to the game.
· All tutorials will be skipped for the Summoner who was leveled up with Level Connection.
※ Please note that you can’t remove the Level Connection once it’s completed.
▶ Outfit Effect Activation Function & Effect Connection
[Outfit Effect Activation Function Expanded]
- The Outfit Effect Activation Function, where you can acquire the Outfit Effect without getting the Outfit, will be improved so that the function can be used by all Summoners.
· No cost will be consumed to reset the Outfit Effect when you craft Outfits with activated Outfit Effect.
※ Some Outfit Effects such as account level outfits or expired collab outfits are not eligible for the outfit effect activation function.
[Effect Connection]
- A new Effect Connection Function will be added where you can register the Outfit Effect of another Summoner to share.
· Outfits in possession with created Outfit Set, or Outfits already used for the Outfit Effect Activation Function can’t be registered for the Effect Connection.
· You can use Gold without consuming materials to receive the Outfit Effect possessed by another Summoner.
· You can’t use Outfits being shared with the Effect Connection for the Outfit Effect Activation.
· The Effect Connection will be removed automatically if the Outfit registered on the Effect Connection is disassembled or if the Outfit Effect has been reset.
※ The game money used for registration won’t be refunded even when the Effect Connection is removed.
▶ Wish Rune System
- You can set up the Rune of your choice in advance to search for the Rune quickly.
· You can set up the set effect, star grade, grade, and Rune number with the basic settings.
· You can set up property types and property grade with the detailed settings.
· The function supports 8 presets you can use to save each setting.
· A function to exclude wish Runes when disassembling or combining Runes with the sort/filter menu will be added and the Simple/Detailed tab on the Owned List located on the right side of the screen will be removed.
■ New/Improvements/Changes
▶ Minigame <Kota’s Great Adventure>
- Transcendence Scroll, which is given as the Stage 60 Clear Reward, will now be given even when you clear Stage 59 after the Apr. 18th update.
* Users who already collected the reward for clearing Stage 60 won’t be able to collect the reward again and users who cleared up to Stage 59 will be able to collect the reward after the maintenance ends on Apr. 18th.
- The following functions will be improved.
· The format of the displayed time shown during gameplay will be changed as a countdown.
· A red dot will be displayed on the Enhancement tab or on each part when you’re able to Enhance equipment or character.
· The game will now proceed even when you click on an area other than the game in PC - window mode.
· Details information will be added to the description based on the skill level.
· Kota’s HP recovery amount will now be displayed on the screen.
· The speed of Kota changing direction will be improved.
· A sound will be added to the pop-up shown when a stage is cleared.
- A new function will be added where you can adjust the game speed up to 1.5x along with a Speed Button on the top side of the screen.
- You’ll be able to get the following rewards based on the ranking.
· Rank 1-10: Magictech Red Bike, Kota’s Gift Box x15, Title
· Rank 11-40: Magictech Red Bike, Kota’s Gift Box x10, Title
· Rank 41-100: Magictech Red Bike, Kota’s Gift Box x5, Title
▶ Cairos
-The theme Monster of the Illusion Garden will be changed to 4★ Dark Battle Mammoth.
· Period: Apr. 8th 12am - Apr. 15th 12am
▶ Galagos Ruins
- The Monster stats will be adjusted based on the following conditions instead of excluding the Rune effects equipped by the Monster for the battle power in order to reduce the stress coming from exchanging Runes.
· The DMG dealt on the enemies will be increased based on the Monster’s level.
· The DMG received from the enemies will be decreased based on the Monster’s Awakening level.
· The CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG will be increased based on the Monster’s Book level.
· The ACC and RES will be increased based on the Monster’s Affinity level.
※ The equipped Runes of each Monster will have no effect on the battle power or the gameplay.
- The difficulty of Galagos Ruins will be adjusted.
· The stats of creatures that appear in Area 11+ will be increased.
· The battle power requirement to use Quick Battle in each area will be decreased.
· The battle power recommendation for each area will be decreased.
- The stats Relics of the following Monsters will be deleted.
· Monster's Will: CRIT - Increases Monster CRIT Rate/DMG
· Monster's Will: Effect - Increases Monster ACC/RES
- The MAX amount of Relics per grade will be adjusted.
· Magic: 12 → 10
· Rare: 13 → 9
· Hero: 9 → 6
· Legendary: 3 → 3 (No change)
- The time limit of each level will be changed according to the dungeon as follows.
· Normal: 5 min → 2 min
· Elite: 5 min → 3 min
- The text that explains that the Activity of Monsters, including those that already used up all Activity, will be increased when the pass is purchased will be added to the Galagos Pass info pop-up.
▶ Battlefield
- You will now be able to set up the procedure method, map, and play mode when you make a room for the Friend Battle.
· The settings can also be changed in the Waiting Room.
- Monster Standby Slot will be added to the Single Summon Mode.
· The Monster registered on the Standby Slot can’t be summoned on the field.
· The amount of Mana consumed in other content, including the field, will remain the same if you change the Soul Link Monster to the Monster registered on the Standby Slot during battle.
· Cooldown will be applied until the next exchange if you change the Soul Link Monster to the Monster registered on the Standby Slot.
- Matching Class will be applied for matching to users of the Battlefield Nightmare/Battlefield Overlord/Battlefield Transcender Classes when the next season begins.
· The class will be applied to improve situations where a small number of Summoners who reached high rankings can’t be matched until the difference between the high ranking users and the users whose Class was reset is narrowed down in the beginning of a season.
* Victory Seals and Gold, which can be acquired from participating in the battlefield, will be given to the users who achieved the Battlefield Nightmare/Battlefield Overlord/Battlefield Transcender Classes and had difficulty with matching in the beginning of the season during maintenance.
▶ Arena
- The authority given to the host who created the battle will be improved as follows.
· A new function will be added where the spectating host can force-end the tournament.
* The tournament will end as a draw if the host uses the force-end function.
· Only the spectating host will be able to view the Join Code now.
- Users spectating the battle will now be able to view the preban Monsters of both players with the standby screen.
· The participating users of the battle can’t view the preban Monsters of the opponent.
- A new function to appoint a sub-host will be given to the host who created the lobby of the Brawl Arena (Tournament).
· The sub-host can’t appoint another user as a sub-host.
· The sub-host can’t view the Join Code.
· The sub-host can’t kick out the host from the lobby.
· Other than the 3 differences listed above, the sub-host and the host will have the same authority.
[Challenge Arena (World)]
- Challenge Arena (World) Icon will be added to the equipment preset.
- Challenge Arena (World) Uses will be added to the bottom-left of the [Monster] Info Tab.
· You can’t use Restoration with Monsters placed in the Challenge Arena (World).
▶ Field Event
- Improvements have been made to ensure that when the amount of interactions remaining when engaging in a gathering and mining event is 0, the character does not walk around aimlessly when attempting auto gathering and mining via the HUD.
- The system messages shown when participating in gather/mine event will be improved for clarity.
▶ Monster
- You’ll now be able to check the skills and enhancement info after the transformation in the [Skill] screen for transforming Monsters such as Beast Rider and Unicorn.
- New Transmogrification, Eastern Warrior Vagabond, will be added.
·Available from the new event that starts on Apr. 12th 12am.

▶ Summon Altar
- The summoning effect’s basic speed will be increased by 2x when you use the Repeat Summon in Unknown Summon.
[Artifact Summon]
- The Artifact Seal Piece Summon will now be used first if you possess both the Artifact Seals and the Artifact Seal Pieces.
- The mileage info of summons that haven’t started will no longer be shown in the mileage info pop-up.
- The end date of 5★ Joker Exclusive Artifact Rate UP Summon per Attribute will be changed.
· (Before) Apr. 11th 12am → (After) Apr. 18th 12am
▶ Piece Exchange
- The design of the Piece Exchange Shop will be improved.
· The pieces will now be separated in the Monster Pieces and Material Tab based on the type of the item that can be exchanged for.
· The pieces consumed with exchange, the amount in possession of the Monster pieces to be acquired, and the Awakening and Book level will be displayed.
· New buttons will be added which you can use to go to the [Monster] and [Book] Menus on the bottom-left of the screen.
- The items for sale will be adjusted as below.
· The Monster Piece item per grade will be changed from 3 types to 4 types.
· The cost to reset the limited time will also be adjusted from 100 to 130 as the types of item have increased.
· The fixed item list of the Upgrade Material Tab will remain the same.
· 4 random items among the items below will appear for the limited time items in the Upgrade Material Tab.
Items | Exchange Piece Star Grade and Amount |
Angelmon x5 | 3★ Monster Piece x1,000 |
Angelmon x5 | 4★ Monster Piece x100 |
Angelmon x5 | 5★ Monster Piece x3 |
Premium EXP Potion x50 | 3★ Monster Piece x750 |
Premium EXP Potion x50 | 4★ Monster Piece x80 |
Premium EXP Potion x50 | 5★ Monster Piece x2 |
5★ Rainbowmon x10 | 5★ Monster Piece x50 |
4★ Rainbowmon x10 | 4★ Monster Piece x50 |
Breath of Life x100 | 4★ Monster Piece x15 |
Breath of Life x1,000 | 4★ Monster Piece x150 |
Breath of Life x1,000 | 5★ Monster Piece x5 |
Breath of Life x5 | 3★ Monster Piece x375 |
Breath of Life x5 | 4★ Monster Piece x40 |
Breath of Life x10 | 3★ Monster Piece x750 |
Breath of Life x10 | 4★ Monster Piece x75 |
Breath of Life x10 | 5★ Monster Piece x3 |
· Changed and removed items among the previous items are as follows.
Items | Exchange Piece Star Grade and Amount |
[Changed] Premium EXP Potion x1 → x50 | 3★ Monster Piece x15 → x750 |
[Deleted] 5★ Rainbowmon x1 | 4★ Monster Piece x40 |
[Deleted] 4★ Rainbowmon x1 | 3★ Monster Piece x40 |
▶ Guild
[Guild Siege Battle]
- The Guild Siege Battle will be held 1 time instead of 2 times a week starting Apr. 8th and the Guild Siege Battle schedule is as follows.
Category | Schedule |
Matchmaking | Monday 11am -12pm |
First Half | Monday 12pm - Wednesday 12am |
Break | Wednesday 12am - 12pm |
Second Half | Wednesday 12pm - Friday 1am |
Tally | Friday 1am - 5am |
Preparation | Friday 5am - Monday 11am |
* A season will last for 3 months as before and the total number of rounds will be changed from 24 to 12.
▶ Alchemy
- A new speed adjustment function will be added to adjust the crafting speed.
· A button will be added where you can speed up the crafting in the crafting screen.
- Crafting Result Info will be displayed now which will show you the predicted result when you craft equipment.
· The predicted attribute or the number of sub-properties will be displayed according to the selected material equipment in the crafting screen.
▶ Book
[Joshua’s Bookshelf]
- A new story, Daydream, will be added.
· Unlocked when 5★ Oracle (Water), and 5★ Magic Knight (Water) is in possession.
- A system message will be displayed whenever you complete the mission of each story.
- A new function to check the Magic of the Bookshelf or the bonus effect that’s currently applied will be added.
· Tap on the Applied Effect Button on the top-right of the screen to check.
▶ Event
- You’ll now be able to save the team formation information in the event dungeon.
- When 24 hours pass after collecting all rewards for [White Shadow Mercenary Heath]’s paid event, it will no longer be displayed in the event tab.
- The [Expert/Tenacious/Able Summoner's Way] event will end, and the event will be displayed in the event tab according to the situations listed below if there are remaining rewards to be collected.
· When the pass item has been purchased: Displayed until all normal/premium rewards have been collected
· When the pass item hasn’t been purchased: Displayed until all normal rewards have been collected
- A text describing the end of the event will be added to the event page of [Global Chronicles Book 1: Gathering the Fairy Essence].
· A text explaining that the [Global Chronicles Book 1: Gathering the Fairy Essence] event will end when 24 hours pass after collecting all rewards for the [Global Chronicles Book 1: Gathering the Fairy Essence] event.
- The difficulty of the Heretic's Underground Shrine, the event dungeon of the [Stop the Heretic's Plan!] will be lowered.
- The event period of [Silver Artifact Summon] Event will be changed as follows.
· (Before) Apr. 11th 12am → (After) Apr. 18th 12am
▶ Shop
- A red dot will be displayed on the account info on the top of the screen if account level up is available when you enter the Shop.
- [Overlays]-[Transmogrification] will be improved.
· The latest Transmogrifications will be displayed when you move to the Transmogrification Tab.
· You’ll now be able to purchase Transmogrifications by attribute separately.
- [Overlays]-[Outfit]’s design will be improved.
· The latest Outfits will be displayed when you move to the Outfit Tab.
- You’ll now be able to check free items of the Step Up Package with ease.
▶ Convenience Improvements
- The play environment will be improved for new users to help with adjusting to the game.
· A chick icon will be added to “New Rahil Guards” who created the account within the last 30 days.
· A system buff will be granted to the New Rahil Guards where the DMG dealt on creatures will be increased and the DMG received will be decreased.
※ The buff won’t be applied in PvP contents.
※ The chick icon won’t be displayed and the buff won’t be applied if the chatting badge is changed due to being registered on a high ranking.
- The time remaining until the reset and recharge will now be displayed on the right side of the screen instead of the text about the reset in [Summoner] - [Transformation]’s transformation info screen.
- The window will remain and only the Artifact will be refreshed when you select another Monster while the suggested Artifact window is opened.
- No Rank label will now be displayed in contents with no ranks in the [Path of Growth]-[Path of Adventure] or [Expedition] screen.
- A vibration function has been added for when matching has been completed in Battlefield, Raid, and Arena.
· The vibration will occur 1 time when matched, and the function is available on mobile devices only.
· You can turn on/off the function with the pop-up that’s displayed on top when matched or by going to settings.
- You’ll be able to check the pop-up with ease now when you’re matched in the Battlefield, Raid, and Arena.
▶ Others
- A confirmation pop-up has been added for when you purchase Transmogrification items with exchange tickets in the [Coin Shop].
- The items in the [Coin Shop]-[Raid Coin Exchange] will be changed as follows.
· The purchase limit of items with purchase limits will be removed.
· Energy of Harmony Piece/Energy of Transcendence Piece/Energy of Chaos Piece items will be changed to Energy of Harmony/Energy of Transcendence/Energy of Chaos and the amount of coins required for exchange will be changed from 50 to 250.
- Reply and copy functions have been added to the chat.
· You’ll be able to reply to a message sent by another user in each tab and you’ll be moved to the location of the message when you tab on Reply.
* The Reply Function can’t be used with private chats and you won’t be moved to the location of the message if the original message has been deleted.
· You can now copy the chat message. System messages and emojis cannot be copied, and only the text will be copied.
※ You can select the Reply/Copy/Translate functions by tapping on the Chat Function Button on the bottom-right of the messages.
- The game loading illustration will be changed.
■ New Event
▶ Banian Merchant's Request
· Period: Apr. 4th 12am - Apr. 11th 12am

- Details: Banian Merchant has requested items. Deliver the items and sell them for a high price!
■ Error Fixed
- The issue of the opponent list not being refreshed when you achieve the weekly first grade in the Challenge Arena (World) has been resolved.
- The issue of the Challenge Arena (World) promotion special effect not being displayed has been resolved.
- The issue of the attack team’s formation not being displayed properly from time to time in the Challenge Arena (World) has been resolved.
- You’ll now be moved to the battle test preparation page when the battle test ends in the Challenge Arena (World) Defense Team settings.
- The issue of the reward pop-up not being displayed when you complete the Repeat Quest in certain situations has been resolved.
- The issue of being able to use special characters in the account name and Guild name has been resolved.
- The pop-up text displayed when you use Quick Battle in Special Rupture will be changed.
- The Affinity point will now be displayed at the very first on the Affinity Repeat Request reward list.
- The issue of not being able to move while auto mining from time to time in Sokelo Canyon has been resolved.
- The issue of the boss appearance alert not disappearing when the game is paused while the boss is appearing in [Kota’s Great Adventure] has been resolved.
- The issue of the virtual pad not working in the boss appearance alert area after the boss appears in [Kota’s Great Adventure] has been resolved.
- The issue of the Challenge Arena (World) tickets in possession being displayed as 0 when you open the Arena content with a new account has been resolved.
- The issue of the Challenge Arena Ticket being displayed in the defense team formation screen of Challenge Arena (World) has been resolved.
- The issue with the skill sound in [Kota’s Great Adventure] has been resolved.
- The issue of not being able to create a Friend Battle during the tally period of Challenge/Brawl Arena has been resolved.
- The issue of the content being displayed as unavailable even when the tally period has ended for the Challenge/Brawl Arena has been resolved.
- The issue of the list on the top being overlapped when you enter the main screen by pressing the ESC key after entering certain content has been resolved.
- The issue of the Ultimate Skill not being used until the Soul Link Monster’s skill effect disappears when you use the preview of Orbia and Heath’s Ultimate Skill has been resolved.
- The issue where some events on the field event page are displayed differently in the Today's Events tab and the Upcoming Events tab has been resolved.
- The issue of the damage display being shown on creatures outside of the skill range from time to time in [Kota’s Great Adventure] has been resolved.
- The issue of the creatures shaking while moving when you start the game after a long pause in [Kota’s Great Adventure] has been resolved.
- The issue of a wrong reward amount being displayed in the result screen when you use Repeat Battle in some contents has been resolved.
- The issue with the display of some items with 0 remaining purchase counts in the Coin Shop has been resolved.
- The issue of not being able to connect to the game from time to time in some PC environments has been resolved.
- The issue of not being able to check the remaining time of transformation in [Summoner] - [Transformation] from time to time has been resolved.
- The issue of the Repeat Request Pop-Up Button of the Repeat Request in progress being displayed abnormally when you move to another area has been resolved.
- You’ll now be moved to the waiting room after the battle against your defense team has ended in the battle test of [Challenge Arena] - [Defense Team].
- The ranking display in the chat will now be displayed in the dungeon and battlefield chatting tabs.
- The issue of the reward available for the 1st round being displayed abnormally when the repeat battle is used in some contents has been resolved.
- The issue of the Summoner’s appearance not being displayed when you return after the Arena ends after the Summoner dies during the [Challenge Arena] in some languages has been resolved.
- The issue of the disassembled Rune’s UI not being displayed when you disassemble Runes acquired from the repeat battle in the [Path of Adventure] has been resolved.
- The issue of the Auto Battle Activation UI being displayed abnormally from time to time has been resolved.
- The system message for the Collaboration Monster Affinity condition achievement has been improved for clarity.
- The issue of the [Challenge Arena] information tooltip text being displayed abnormally in some languages has been resolved.
- The issue of the skill effect being displayed abnormally when previewing Wind Orbia’s Tempest has been resolved.
- The tooltip will no longer be shown when you tap and hold on the Monster icon of another attribute that’s available as the Collaboration Monster Affinity Lv. 5 reward.
- The issue of the item tooltip not being displayed in the [Banian Merchant's Request] event has been resolved.
- The minimum supported specifications for iOS devices will be increased from iOS 11 to iOS 12.
- The issue with the tooltip text of 5★ Zelgadis (Wind)’s Ultimate Skill in some languages has been resolved.
- The issue of the Monster remaining in the base when you change the Monster’s placement from defense to attack during the [Guild Siege Battle] preparation period has been resolved.
- The issue of all Revenge Buttons being displayed as being available for Quick Battle in the [Challenge Arena (World)] has been resolved.
- The issue of not being able to scroll with the scroll bar in the [Arena] ranking has been resolved.
- The issue of the duration time gauge being displayed like it’s been reset when you reconnect to the game after using up all of the transformation time has been resolved.
- The issue of the Summoner’s Transcendence mark being displayed abnormally when you’re spectating in [Arena] - [Friend Battle] has been resolved.
- The issue of the event color display changing in the field event screen from time to time has been resolved.
- The issue of the basic info and the operation menu not being displayed when you retry the dungeon in certain situations has been resolved.
- The issue of being able to play the [Challenge Arena (World)] even when the week has ended has been resolved.
- The issue with the defense formation that occurs when you’re matched in [Guild Siege Battle] in certain situations has been resolved.
- The issue of the registered quick slot not being saved when you transform without tapping on the OK Button after registering the transformation in the transformation quick slot has been resolved.
- The issue of the Summoner Pass accumulated daily reward not including a day’s worth of a reward in certain situations has been resolved.
- The issue of the wrong icon being displayed for 5★ Garou (Water)’s Ultimate Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: Hero Hunt has been resolved.
- The issue of the Awakened Monster’s Ultimate Skill being used when the Ultimate Skill is used after transformation and using the Soul Link on unawakened 5★ Unicorn and Beast Rider has been resolved.
- The issue of the wrong icon being displayed for the basic attack of 5★ Dragon and Zelgadis has been resolved.
- The color of the Guild Town Assembly text in the Guild chat will be changed to a natural color.
- The issue of the damage of the great success alert message shown on the left of the Monster icon being displayed abnormally in certain situations has been resolved.
- The issue of being able to enter with the Guild Profession recipes in dungeons has been resolved.
- The issue of the skill being used before the battle starts in Challenge Arena (World) will be resolved.
- Summoner’s bonus skill level will no longer be included in the sum of active skill levels.
- The issue of the wrong color being used for the text “Best Record” in the Galagos Ruins ranking info in some languages will be resolved.
- The issue of the entrance pop-up being shown abnormally when you enter [Guard Journal]-[Area Dungeon] after instantly completing the main quest will be resolved.
- The issue of the skill effect of Lv. 10 Opening the Death Gate being displayed abnormally when Heath uses a Wind weapon will be resolved.
- The text in the lobby and the tickets will now show Challenge Arena (World) when you use the revenge function in Challenge Arena (World).
- The issue of the ranking badge used in the previous tab being shown even when you change the chat tab will be resolved.
- The Transmogrification Exchange Ticket will now be displayed normally on the current ranking located on the bottom of the Galagos Ruins ranking info pop-up.
- The issue with the text color in the [Global Chronicles Book 1: Gathering the Fairy Essence] event experience in some languages will be resolved.
- The issue with the Step Up Package’s price that’s experienced in some devices will be resolved.
- The issue of the ranking reset time being displayed abnormally for some content in the Asia region will be resolved.
- The typo in the system message shown when you defeat the boss in [Rupture] Hard, Great Elemental's Shrine will be fixed.
We hope you enjoy the new contents and events.
- 3 8,022