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Expedition Abuse Planned Measures Notice
GM Chronicles 05/04/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We've identified a case of certain Summoners abusing Expedition to use more entries than the number allowed in certain situations.


Action will be taken against accounts that made unfair gains by abusing the system.

The game will be unavailable during this time.


Abusing the system negatively impacts the game, and we endeavor to prevent such actions through continuous monitoring and data analysis.

Detailed data was reviewed to confirm that only a small minority of Summoners abused Expedition.


Please check below for more details.



▌Expedition Abuse Planned Measures Notice


▶ Measures to be taken
- All unfair gains made by abusing Expedition have been retrieved.
* If the quantity of currency/item to be retrieved exceeds the quantity owned at the time of retrieval, the quantity may appear as a negative number depending on the quantity retrieved, or other currency/items may be retrieved instead.

  • * The game will be temporarily unavailable during the retrieval.


▶ Items to be retrieved
- Currency/items obtainable from Expedition


▶ Target Criteria
- Summoners who abused Expedition a certain number of times or more



We ask for your cooperation and understanding as <Summoners War: Chronicles> strives to ensure an enjoyable Chronicles adventure for all Summoners.


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