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[Mythic] TIPS & GUIDES|Youtube url included
Zhonya 04/19/2024
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Hello! I'm Zhonya from Lupinus server!

We just finished Mythic Raid. Our first run took us 7 minutes and 43 seconds while our best run is under 6 minutes.

The summons in this image were not exactly the line up that we used for this raid.

These were our summons with the highest PWR that we set in the Lobby in order to get BONUS stats.


Once you finally get the hang of the mechanics, you can easily help out your friends in getting their Mythic Weapon.


This is our current fastest run as of yet.


We were all using Mommy Fire Polar Queen on our fastest run.

This is by far the most enjoyable raid I've had since playing the game.

You will need teamwork to make the dream work!


I will try to make this as NEWBIE-FRIENDLY as possible and hope that this TIPS & GUIDES will help you finish yours as well.


These are what worked for me and my team. I highly recommend using these but no need to follow it if you have better choices.



Wind Orbia (Alternate skill 1): High burst, Def down(debuff) and DMG taken UP (debuff)

Water/Wind Cleaf: Def down(debuff), Atk Down(debuff), DMG dealt UP (buff)

Fire/Water Kina: Buffs, heals, shields

Fire Heath: Bomb detonator

Fire/Wind Soleta: High burst and Def down(debuff), DMG dealt UP(Wind – use this if you have stable Def down debuffers).


DPS Summons:

Fire Polar Queen - Weakness Exploit Artifact. Her ULTIMATE can easily clear the VOIDLING phase.

Water Gourry - Courage Artifact. 

Water Joker, Water Kobold (or any bomber) - This is for Fire Heath.


Support Summons: 

Water Harg - Enhancement Amplify Artifact for increased duration. Movespeed buffer to dodge attacks.

Fire Skydancer - Heal, Atk UP buffer, Def down debuffer.

Dark Jakk - Enhancement Amplify Artifact for increased duration. DMG dealt UP buff with Shield (and occasional heals).

Wind Jakk - Enhancement Amplify Artifact for increased duration. Crit DMG dealt UP.

Wind Paladin - Shield, Heal, Invulnerability. Can clutch save when you can't dodge the dark LASERS.


NOTE: You don't really need cleansers or immunity for this RAID because there are hardly any debuffs.


Flexible Summons:

Water Phoenix - Crit DMG taken UP(debuff), Def Down(debuff). His damage also increases based on buffs (best with Water Harg).

Light Skydancer - Mana regeneration. (for spamming burst skills)

Light Garuda, Water Inferno, Dark Pirate Captain - Cooldown reductions.


Penalty Summons: 

Note: DO NOT USE THESE IN THE RAID. These are summons that will trigger some special skills of Abysis.

Fire Phoenix, Water Fairy King— or any summons that ignores Damage Reduction (Damage mitigation).

Light Polar Queen, Wind Beast Rider, Water Fairy Queen — or any summons that increases ULTIMATE GAUGE UP.

Wind Vampire, Narin Ha — or any summons that increases damage BASED ON HARMFUL EFFECTS.




  • - At the start, choose your highest PWR SUMMONS and reach at least 950K946K team PWR to get the  BONUS  stats.
  • - Be sure to let your teammates know that you will swap SUMMONS inside the RAID so they don't attack just yet (also, to avoid getting kicked lol).




1. Get familiar with the mechanics (people learn from trials and errors all the time). More of this below

2. Know the PHASES. More of this below

  2. 4. Save up your ULTIMATE ATTACK for PHASE 2 (which I would call the VOIDLING PHASE).
  3. 5. Never run out of ATK UP buff.
  4. 6. Debuffs such as Def Down, DMG Taken UP, Crit DMG Taken UP are very crucial especially during PHASE 2.




Most important part: Try not to get hit.
You will get an unremovable debuff/curse from most of her attacks, which removes all the buffs and also stacks, decreasing your damage dealt and healing received.


You can only cleanse the unremovable debuff/curse by interacting with a CELESTIAL BLESSING that spawned on the field.

This won't always be available so always listen to the proverbial saying:
Prevention is better than cure”.


Avoid getting yourself or your summons KILLED

Any deaths will increase her Ultimate Gauge

Abysis with a full Ultimate Gauge ends your RAID.


As much as possible, position yourself behind her. This is to avoid her LASERS.


Dodge any Hazard zones  (red tiles/panels/circles) while doing your best to deal some damage!


During this CUBE-STORM-ATTACK, Abysis will stay still inside the eye of the storm.
You can either go inside the eye of the storm where you can deal some damage or outside of it if you want to play it safe.

You or your summons get damaged when hit by the cubes that are swirling around her.
Note: The damage you take from this is not much and does not inflict any unremovable debuff/curse but could become a problem if you ignore it.

There are also some black holes that spawn and explode near her.
Note: This one actually hurts, removes your buffs, and inflicts unremovable debuff/curse, so be sure to avoid it.


Be sure to look out for the X-mark attack. It is one of her most hard hitting skill.


This cone-shaped attack from Abysis is easily avoidable. 
The Player whom she is targeting should get close to her while making sure the AoE is not facing the other team members.
When she locks her attack, just run through her.



Note: I just made up names for each of the PHASES.


PHASE 0 or START:Just keep attacking her while avoiding her attacks and Hazard zones (Red circle/square panels) until the next phase triggers.



During this NUKE PHASE. Randomly, a Player will get marked (a red line as shown in the image).
The marked Player needs to get to the Light Panel ASAP.


Once the marked Player get to the Light Panel, they will receive RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF.
The marked player then needs to get away as far as possible from the other team members. The marked Player will get nuked (the marked Player is the center of the AoE) but should be unharmed because of the RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF.


After this NUKE PHASE. You will have to beat Abysis again until the next phase triggers.




This is the part where most new mythic raiders get stuck or meet their end.

This PHASE will start off with Abysis teleporting to the middle of the map, then a Light Panel will spawn near her.


Stepping on the Light Panel grants the Player a RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF.


The one with RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF should then bump (run over) all the VOIDLINGS as quickly as possible.
Team members without the RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF need to quickly attack Abysis and DESTROY HER BARRIER while DODGING THE VOIDLINGS.

VOIDLINGS deal heavy damage upon contact and inflict fear!!
FAILING to destroy Abysis' barrier during this phase results in an end to your RAID.

Once all the VOIDLINGS are gone, the one with the RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF should quickly help break Abysis' barrier.


Breaking Abysis' barrier is where the debuffers and Fire Polar Queen shines the most!

Key to easily destroying the Barrier:
1. The two team member who does not have the RAID INVULNERABILITY BUFF should attack Abysis ASAP while also making sure to inflict these debuffs: DEF DOWN, CRIT DMG TAKEN UP, DMG TAKEN UP.
2. Make sure you and your summons have ATK UP (with DMG DEALT UP and CRIT DMG DEALT UP, it will make it even better!). 
3. Once the buffs and debuffs have been set, use FIRE POLAR QUEEN ULTIMATE!!

- In the image shown, we were lacking DMG TAKEN UP debuff. My Fire Polar Queen only did 1.1m Damage. She usually deals almost 2m damage with the 3 debuffs!
- 1.5m+ Damage from my FIRE POLAR QUEEN ULTIMATE usually instantly destroys her barrier.


After this VOIDLING PHASE. You will have to beat Abysis again until the next phase triggers.




This phase will start off with Abysis teleporting to the middle of the map, then the place gets dark.


Abysis will summon 2 fake copies of herself.
For a simple explanation, just find the one that has no DUPLICATE COLOR and hide under her SKIRT!!! (hehe)

If you find 2 BLUE and 1 VIOLET, quickly run to the VIOLET so you can avoid getting NUKED!!


After this MIRROR IMAGE PHASE. You will have to beat Abysis again until the next phase triggers.

NOTE: She will do the NUKE PHASE again one more time before proceeding to the Final Phase, so be sure to keep an eye out for that.




This PHASE will start off with a CUTSCENE!

(oh mommy!)


A RADIANCE SPEAR will spawn on the field.
The closest to the SPEAR should quickly INTERACT with it.


Upon interacting with the RADIANCE SPEAR
the whole team will have the SPEAR skill in their 

NOTE: Using the spear requires time to charge it.


During this PHASE, Abysis will drop her SWORD(?) on the ground and will have a very distinct “countdown animation” before it creates a strong SHOCKWAVE.


You will need to JUMP to dodge the SHOCKWAVE that her dropped SWORD has emitted. 
(Finally, a purposeful use for JUMP aside from spamming it after winning a brawl fight xD – which I never do! I'm a behave person.)

She will do this up to 3 times, then you will have a short amount of time to CHARGE UP the SPEAR and hit her!
NOTE: She usually delays the 3rd SHOCKWAVE to throw Players off.


Whenever you are safe enough to CHARGE UP and hit her with the SPEAR, do so! 
Be sure to dodge RED PANELS
Whoever has the aggro should try their best to dodge.

The most important thing in this PHASE: POSITIONING
If possible, do the Triangle Offense as shown in the image! (reminds me of MJ and the Chicago Bulls!)
- This will give a comfortable spacing to the other 2 team members who have not taken the aggro to start making their SPEAR SHOTS!


You will need to hit her with the SPEAR 20 times!


Dragging the fight is not an option.
The entire place will slowly turn into a FIELD OF DARK FLAMES (as shown in the image), so be sure to hit her with the SPEAR whenever you possibly can!


And that's the end of my TIPS & GUIDES!

There are some mechanics that I've not put here because it seems very straightforward (e.g. Abysis jumping attack, Abysis push/pull with explosion, etc.).

I will keep on updating this thread/post if I ever find some new tips that I can share.


There are a lot of good strategies out there but this is the one that worked for us.
We currently did it successfully for a couple of times now.


If there are things you don't understand, just let me know, and I will try to explain it in simpler terms.


I hope this helps!









IMO, not the best runs but it all checks out!


Now go out there and get your MYTHIC WEAPONS!

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