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IIIIIIIlIIII 04/19/2024
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Phase 4 where you found out the real boss and stay close to it.


Team Composition
Player 1 ( Full Dps) = Goury ( Soul link ) , Atk Spd DPS, Atk spd Dps
Player 2 (Buffer) = Benard (Soul Link) , Hwahee , Atk spd dps
Player 3 (Debuffer) =  damage taken up debuff ( Soul Link ), Hwahee , atk spd dps.

Atk speed dps = Tesarion ( have Burn ), Theomars (Have Frost Bite), Cadiz (Bleed) , Magical archer any element. elsharion .
 damage taken up = Brandia , Cruz , Jara (dark phoenix) etc

Dont ever use perna,argen or any unit that do damage based on enemy debuff and ignore beneficial effect.

Phase 1 = just avoid any boss attack. the red tile that move slowly. the X shaped skill. and the 3 slash attack ( have animation before the boss does this atk)
Phase 2 = The players will be chosen randomly . the one who have red mark in their head need to move to light square and just stay there.(red mark in their heads means the boss will drop meteor in their place , so the others 2 need  to move to the opposite way in / way) 
phase 3 ( shield phase ) =  there will be light square and the FULL DPS player need to take the buff and just straight do damage. the other 2 will try to debuff the boss with damage takenup , crit damage taken up and def down while trying to avoid the minion. usually the full dps will just do full damage while the other 2 go to the place that have no minion after a while move straight to the full dps site where the minion got cleared .

Phase 4 ( lamp phase ) = Identify the real boss purple/blue. The boss will go to the middle and have animation that will give you hint the colour sequence . it either blue> purple. or purple > blue . there will be 3 BOSS spawn and you need to find the real one . you need to stay in near the real boss or you will be get wiped out .
Phase 5 ( last spear phase) = the boss will have animation and all our unit will die (dont panic ). The light sword will spawn near you, just 1 person need to take it. now all you need to do is avoid the red tile and the Dark Sword. red tile is just usual thing. 
how to avoid dark sword = you need to PRESS JUMP. Jump while the light got absorbed to the dark sword. if you dont jump you will get knocked down and hp down. there will be only 3 dark sword in 1 sequence .
How to deal damage = Hold your basic attack till the gauge full and release it to the boss Direction (Very important ) you need to do it 20 times to kill the boss.
becareful while avoiding red tile you can dash while you charging the spear .

The tips is to focus on surviving do not be greedy while charging the spear. surviving is priority ( you can pay 60 crystal to rescurect if u died )
sorry for my bad english. goodluck.

Phase 5 this will happened after you pick up the spear. just hold the basic attack button down till the gauge full and then release it in the boss direction.
Phase 5 . You need to press jump when this timing happened. so you can avoid the CC and damage. the boss will do it 3 times.

Ign : Pukiman 
Server : Asia-Ariel

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