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[Tree of Heroes] Leif's Guide to Farakel :D
Leifelis 05/18/2023
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Tree of Heroes: The Arena

Farakel is the boss in the fifth elite raid, Tree of Heroes. To unlock it, a Summoner must complete the first area exploration quest for Elite Raid: Twisted Marsh (Casslan > Twisted Marsh).


502,900+ PWR is required for bonus, which is highly recommended. As with other raids, a Summoner can enter with their strongest Monsters, then swap to the appropriate Monsters once inside.



Table of Contents

Recommended Monsters

General Tips

Fighting Farakel

   Phase 1: Elemental Forms

   Phase 2: Farakel's Monsters

   Phase 3: Final Battle with Farakel


Recommended Monsters

Other than the must-haves, the others are merely suggestions. If you have a preferred Monster that fit into the category(ies), go ahead and use them!



  • Fire Vampire Verdehile: Each party should have at least 1 for the CRIT RES DOWN debuff, as Farakel has CRIT RES +80% on all but one of his forms. The only alternative is Dark Chimera Zeratu (good luck with that) or any of the 2★ Skull Soldiers (sure…).

Damage Dealers:

  • Damage dealers such as Wind Vampire Argen and Water Narin Ha are great as always. Fire Ifrit Tesarion is also a great damage dealer, though Oblivion does not work on Farakel.
  • Try to have at least 1 of each elemental attribute (Fire, Water & Wind) in the party, to make use of attribute advantage when battling Farakel’s different forms and his elemental Monsters.





Heal + Remove Harmful Effect:

Farakel inflicts debuffs such as DEF DOWN and DMG Taken UP, so healers with remove harmful effect help. Candidates are: Water Archangel Ariel, Water Occult Girl Anavel, Dark Harp Magician Vivachel, and even Water Howl Lulu.


Heal + Immunity:

Instead of removing harmful effect, immunity works too. Candidates are: Light Howl Shushu (double heal), and Water Pioneer Woosa (Cont. Recovery and Shield).



  • Having a shield to absorb damage helps with the high damage that Farakel deals, especially while learning his moves. Candidates are Water Desert Queen Bastet (ATK UP), and Water Pioneer Woosa (Cont. Recovery and Immunity).


Example team compositions:

  • There are endless team compositions possible that it's impossible to list them all, and I recommend trying out different compositions to suit your and your party members' play style best. For reference, however, I've listed the team compositions that I've had successful runs with:
  •    Cleaf (Water) + Argen + Narin Ha + Ariel
  •    Kina (Fire) + Narin Ha + Verdehile + Vivachel
  •    Cleaf (Wind) + Tesarion + Argen + Shushu


  •    Cleaf (Water) + Argen + Woosa + Ariel
  •    Orbia (Wind) + Tesarion + Argen + Anavel
  •    Kina (Fire) + Narin Ha + Verdehile + Shushu

General Tips

  • Farakel has CRIT RES +80% on all forms other than Water, so the Summoner with Verdehile should keep the CRIT RES DOWN debuff up at all times.
  • Cleaf’s Water skills have ATK DOWN, and Lv. 70 skill Frozen Armor has Lv. 2 DMG Dealt DOWN, which can help to reduce Farakel’s damage.


(I'll add more when I find out more!)


Fighting Farakel

There are 3 phases in this raid: Phase 1 Elemental Forms (most time consuming), Phase 2: Farakel's Monsters, and Phase 3: Final Battle with Farakel.



Phase 1: Elemental Forms

Farakel will switch to any of the 3 elemental forms at the start, at 80% HP remaining and 60% remaining. His behavior and skills differ with each attribute.


Regardless of which form he takes, the primary goals in this phase are:

  1.      1. Bring Farakel to below 80%/60%/40% HP remaining.
  2.      2. Have Farakel destroy his own Origin of Fire/Water/Wind with attribute advantage.

Once Farakel is below 80%/60%/40% HP, he will only receive 1 damage and is immune to all debuffs until the corresponding Origin is destroyed, after which he will switch to the next form or move to the next phase. However, as he can drain damage, he will not transform or move on if he recovers above 80%/60%/40% HP. Keep attacking or apply Unrecoverable.


He will move on to phase 2 once all 3 Origins are destroyed and he is below 40% HP.

Below are notable skills for each form.

(Note: Not all skills are listed here as some of them are the standard “see red area, avoid red area” moves and/or do not deal high enough damage to be life threatening. As always, the best way is to try it out yourself and learn with your hands!)



Fire: Inferno (Charge)



What happens: 

  • Farakel dashes 2 - 3 times in a straight line, leaving a trail of burning floor behind.
  • This skill does not damage any of the Origin.


What to do:

  • Dodge the first dash, then wait for him to dash back.
  • He may dash a 3rd time; try leading him into the edge of the map to shorten the distance, or towards the Origin of Wind (not onto it) to prepare for the Origin destroying skill.

Fire: Origin Destroyer - Mortality


Origin Destroyer - Mortality

Farakel is watching someone. Make him destroy the origin of wind.

What happens: 

  • Farakel stops and stares at a Summoner. A red crosshair appears on that Summoner, and after a few seconds, he will fire an attack in a straight line.
  • This skill damages 50% of the Origin of Wind’s HP.
  • It does not damage the other two Origins. However, if the skill hits them, they will deal damage to everyone across the map.


What to do:

  • The Summoner with the crosshair should align themself with Farakel and the Origin of Wind so that Farakel will aim towards it. 
    • Dodge to the side the moment the crosshair disappears, and the attack should miss the Summoner/Monsters and hit the Origin.
    • Avoid the Origin of Fire/Water! 
  • The others should continue attacking from behind.


This is the only form that does not have CRIT RES UP, so the CRIT RES DOWN debuff is not required here.

Water: Absorb (Red Bubble)



Deal great damage to all nearby enemies after a certain number of attacks or more.

What happens:

  • Farakel stops and encases himself in a red bubble.
  • If he receives more than a few hits, he will deal high damage to everyone. This skill does not damage any of the Origin.

What to do:




Water: Recharge (Blue Bubble)


Charges its power for a certain period. Attack it a number of times or more to interrupt the charging.


What happens:

  • Farakel stops and encases himself in a blue bubble.
  • If he does not receive enough hits, he will deal high damage to everyone. This skill does not damage any of the Origin.


What to do:

  • Deal as many hits as possible!
  • If successful, Farakel becomes a punching bag for a few seconds.



Water: Source of Erosion (Splashing Water Effect)


Origin Destroyer - Blue Hole

A blue hole will appear when the Source of Erosion applied by Farakel disappears. Make him destroy the origin of fire.


What happens: 

  • Farakel splashes water under 1 - 2 Summoner’s feet, which turns into a blue vortex after some time.
  • This skill damages the Origin of Fire little by little, so it may take quite a few vortexes to destroy it.
  • It does not damage the other two Origins. However, if the vortex hits them, they will deal damage to everyone across the map.


What to do:

Water: Blue Hole (Vortex)
  • Summoner(s) with the splashing water should stand by the Origin of Fire, and dodge when the water disappears.
    • Stand a little to the side instead of directly on the Origin, so that more people can drop the vortexes without receiving damage.
    • Avoid the Origin of Water/Wind! 
  • The other(s) should continue attacking.








The most annoying and time consuming stage due to the tornadoes that Farakel summons.

Wind: Storm (Tornadoes)


What happens:

  • Farakel summons 2 tornadoes, which will follow the nearest Summoner, then continues attacking. If a Cleaf/provoking Monster is around, he will go after them.
  • This skill does not damage any of the Origin.

What to do:

  • The Summoner that Farakel is following should run to the other end of the map and continue attacking.
    • Having a Cleaf here is useful, as Farakel will always go for him.
    • Having 2+ Cleafs is trickier as Farakel has an equal chance to follow either one.
  • The other Summoner(s) should lure the tornadoes away.
    • Preferably 1 Summoner leads both tornadoes away, so that 2 Summoners can continue attacking.

Origin Destroyer - Divine Punishment

Farakel unleashes divine punishment. Make him destroy the origin of water.

What happens: 

  • Farakel disappears into the sky and brings down lightning that follows each Summoner.
  • This skill damages the Origin of Water a little with every hit.
  • This skill does not damage the other two Origins. However, if hit with lightning, they will deal damage to everyone across the map.


What to do:

  • Nearest Summoner should run around the Origin of Water at a short distance to get as many lightning strikes on it as possible.
    • If done right, one round of lightning strikes can bring it down to less than 50% HP (up to about 10% HP).
  • The other two should stay away and run in large circles to avoid the lightning.
    • Avoid the Origin of Fire/Wind!


Phase 3: Farakel’s Monsters

Farakel's Monsters: Undine (Portal)


Once Farakel is below 40% HP, he will teleport to the middle to prepare for the next phase. In the meantime, his 3 Monsters are available for battle on their own smaller area that can be accessed through a (pillar of light) portal. The portal has a pretty long cooldown (15 seconds?), but eventually all 3 Summoners can enter the same portal (just not a very efficient use of time).


The Monsters are:

  1.    1. Fire Ifrit
  2.    2. Water Undine + 2 Water High Elementals
  3.    3. Wind Sylph


Each Summoner should take on each Monster, and the fastest to finish should move on to help another Summoner. The battles with Fire Ifrit and Wind Sylph are pretty standard, no special mechanics involved.


The only Monster of note is Water Undine as she will cast Soul Protection on herself that allows her to revive upon death. To counter this, either:

  •    1. Remove beneficial effect just before the final blow.
  •    2. Apply block beneficial effect before she can cast it.
  •    3. Deal unrevivable damage as the final blow, such as Orbia’s 1st Wind pre-Lv. 70 skill Wind Bolt.


Defeating each Monster will increase Farakel’s DMG Taken, and after defeating all 3 (or enough time lapses), Farakel will move on to the last phase.

Phase 3: Final Battle with Farakel


For this phase, Farakel takes on his original attributeless form but retains some of the skills from his previous forms. There are no special mechanics here, just a standard “deal damage while avoiding getting hit” phase.


Notable skills are below.

(Note: Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures of these skills, but they are similar to the elemental ones so I’m reusing the pictures here.)


Mortality: Imagine this but a discolored Farakel, a darker arena, no Origin of WInd and no system prompt.


What happens: 

  • Farakel stops and stares at a Summoner. A red crosshair appears on that Summoner, and after a few seconds, he will fire an attack in a straight line.
  • This skill deals high damage and is likely to kill a Monster if hit.
  • This skill was originally used to destroy the Origin of Wind.


What to do:

  • The Summoner with the crosshair should move away from the other two Summoners and dodge to the side the moment the crosshair disappears.
    • Unlike before, there is no “Farakel is watching someone” prompt so it is important to pay attention to him.
  • The others should continue attacking from behind.






Absorb (Final Phase): Imagine this but a discolored Farakel and a darker arena.




What happens:

  • Farakel stops and encases himself in a red bubble.
  • If he receives more than a few hits, he will deal high damage to everyone.

What to do:







Recharge (Final Phase): Imagine this but a discolored Farakel and a darker arena.




What happens:

  • Farakel stops and encases himself in a blue bubble.
  • If he does not receive enough hits, he will deal high damage to everyone.


What to do:

  • Deal as many hits as possible! If successful, Farakel becomes a punching bag for a few seconds.








Thankfully, Farakel does not summon tornadoes, lightning or vortexes, so this phase is easier than the elemental phase. Just keep dodging his skills (especially Inferno!) and continue to deal damage, and he will go down in no time. The tricky part may be the remaining time as the elemental phase can be time consuming, and Farakel deals more damage every 30 seconds starting from about 7 minutes remaining.



If you defeated Farakel, congrats!

Do let me know if this guide helped you. :D


Or if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm not a pro and can't carry anyone in Tree of Heroes, but I'll do my best. xD


Have fun!


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