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[Tree of Heroes] Guide to Farakel!
Remus 05/16/2023
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[Original Guide in Comments of ‘Tree of Heroes Best Strategy Event!’ created on 05/07/2023 08:13]


Farakel Guide

Farakel will spawn as a random attribute fire/wind/water.
Three Origin Statues are placed around the battlefield, each having a different attribute.
The aim of the raid is to let Farakel destroy these statues.
Fire Farakel destroys Origin of Wind.
Water Farakel destroys Origin of Fire.
Fire Farakel destroys Origin of Water.
If Farakel damages an Origin Statue of a different attribute than what is stated above, the statue releases an aoe damage.
For every phase, Farakel takes a max damage of 20% hp, upon hitting the 20% threshold, if the Origin Statues are destroyed, Farakel will change attributes.

Monsters to bring:
Healer: Ariel, Shushu, Anavel, Woosa
DPS: Tesa, Narin Ha, Argen, Tesarion
Utility: Bastet, Verdehile (Crit Res Down)

Fire Farakel
Fire Farakel has crit resistance up (to be countered by verdehile)
Fire Farakel rushes in a line 3 times then tags a player with a crosshair.
Tagged player needs to walk to the wind statue for farakel to use spell on the wind statue. This has to be done twice.
Be careful that when Farakel aims, other statues are not in range of the spell, if spell hits other statues, the statue will release an aoe damage.

Wind Farakel
Wind Farakel summons hurricane that follows a player, that player can bring the hurricane away from the rest of the team.
Wind Farakel drops lightning on all players.
Avoid getting hit by the lightning by walking in circles away from other party members and let his skill destroy the statue in the process.
One player must be walking in a circle at the water statue
Be careful not to walk near other statue because if Wind Farakel’s skill attack any other statue apart from water, the statue will release an aoe damage.

Water Farakel
Water Farakel has two shields
Blue shield (Recharge) requires damage to break, if not Farakel will heal and release an aoe damage
Red shield (Absorb) should not damage, if not Farakel will heal and release an aoe damage.
Water Farakel will deal aoe damage in rings. 3 rings will appear in random order of near, middle, far. After the third ring appears, Farakel will start using his aoe spell. dodge it in order of what the rings appeared.
Whenever you get tagged with water spell, walk to fire statue until the spell take effects so that farakel can destroy the fire statue

Final Fight
After all statue down, portals will open up, enter these portals to defeat these three monsters within the given time limit.
1. Fire Ifrit
2. Water Undine (can revive, need strip)
3. Wind Sylph

Farakel's damage taken will increase every time a monster is defeated.

Final Farakel is all the mechanics combined, including crit res up buff.

Good luck!

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