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[Tree of Heroes] GGAGGUL’s Tips and Tricks
GGAGGUL 05/13/2023
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Dungeon information


  1. 1. Recommended PWR : + 502,900

2. Recommended Skills  (Monsters)

  - CRIT RES DOWN  (Vampire(Best))

  - Immunity  (ShuShu, Woosa)

  - DEF Down  (Argen(Best), Tesarion , Narin Ha)

  - Remove Dot & Heal  (Ariel(Best), ShuShu)

  - Shield  (Bastet, Woosa)

  - MOV SPD UP  (Remy)

  - Revival  (Teon)


3. Recommended team formation

   - Vampire / Argen / Ariel (ShuShu)

   - Tesarion (Narin Ha) / Argen / Ariel (ShuShu)

   - Bastet / Argen / Ariel (ShuShu)

   - Woosa / Argen / Remy



Main strategy


  1. 1. Farakel, the new elite boss, has a total of 4 types of attributes. (non-attribute / fire / water / wind)

2. Upon entering the dungeon, Farakel randomly transforms into one of the fire/ water/ wind attributes.

(Farakel's attribute changes when HP is at 100%-80% / 80-60% / 60-40%. Below 40% : No attribute)


3. There are 3 origins (fire, water, wind) on the map, and they can be destroyed with Farakel's specific skill that has the superiority of the attribute. (If you hit the origins with any other attribute, it will cause strong damage to the entire map)



4. When Farakel's health reaches 40%, you must kill Farakel's monsters. It is possible to move to the place where the summoned person is through the portal created at the place where each origin was. (Farakel's damage taken increases each time a monster is defeated) 



  •  Strategy by each attribute of Farakel


Common skill
Combo Strike : Charges toward the enemy target and swings the spear 4 times to attack nearby enermies.

(Before Farakel uses this skill, if the motion of spinning the spear above his head, you must avoid it)


  • - Fire
  •   - Skill 1 : Quicklt charges toward the target to attack and leaves a trail of flame along the path
  •   - Skill 2 : After pointing with Farakel’s hand, attack in a half-moon-shaped area in front
  •   - Skill 3 : Observes a random enemy Summoner for a certain period and attacks the target (The skill3 must be leaded to the origin)
        (Skill3 can destroy the origin of Wind)
  • - Water
  •   - Skill 1 : Absorb (Red color shield. Don't attack)
  •   - Skill 2 : Recharge (White color shield. Attack and destroy it. Similar to Naraka skill)
  • 👉 (How to distinguish skill 1 & 2 : After a slight jump motion, Farakel casts a shield. So, pauses the attack for a moment when Parakel jumps.)
    👉  (Barriers are destroyed in proportion to the number of hits, not total damage.)
  •   - Skill 3 : Shockwave (Signals the attack range 3 times in a row and attack (Similar to Marsh skill)
  •   - Skill 4 : Blue Hole (When erosion occurs to the summoner, move to the Origin of the fire. After a certain period of time, it explodes and creates a blue hole. The blue hole destroys the origin)
        (Skill4 can destroy the origin of Fire)


  • - Wind
  •   - Skill 1 : Storm (Summons a storm that tracks a Summoner nearby. You must run away.)
  •   - Skill 2 : Waterspout (Run away)
  •   - Skill 3 : Divine Punishment (After Farakel disappears, unleashes divine punishments consecutively to the enemt Summoner. When Farakel disappears, you should start running forward.)
  •     (Skill3 can destroy the origin of Water)


- No attribute

  - Use all skills used by Fire, Wind, and Water attribute.

  - It is easy to evade the Farakel’s skill when using the MOV SPD UP skill

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