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[Tree of Heroes] DarkMagician’s Tips and Tricks
DarkMagician 05/11/2023
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Formation: Healer (Ariel/Shushu) + Damage Dealer (Argen/Narin Ha) + Support (usually Verd, could be Galleon, another healer or a taunt unit if you don't have Cleaf on your team)


Fire phase: Remember to apply Verd's “Crit res down” debuff, bait the boss to attack the wind pillar when he aims you (there will be a red focus sign on you)


Wind phase: Dodge the tornado, it hurts. Let the thunder hit the water pillar only. 


Water phase: Hit the boss while he has blue bubble and stop attacking while he has red bubble.  Go the red pillar when you have water beneath you.


Minion phase: Water undine is the hardest to kill, either to kill her really fast twice or bring units that prevents revive. 


Final Phase: Need “Crit res down” debuff. Try to dodge the boss skills. (the one with the red focus sign is a little difficult to dodge, must be fully concentrated)


Other tips:

1 Boss hp can be reduced up to 20% during each elemental phase. If you can't destroy the right pillar in time, he will not take more damage, don't waste your ultimate at that time. 


2 Bernard may be useful if you have trouble dodge the tornado during the wind phase. 


3 If you are the only one who brings Verd on your team, consider to apply max “Crit res down” debuff to the boss before doing damage after you use Verd's ultimate.


I hope this guide helps :)

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