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Nov. 9th Update Notes (No maintenance)
GM Chronicles 11/08/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update.


The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone: US - EST / EU - CET / ASIA - ICT / JP - JST

Please check the details below.


■ Key Updates


▶ 5★ Monster <Magical Archer> (Water) Rate UP Summon 

- 5★ Water Magical Archer Rate UP Summon will be available in the [Summon Altar].

- Duration: Nov. 9th 12am - Nov. 23rd 12am

- Summon Water Magical Archer with a higher chance than Mystical Summon.

- You can obtain Water Magical Archer each time you reach 200 summon mileage of Rate UP Summon.

- Mileage will not reset even if you obtain Water Magical Archer before reaching 200 mileage.


▶ Illusion Garden

- 5★ Fire Harp Magician has arrived in the Illusion Garden!

- Duration: Nov. 13th 12am - Nov. 20th 12am


▶ New Summoner Pass Season

- Duration: Nov. 13th 12am - Dec. 11th 12am

- Season Reward: Get bountiful rewards for achieving each level, including the 5★ Fire Desert Queen Monster/Piece, 5★ Devilmon, and 5★ Rainbowmon!

* Purchase the Premium Pass to earn Premium rewards.

* Purchase the Premium Pass to earn daily pass rewards, such as Path of Growth/Cairos Tickets and Quick Battle Permit

* Purchase the Premium Pass for unlimited daily gathering/mining.


▶ New Arena Pass Season

- Duration: Nov. 13th 12am - Dec. 11th 12am

- Season Reward: Get bountiful rewards for achieving each level, including 5★ Devilmon, 5★ Rainbowmon, and Legendary Scroll!

* Purchase the Premium Pass to earn Premium rewards.

* Purchase the Premium Pass to earn bonus Arena rewards for a limited no. of times.

* Purchase the Premium Pass to shorten the opponent list refresh time.


▶ New Battlefield Pass

- Duration: Nov. 16th 5am - Dec. 14th 3am

- A new Battlefield Pass, where you can receive rewards based on points earned from participating in battles, will be added.

- Purchase the Premium Pass to earn Premium rewards and get 1.5 times the battlefield rewards 21 times/week.

- Purchase the Premium Pass to increase the MAX no. of purchase per season in the Battlefield Shop by 1.5 times.

 · The MAX purchase count will be rounded up by decimal points.

 · e.g.) 5★ Devilmon: Available purchase count per season 3/3 → 5/5



■ New Monster


▶ 5★ Fire Harp Magician

- 5★ Fire Harp Magician will be summoned to the world of Chronicles.

 · Obtain 5★ Fire Harp Magician Pieces as a clear reward in [Cairos]-[Illusion Garden]. 

 · This Monster is not available in Summon Altar and Piece Exchange Shop.



Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target.

Healing Music


Plays a beautiful melody to remove the harmful effect of the team member with the most harmful effects in the team and apply Immunity to the target team member if the harmful effect is successfully removed. Afterward, recovers the HP of allies within the area. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP.

Unwanted Harmony


Evens out the HP ratio of the enemy target and the team member with the lowest current HP ratio and deals fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP if the enemy target's HP is at a certain ratio or above. Afterward, recovers the HP of team members nearby itself below a certain HP ratio. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP. The HP balancing effect of this skill does not apply to bosses and elite creatures.

Ultimate Unwanted Harmony

Evens out the HP ratio of the enemy target and the team member with the lowest current HP ratio and deals fixed damage to the enemy target based on the target's MAX HP. Afterward, recovers the HP of team members nearby itself. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP. The HP balancing effect of this skill does not apply to bosses and elite creatures.


■ New Events


▶ Banian Merchant’s Request Event
- Duration: Nov. 9th 12am - Nov. 16th 12am

- Event Details: Sell items to the Banian Merchant to earn various rewards!


▶ Casslan's Master Chef
- Duration: Nov. 10th 12am - Nov. 24th 12am

- Event Details: It's a contest to determine the Master Chef of Casslan! Sell as many dishes as you can to earn points that can get you rewards!


▶ Casslan's Master Chef - Check the Master Chef Ranking
- Duration: Nov. 10th 12am - Nov. 24th 12am

- Event Details: Sell dishes and collect Master Chef Tickets to climb the rankings! Various rewards await!


▶ Chronicles Book 1! Check-in Event
- Duration: Nov. 10th 12am - Dec. 8th 12am

- Event Details: We have 4 weeks of check-in events to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the NA launch! We would like to thank everyone who has helped us write the first chapter of Chronicles.


▶ Chronicles Book 1! Horned Frog Trouble
- Duration: Nov. 10th 12am - Dec. 8th 12am

- Event Details: NA launch special event! A suspicious letter at a grand party! Accept the quest to investigate the case!


▶ Chronicles Book 1! Tea Party Prep
- Duration: Nov. 10th 12am - Dec. 8th 12am

- Event Details: NA launch special event! Complete missions and collect coffee beans and tea leaves!


▶ Chronicles Book 1! Rahil Kingdom Tea Party Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ
- Duration: Nov. 10th 12am - Dec. 8th 12am

- Event Details: NA launch special event! Earn various rewards including Afternoon Cafe outfit and Legendary Scrolls based on the total coffee beans and tea leaves collected!




We hope you enjoy a delightful time in Summoners War: Chronicles

with the new content and events starting soon.


Thank you.


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