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Aug. 30th Update Notes
GM Chronicles 08/30/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We would like to inform you of the Aug. 30th update notes.


Please find below for more details.


■ New Monster


▶ 5★ Paladin

- 5★ Monster Paladin has been summoned to the world of Chronicles.

- The details of 5★ Monster Paladin for each attribute are as follows.

- Key Skills

[Divine Flame]

Recovers the HP of the ally target. Afterward, pulls in nearby enemies to apply Root and Block Harmful Effect Removal with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.

[Prayer of Protection]

Recovers the HP of allies within the area 3 times, removing harmful effects and applying DEF UP. Applies Burn to nearby enemies with a certain chance upon successfully removing a harmful effect. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.

[Oath of Unity - Passive]

Recovers the HP of Paladin and the target team member every time a team Monster including itself successfully applies a DoT effect. In addition, the target team member gains ATK UP if it doesn't have ATK UP, and Paladin gains DEF UP if it doesn't have DEF UP. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.

[Ultimate Prayer of Protection]

Recovers the HP of allies within the area 3 times, removing all harmful effects and applying Burn 3 times to nearby enemies with a certain chance. In addition, applies DEF UP to allies within the area. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.


- Key Skills

[Justice Strike]

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and removes a beneficial effect. Then, applies Provoke with a certain chance. This skill grants a Shield to itself based on the damage dealt.

[Heavenly Blessing]

Removes all harmful effects on itself and grants a Shield to allies within the area. Afterward, applies Counterattack to itself. When Paladin is attacked while it has Counterattack, uses Justice Strike 2 with a certain chance.

* Justice Strike 2

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and removes the enemy target's Invincibility, Shield, and Spell Shield. This skill grants a Shield to itself based on the damage dealt.

[Divine Protector - Passive]

Uses Heavenly Blessing when a team member excluding itself receives a CC effect. Recovers the HP of nearby allies if its Shield disappears after taking damage from an enemy attack. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. In addition, when Mana gain/loss or Mana Regen SPD UP/DOWN is applied to all enemy and allied Monsters in Arena and Siege Battle, removes all beneficial effects, increases mana cost, and deals fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP to the target's Summoner.

[Ultimate Heavenly Blessing]

Removes all harmful effects on allies within the area and applies Shield. Then, removes all beneficial effects on nearby enemies.


- Key Skills

[Prayer of Protection]

Removes a harmful effect on allies within the area 2 times and applies Invincibility to all team members.

[Divine Wind]

Recovers the HP of allies within the area and applies Shield. Then, applies Provoke to nearby enemies with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP.

[Firm Belief - Passive]

The damage taken decreases based on its Evasion, and applies Spell Shield to itself with a certain chance when it evades an attack. In addition, when a team member's HP is recovered in Elite and Hero Raids, applies ATK UP to the target team member.

[Ultimate Divine Wind]

Recovers the HP of allies within the area and applies Shield. Then, applies Provoke to nearby enemies with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP.


- Key Skills

[Cry of Provocation]

Applies Invincibility to itself and Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance. If Paladin is in the Energy of Light state, reduces the cooldown of Cry of Provocation and uses Justice Strike.

* Justice Strike

Deals damage based on its DEF to the enemy target. Recovers the HP of itself and the ally with the lowest current HP ratio and applies DEF UP. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.

[Prayer of Protection]

Removes a beneficial effect on enemies within the area. Grants Invincibility to the team members with the lowest current HP and the lowest MAX HP. Afterward, creates an aura that contains the Energy of Light. When Energy of Light is active, restores a portion of the destroyed HP of team members within the area every certain time, and recovers their HP. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.

[Ultimate Prayer of Protection]

Removes all beneficial effects on enemies within the area and grants Invincibility to team members. Afterward, creates an aura that contains the Energy of Light. When Energy of Light is active, restores a portion of the destroyed HP of team members within the area every certain time, and recovers their HP. The recovery amount is based on its DEF.


- Key Skills

[Justice Strike]

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to the enemy target. Recovers the HP of itself and the ally with the lowest current HP ratio and applies DEF UP. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. Additionally attacks the enemy target based on the amount of recovery given with this skill.

[Abyssal Darkness]

Recovers the HP of team members within the area. Attacks nearby enemies to apply Unrecoverable and also apply Provoke with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP and the damage increases based on the amount of recovery given with this skill.

[Internal Force - Passive]

Applies Shield to itself when hit by an enemy skill while without a Shield and increases its damage dealt if it has a Shield. In addition, applies DEF UP to team members if it doesn't have DEF UP when it receives ATK UP and applies ATK UP to team members if it doesn't have ATK UP when it receives DEF UP.

[Ultimate Abyssal Darkness]

Recovers the HP of team members within the area. Attacks nearby enemies to apply Unrecoverable and also apply Provoke with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP and the damage increases based on the amount of recovery given with this skill.


▶ New Monster <Paladin> (Fire/Water/Wind) Rate UP Summon 

- Event Period

US West

After the Aug. 30th maintenance - Sep. 21st 1am (UTC -7, PDT)

US East

After the Aug. 30th maintenance - Sep. 21st 1am (UTC -4, EDT)


After the Aug. 30th maintenance - Sep. 21st 1am (UTC +2, CEST) 


After the Aug. 30th maintenance - Sep. 21st 12am (UTC +7, ICT)


After the Aug. 30th maintenance - Sep. 21st 12am (UTC +9, JST)

- Details: Select the Rate UP Summon for the desired attribute at the [Summon Altar] to summon Fire/Water/Wind Paladin with a higher chance!

* New Monster <Paladin> Rate UP Summon will be held separately for Fire/Water/Wind.

* Rate UP Summon mileage is accumulated separately and does not add up.

Example) Summon Fire <Paladin> 50 times via Rate UP Summon,  Summon Water <Paladin> 50 times via Rate UP Summon,

      -> 50 points given to each summon mileage


■ New Event


▶ Collect Vacation Dice!
- Event Period



US West

Sep. 1st 1am - Sep. 15th 1am (UTC -7, PDT)

US East

Sep. 1st 1am - Sep. 15th 1am (UTC -4, EDT)


Sep. 1st 1am - Sep. 15th 1am (UTC +2, CEST) 


Sep. 1st 12am - Sep. 15th 12am (UTC +7, ICT)


Sep. 1st 12am - Sep. 15th 12am (UTC +9, JST)

- Event Details: Complete missions to collect Vacation Dice!

▶ Monster’s Pleasant Vacation
- Event Period



US West

Sep. 1st 1am - Sep. 15th 1am (UTC -7, PDT)

US East

Sep. 1st 1am - Sep. 15th 1am (UTC -4, EDT)


Sep. 1st 1am - Sep. 15th 1am (UTC +2, CEST) 


Sep. 1st 12am - Sep. 15th 12am (UTC +7, ICT)


Sep. 1st 12am - Sep. 15th 12am (UTC +9, JST)

- Event Details: Roll the dice to move your Monsters and explore the resort, and collect various rewards including [Epikion Priest Transmogrification] and [5★ Sky Dancer (Fire)]!

 [Epikion Priest Transmogrification]


▶ Banian Merchant’s Gold Event
 - Event Period



US West

Aug. 31st 1am - Sep. 7th 1am (UTC -7, PDT)

US East

Aug. 31st 1am - Sep. 7th 1am (UTC -4, EDT)


Aug. 31st 1am - Sep. 7th 1am (UTC +2, CEST) 


Aug. 31st 12am - Sep. 7th 12am (UTC +7, ICT)


Aug. 31st 12am - Sep. 7th 12am (UTC +9, JST)

- Event Details: Sell items to Banian Merchant and get various rewards!

* Please note that Banian Merchant’s Gold Event will be held as a regular event,

while the Guild Request event will not be available from now on.


▶ Hero Area Season Opening Event
 - Event Period



US West

Sep. 1st 1am - Oct. 1st 1am (UTC -7, PDT)

US East

Sep. 1st 1am - Oct. 1st 1am (UTC -4, EDT)


Sep. 1st 1am - Oct. 1st 1am (UTC +2, CEST) 


Sep. 1st 12am - Oct. 1st 12am (UTC +7, ICT)


Sep. 1st 12am - Oct. 1st 12am (UTC +9, JST)

- Event Details: Complete quests in the Hero Area for various rewards!



This concludes the Aug. 30th update note.


Thank you.

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