Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.
First, we apologize for the delay in notifying you about the actions to be taken against accounts involved in bug abuse. As mentioned in a previous notice, we are taking this situation seriously. We have been reviewing the [Summoners War: Chronicles Management Policy] and [Com2uS Mobile Game Service Terms of Service] to decide on an appropriate follow-up action. We have also been investigating other content with Monster attribute limits to determine whether additional cases of bug abuse are present.
Here are the results of our investigation.
Most abuse cases occurred after the attribute limit bug was discovered and shared following the Oct. 17 Spires of Ascension expansion. Among these, 95% of cases occurred in the Attribute Towers. Abuse cases were also found in other content with Monster limits, such as Spires of Ascension, Expedition, Hero Raid, etc., but their number and impact were minimal.
Following our investigation, we reviewed the implementation of restricted access to the game in accordance with [Summoners War: Chronicles Management Policy] Article 8 Clause 4. However, as the rewards from the Attribute Towers can be claimed eventually as Summoners increase their PWR, we had determined that providing additional benefits to Summoners who did not abuse the bug will be better than placing restrictions on accounts that did. Unfortunately, we cannot allow the act of repeatedly abusing the bug to go unpunished, as this may result in the unintended exclusion of Summoners who have yet to clear the expanded floors from enjoying the benefits as well. Therefore, we have brainstormed for a method to ensure that all Summoners who had not abused the bug will receive additional benefits, including the expanded Attribute Tower rewards.
In consideration of the above circumstances, we have decided to implement the following actions:
① All Summoners who log in after the Nov. 14 maintenance will receive Crystal x5,000 and Energy x2,000.
② Accounts that have been tied to 7 or more abuse instances* in the Attribute Towers after Oct. 17 will not receive the aforementioned login rewards. (An amount equivalent to the login rewards will be deducted beforehand.)
* Records have been aggregated based on the CS CODE. If 3 attribute-limited Monsters were used in a single battle, this counts as 3 abuse instances.
* Accounts subject to having the above rewards deducted are listed in the table at the bottom of this notice.
③ The difficulty of Attribute Tower floors added following the Oct. 17 update will be reduced to allow Summoners who have not abused the bug to clear these floors and claim the rewards more easily.
④ Additionally, the Attribute Towers will be further expanded in a future update.
However, due to upcoming updates for planned content, such as the highly anticipated addition of the new Summoner, the implementation of Action ③~④ will require some time.
We would like to thank our Summoners for your patience, and apologize for the delay in this notice due to the intensive review process. We prioritize ensuring an enjoyable experience for our Summoners who continue to show their love and support for Chronicles. We will do our best to provide a better gameplay experience.
Thank you.
[Bug Abuse Account - First Warning]
Account Name (CS CODE) - ASIA | |
GustavKl***(1004***9619) | 淡*(1006***2872) |
강*(1005***5587) | 安希诺丶***(1006***6998) |
탑(1005***8868) | 西瓜*(1006***1687) |
番茄**(1005***9030) | 萧楚*(1006***6287) |
새*(1005***8763) | UncleNoo***(1006***1004) |
LA**(1005***2858) | UncleHitMan***(1006***1343) |
헨*(1005***3248) | 哈吉*(1006***6516) |
손오*(1005***8470) | Mr*(1006***6956) |
미나*(1005***2530) | 森雯*(1006***1280) |
KR딘***(1005***2621) | 苦行*(1006***4205) |
하*(1005***6814) | itghqeb***(1006***5239) |
윈*(1005***6958) | 冷*(1006***8128) |
저승**(1005***6860) | 柳贯*(1006***3373) |
빛암*(1005***3533) | 再一*(1006***0296) |
앨*(1005***4664) | 蹦蹦炸彈B***(1006***6871) |
우리**(1005***3179) | 幸运超***(1006***5290) |
黑暗**(1005***2676) | 爺就**(1006***0945) |
XeRa***(1005***0226) | 夏花*(1006***1460) |
Menan***(1005***4074) | 與心***(1006***6312) |
Ye***(1005***7909) | JJ***(1006***4867) |
밤(1005***4171) | 小威**(1006***2278) |
Done***(1005***0534) | 珍珠**(1006***1216) |
我愛***(1005***5649) | 姬娜小***(1006***5785) |
สไป***(1005***6919) | UnclePoz***(1006***2751) |
暴走***(1005***4111) | 欧皇**(1006***6994) |
UncleMira***(1005***6804) | 啊是**(1006***1883) |
bee***(1005***7858) | 十年***(1006***3351) |
不凋*(1005***2017) | 艾絲*(1006***9234) |
LV*(1005***8741) | 葬送的***(1006***0451) |
Fi***(1005***4898) | Nd***(1006***9391) |
景*(1005***9651) | SUN***(1006***3732) |
유럽**(1005***5682) | 北冥**(1006***9343) |
月夜*(1005***3279) | 亞圖*(1006***7540) |
風*(1005***5557) | 奇*(1006***6150) |
BB***(1005***6084) | 陌*(1006***7153) |
咏春***(1005***6356) | 召唤**(1006***9906) |
Ela***(1005***1082) | 婴儿***(1006***6837) |
Bu**(1005***0181) | 柚子*(1006***6170) |
Muk***(1005***6983) | NieR***(1006***2928) |
YT浣***(1005***7534) | Uncle***(1007***7390) |
吞雲**(1005***1035) | We***(1007***9564) |
CHA***(1005***1857) | 喵可**(1007***0872) |
พี่***(1005***2870) | EB**(1007***0511) |
爆米***(1005***9825) | 파*(1007***9910) |
香香***(1005***3632) | 白前*(1007***0780) |
WongBrut***(1005***5819) | 雲*(1007***1805) |
田糸***(1005***0413) | 流星***(1007***8282) |
Sunny***(1005***2356) | 原五***(1007***3022) |
小狐狸kemom***(1005***4023) | 抽到**(1007***4533) |
小熊1***(1005***8577) | 幕翊*(1007***2544) |
三歲***(1005***9869) | 星月**(1007***0531) |
椰子*(1005***1436) | 小叔**(1007***8757) |
奶茶**(1005***2148) | 满仗*(1007***8523) |
神零Z***(1005***8397) | Ackerman***(1007***5035) |
AlanJa***(1005***2461) | 卡内*(1007***9946) |
My***(1005***4942) | Art***(1007***5304) |
不*(1005***6457) | 洛*(1007***6049) |
魔*(1005***8458) | fe***(1007***0198) |
IIIIIIIlI***(1005***5192) | 温良*(1007***5606) |
左右**(1005***1518) | Tokob***(1007***9644) |
Uncle***(1005***2412) | o鵝***(1007***2054) |
朔間**(1005***5828) | 小屁**(1007***5894) |
tripleH0***(1005***5786) | 羽*(1007***0316) |
Mazhr***(1005***1908) | 希德·***(1007***2528) |
VNGxSha***(1005***2633) | Meη***(1007***7051) |
ManLe***(1005***1376) | 冷静的***(1007***9083) |
首席**(1005***2079) | 我是***(1007***6813) |
童*(1005***6379) | IIlIIIIII***(1007***4943) |
嗑嗨*(1005***7531) | 嗚嗚**(1007***5412) |
MsDiab***(1005***7187) | 风铃**(1007***4182) |
上帝**(1005***5772) | 屮匕**(1007***7104) |
RU**(1005***2112) | T1ll***(1007***1524) |
AlanK***(1005***4979) | 姬娜小***(1007***1685) |
尛(1006***6158) | 蝦仁***(1007***4052) |
Ntra***(1006***1276) | VNGxHa***(1007***1666) |
星星**(1006***3804) | 蚊老**(1007***9628) |
雪原*(1006***7220) | Snipe***(1007***3556) |
藤斯*(1006***0163) | 艾*(1007***3745) |
月玥*(1006***4997) | 左左**(1007***9055) |
Sh**(1006***4392) | 今晚想***(1007***0488) |
Zeraph***(1006***0403) | UncleJo***(1007***1987) |
克里斯Christ***(1006***4511) | 紙*(1007***8640) |
大大*(1006***1355) | 毛*(1007***2712) |
看我的***(1006***2413) | 哈姆***(1007***1116) |
斯文**(1006***6120) | 召唤***(1008***6428) |
Lv***(1006***2044) | 唐撸*(1008***9845) |
芭樂*(1006***0302) | 王豬*(1008***0269) |
紅心*(1006***3657) | 夏雪***(1008***9805) |
周天**(1006***2079) | 紫气***(1008***9275) |
Malike***(1006***6075) | Scorpi***(1008***0601) |
小兜*(1006***2021) | 超极傻***(1008***4637) |
蒿兔**(1006***3496) | 橘子*(1008***6806) |
布丁cc***(1006***4897) | たか*(1008***5196) |
李豆**(1006***9285) | 安*(1008***8014) |
果果*(1006***0316) | V乇尺丂***(1008***8737) |
黑闇**(1006***2146) | 天穹*(1008***4020) |
玟*(1006***4179) | 启明星***(1008***7154) |
Katheri***(1006***4588) | 柠柠*(1008***6585) |
浅吟***(1006***1408) | 捷比**(1008***4115) |
红尘**(1006***9527) | 今晚***(1008***7835) |
五條***(1006***5650) | 我跟***(1008***8705) |
UncleLidoca***(1006***2464) | IcePri***(1008***8742) |
Uncle***(1006***7993) | 啊对**(1008***8573) |
vel***(1006***7969) | froz***(1008***0587) |
林橘*(1006***0568) | 广告***(1008***0192) |
綠茶**(1006***6833) | 麥格*(1008***1922) |
康抗*(1006***6249) | Alyxsan***(1008***7297) |
TJ*(1006***9335) | 起*(1008***3214) |
Sentaur***(1006***2258) | 小鱼保肝***(1008***1359) |
沒4千w***(1006***2955) | 耐*(1008***2494) |
有莘***(1006***0135) | 琴心**(1008***5670) |
富強い***(1006***2650) | 無敵***(1008***1585) |
仚仚**(1006***0438) | 世一*(1008***9656) |
二郎显***(1006***4224) | 等着被***(1008***2715) |
霸服**(1006***7140) | 吉博*(1008***2280) |
放開***(1006***7873) | 南瓜**(1008***0297) |
เก๋***(1006***7318) | Wy***(1008***5140) |
小蝦*(1006***4892) | Su***(1008***5724) |
霸伊***(1006***0127) | 破军*(1009***2856) |
Z寶**(1006***2541) | 碎*(1009***6588) |
Zasd***(1006***6993) | 蓝纸*(1009***7028) |
蒼銀***(1006***0147) | 時之**(1009***2406) |
哈囉**(1006***2550) | 天*(1009***0029) |
凤九*(1006***7228) | 吉吉**(1009***6409) |
魔笛*(1006***9824) | 蓝果*(1009***8656) |
清塵**(1006***6858) | 賴(1009***2644) |
Av***(1006***7282) | 八道***(1009***1817) |
UncleKryp***(1006***8310) | pyjep***(1009***9842) |
再*(1006***0488) | 小*(1010***6567) |
魚*(1006***4661) | 凍茶走***(1010***6881) |
天*(1006***9007) | 我有老***(1010***7076) |
朵朵*(1006***9846) | 哈特***(1010***3416) |
阿短是***(1006***3575) | Uncle***(1010***4758) |
酒*(1006***8748) | 陽*(1010***9517) |
VanillaGreen***(1006***5524) | Overture1***(1010***6788) |
Uncle***(1006***5270) | 飘*(1010***0672) |
中意**(1006***9621) | 星光伴***(1010***6410) |
亗•Zxyo***(1006***2675) | 索莱塔***(1010***6057) |
蝦仁要***(1006***9299) | 허브***(1010***2159) |
暴走の***(1006***4772) | 月老**(1010***4341) |
Domineer***(1006***3064) | UncleAl***(1010***4412) |
二大*(1006***9942) | 太极***(1010***0329) |
蘭提*(1006***0634) | UncleE***(1010***9333) |
Elfmiy***(1006***4649) | 自挂***(1011***5303) |
花裡**(1006***8211) | 大壮*(1012***8066) |
傻逼**(1006***3662) | Wang***(1012***6709) |
进击的***(1006***4840) | salazarrrrrr***(1012***2650) |
Account Name (CS CODE) - WESTERN | |
Kok***(1005***6558) | elko***(1005***6328) |
Nugg***(1007***4555) | sapph***(1007***8923) |
Win***(1011***7548) | Or***(1005***3910) |
Cl**(1005***8009) | Kio***(1006***4573) |
Lea***(1010***1726) | Acro***(1005***7823) |
Aete***(1010***0152) | HunnyBu***(1005***3664) |
Crecre***(1005***3530) | Co*(1008***1709) |
Win***(1005***7934) | DjoK***(1006***1567) |
Bok***(1006***7240) | BLED***(1008***8678) |
Os**(1006***1970) | En**(1005***1335) |
LeFame***(1006***6928) | Snowfl***(1005***8476) |
Va***(1006***4716) | Clock***(1007***0149) |
Delusio***(1006***7120) | Li**(1008***8230) |
vS**(1006***7443) | Casi***(1008***4150) |
Phae***(1005***1064) | Mey***(1005***2436) |
Ze**(1006***0412) | Lu***(1005***0144) |
Hol***(1006***1403) | DV*(1008***2280) |
ZackW***(1005***3446) | Serie***(1005***1099) |
Rou***(1005***1265) | Sk**(1006***4130) |
Chok4***(1006***8031) | Streng***(1006***5863) |
Aur***(1006***4812) | Nightoune***(1005***9502) |
Le*(1005***2510) | Semb***(1005***2472) |
Zyg***(1006***7960) | Roni***(1006***8043) |
Atalar***(1005***8257) | GiveMeAs***(1012***7124) |
Léo***(1006***0178) | Zyrk***(1006***2617) |
Ma**(1005***1498) | Zu*(1005***8077) |
Fj***(1005***1825) | ε⊖***(1010***2611) |
Furi***(1005***5069) | BegiLafraudeFul***(1005***0873) |
Ga**(1006***8817) | DaxlaRe***(1008***1736) |
glap***(1006***8644) | ÅŠµß***(1007***2931) |
Sinba***(1005***0470) | EUSuZeHer***(1005***1054) |
De***(1006***7158) | xR***(1008***8228) |
EUJoker67***(1006***7976) | Za*(1007***2127) |
Sugar***(1005***6055) | Cha***(1005***2771) |
Maxie***(1006***3038) | Stor***(1005***0650) |
Ne***(1005***7009) | Miav***(1007***5770) |
GodRea***(1005***6677) | EUyssupkci***(1012***1786) |
Mz*(1006***5734) | Phoenix***(1006***0630) |
USE_CainEdx_3***(1006***2593) | CHA***(1008***5682) |
Ta***(1006***7185) | Ba***(1005***1620) |
Lava***(1005***0824) | USDarkMaroon***(1005***5274) |
Zorohun***(1010***9750) | Black***(1009***4172) |
Max***(1006***8059) | Se***(1006***5285) |
DO**(1006***6788) | shon***(1006***9668) |
Lumi***(1006***5844) | Sh***(1005***7451) |
Wi***(1007***7716) | CoffeeJe***(1005***3451) |
Koa***(1005***9989) | Davilma***(1006***7590) |
Um***(1006***9331) | Jui***(1006***5789) |
Na***(1005***0485) | Bu***(1006***1729) |
xXDieh***(1005***4817) | Ei***(1005***9116) |
JIsR***(1005***0934) | EUdenlouisTwitc***(1005***7399) |
BrewsV***(1005***4169) | Lk***(1006***6289) |
Nοctal***(1006***2304) | dea***(1006***2028) |
Ur***(1008***9718) | lob***(1005***9655) |
Mare***(1006***8519) | MrPa***(1005***5169) |
Skil***(1005***7335) | LaGlob***(1005***7812) |
NightR***(1005***4123) | EUChronu***(1005***0618) |
EUTOUT***(1007***9447) | Ki***(1009***9333) |
LaM***(1006***7619) | Ma***(1008***7320) |
BadO***(1010***3287) | Yu***(1005***5435) |
* Please contact Customer Support if you are unable to identify your account in the list.
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