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May 4th Global (EU, ASIA, JP) Regular Maintenance Schedule Notice
GM Chronicles 05/03/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>!


We would like to inform you of the May 4th regular maintenance schedule.


The game will be unavailable during maintenance.
Please check the information below to avoid any inconvenience.



▌May 4th Global (EU, ASIA, JP) Regular Maintenance Schedule Notice


▶ Target Regions
- EU
- JP


▶ Maintenance Schedule




5/4 05:30 - 08:00 (UTC +2)

5/4 09:00 - 10:30 (UTC +7)

5/4 12:30 - 15:00  (UTC +9)


▶ New Event

Event Name


Lucky Bingo Event

5/4 01:00 - 5/11 01:00 (UTC +2) 

5/4 00:00 - 5/11 00:00 (UTC +7)

5/4 00:00 - 5/11 00:00 (UTC +9)

* Events that begin after maintenance will be announced via the update note.


▶ Events/Content Ending Soon

Event, Content

End Date

Challenge! Trial of Ascension Event

- 5/4 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 5/4 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 5/4 00:00 (UTC +9)

5★ Wind Vampire Rate UP Summon 

* Please refer to the end date of events/content and claim the rewards in time.

* Rate UP summon mileage will also disappear and will not count toward the next Rate UP summon.


▶ Products Expiring Soon


End Date

Legendary Giant Statue Package

- 5/4 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 5/4 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 5/4 00:00 (UTC +9)

Giant Statue Supply Package A/B

Wind Vampire Package

Transcendence Scroll Package Ⅱ

- 5/3 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 5/3 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 5/3 00:00 (UTC +9)

Welcome Package Ⅰ/Ⅱ


※ Please Read
- The maintenance schedule is subject to change. We will notify you of any changes via this notice.
- The game will be unavailable during maintenance.
- Please exit the game at a safe location before the maintenance begins.
- Please sync your account to protect your valuable account.


Please check the notice that will be posted after the maintenance for the update details.


Thank you.

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