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Serena's Special Guide

Serena's Special Tip For New & Returning Summoners (Rune setups for support type Monsters)
CM Serena 09/01/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


In the previous guide, we went through some tips on how to make your Monsters stronger using Profession, as well as Rune setups for defense type Monsters.


In this edition, we will introduce you to the Power of Ascensions and account skills that can be developed through consistent gameplay, as well as Rune setups for support type Monsters.


Please check the details below!



▌Serena's Special Tip For New & Returning Summoners (Rune setups for support type Monsters)


1. Power of Ascensions

Clearing Spires of Ascension challenges or certain Guild Requests will earn you Knight’s Shields, Tokens of Test/Guard, and Rahil Medals.

These currencies are used to enhance the Power of Ascensions!


Power of Ascensions is divided into Immemorial/Summon/Alchemy/Celestial Powers.

Immemorial and Summon Powers increase the base stats of the Summoner and Monsters respectively.

Alchemy increases the recovery and Celestial Power increases bonus effects for each attribute.


Stats raised by the Power of Ascensions are applied to the Summoner and all Monsters, so keep grinding the Spires of Ascensions challenges!


2. Summoner Account Skill?

Did you know account skill points that you earn every time your account level increases can be used to raise the stats of your Summoner and Monsters


You can check a variety of information in [Account Info], such as the account level.

[Account Skill] is where you can allocate the skill points.

Account skills are largely divided into offensive and defensive stats, which then divide into stats for the Summoner and Monsters, and again to detailed stats!


As 3-4 Monsters are included in a typical team comp, we suggest that you invest in Monsters first in order to raise the PWR quickly.

However, the most important stats for your Summoner and key Monsters may vary. So try to consider which account skills would be the most efficient for your team!


■ CM Serena’s Power of Ascensions & Account Skill Summary

① Clear Spires of Ascension challenges to enhance the Power of Ascension!

② Level up account skills related to Monsters if you’re lacking PWR!

③ Account skills can be reset at any time via Current Effects at the bottom left of the account skills page👍️

   (Level up account skills that best suit your Summoner and key Monsters if you have enough PWR!)



Support type Monsters that require ATK

📌 Recommended Monsters: Fire Mermaid / Fire Sky Dancer / Fire Vampire

🏆 Goal: Invest in base stats with Fatal, Energy, and Guard Runes while increasing the ACC for their role as debuffers

▶ Yellow = 1st priority / Bold Letter = Versatile property





Main Property


ATK(%) / HP(%)


Sub Property


HP(%) / ATK(%)



DEF(%) / ACC

Evasion / RES



Evasion / RES


Evasion / RES





Main Property

ATK(%) / HP(%)


ATK(%) / HP(%)

Sub Property

HP(%) / ATK(%)


HP(%) / ATK(%)

DEF(%) / ACC

Evasion / RES


DEF(%) / ACC

Evasion / RES

DEF(%) / ACC

Evasion / RES


▶ Fire Sky Dancer and Fire Vampire have an attack skill. Investing in CRIT stats with Rage, Blade, or Destroy Runes to increase the damage output can be very effective.

▶ If you’re focusing on the ATK stat, utilize the Shield Rune that applies a Shield equal to 250% of the ATK!


Fire Sky Dancer

- HP recovery (Based on ATK), ATK UP, DEF DOWN, Oppress

- Use Guard Runes for improved survivability as it’s an ATK based Monster!

- Rage and Fatal Runes are also recommended as Fire Sky Dancer has superb attack skills.

- Maintain a 1:10 ratio for the ATK and HP to reinforce survivability!

- The attack skill has outstanding burst damage. Investing in CRIT Rate and DMG is also ideal!

- Keep the ACC to about 75% as it has powerful harmful effects, but there are various stats to invest in.

※ This Rune setup is recommended for ATK-based Support Monsters with harmful effects and damage skills.



Support type Monsters that require HP

📌 Recommended Monsters: Fire Oracle / Water Pioneer / Water Occult Girl / Wind Sky Dancer

🏆 Goal: Use Energy or Guard Runes to focus on getting HP, but invest in some DEF to maximize survivability

▶ Yellow = 1st priority / Bold Letter = Versatile property





Main Property




Sub Property




ATK(%) / RES

Evasion / ACC

ATK(%) / RES

Evasion / ACC


RES / Evasion /






Main Property




Sub Property




ATK(%) / RES

Evasion / ACC


ATK(%) / RES

Evasion / ACC

ATK(%) / RES

Evasion / ACC


▶ Monsters such as Fire Oracle, with Remove Beneficial Effect and harmful effects need some ACC!

▶ Fire Oracle and Water Occult Girl with consecutive AoE attack skills are effective when equipped with Despair Runes to add a Stun effect.


Water Pioneer

- Shield (Based on HP), Immunity, Continuous Recovery

- Invest in HP and DEF, and get some RES to ensure survivability!

※ This Rune setup is recommended for Support Monsters without harmful effect and damage skills..


Fire Oracle

- Owns consecutive AoE attack skills that applies Remove Beneficial Effect and Burn

- Remove Harmful Effect and recovery (Based on HP)

- Add a Stun effect to the attack skill with Despair Runes! Or maximize the damage output with Rage and Destroy/Blade Runes!

- Increase the recovery amount with some HP and ACC and utilize a variety of effects!

※ This Rune setup is recommended for Support Monsters with various harmful effects and Remove Beneficial Effect.



That’s all the tips on the Rune setups for support type Monsters.


Be sure to check the information above and enhance your Monsters to become stronger.


Stay tuned for more of Serena's special tips for new and returning users in the future.


Thank you.

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