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Serena's Special Guide

Power Up with CM Serena (New Summoner Soleta Intro & Guide)
CM Serena 08/10/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


The new Summoner, Soleta, has finally arrived in the world of Chronicles in the Aug. 10th update.


We know many players are excited about the new Summoner and are already trying her out in-game!


Here’s a special guide to learn more about her powers and how best to utilize her.


Please read below for more details.




▌Power Up with CM Serena (New Summoner Soleta Intro & Guide) 


1. New Summoner Soleta Basic Info

- Soleta uses various buffs to accumulate basic attacks on the enemy.

- She has unique buffs called [Fletch], [Consecutive Fire], and [Enhanced Fire], which are granted to Soleta upon using certain active skills.

#Fletch: Certain skills are enhanced based on the attribute when a skill is used while the buff is active.

#Consecutive Fire: Fires additional projectiles while the buff is active.

* Only used by the Water attribute.

# Enhanced Fire: Deals increased damage to the same target while the buff is active.

* Only used by the Light attribute.

- Soleta’s basic attacks and skills are additionally enhanced based on the buff, and the enhanced effect varies depending on the attribute.

- Using active skills in a certain order will allow you to use buffs more efficiently.

* Use skills in the following order to maximize the buff efficiency when using a Water weapon.

⑴ Use Skill #2 - [Ice Blast] to activate Fletch

⑵ Use Skill #3 - [Illusion Arrow] to gain Consecutive Fire and ATK SPD UP

⑶ Lastly, use Skill #1 - [Ice Double Shot] which deals bonus damage when you have Consecutive Fire, Fletch, and ATK SPD UP.

⑷ Afterward, attack the opponent with basic attacks enhanced by these buffs and try to use skills in the order of 2 → 3 → 1 according to the skill cooldown.

- There are offensive passive skills which influence the basic attack, ATK SPD, and Precision, and a passive skill focused on survival, such as reducing the cooldown of the evasion skill and applying Soul Protection to herself upon receiving lethal damage.

- Utility and Attribute Research skills are the same as the other Summoners’.


2. Analysis of Active Skills per Attribute

① HP Destruction & Ignore Death Denial Effect! Fire

- Keywords: #Fletch #HP Destruction DMG, #Death Denial Effect Ignoring DMG, #DMG based on target’s MAX HP, #DEF Penetration DMG, #DEF DOWN, #Push,#Stun, #Knockdown, #Skill Acceleration

- Key Skills:

Skill Name

Skill Effect

Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target with the Fire attribute.


If Soleta has Fletch, destroys the target's HP and ignores the death denial effect of the target with a certain amount of HP destroyed.

Fire Double Shot

Shoots arrows rapidly to attack the enemy target 2 times.


If Soleta has Fletch, destroys the target's HP and ignores the death denial effect of the target with a certain amount of HP destroyed.

Fire Pierce

Applies Fletch to herself. 


Shoots an arrow with power to attack the enemy ahead, and applies DEF DOWN.

Arrow Rain

(Skill Expansion)

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots arrows into the sky that continuously falls at the enemy target's location, dealing damage to enemies within the area.


Hitting an enemy a certain number of times deals bonus fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP.

Fire Dodge Shot

If the enemy is close, drops back to attack enemies within the area,

and knocks down the enemy target with a certain chance.


Stuns nearby enemies when a knocked-down target falls over.

Afterward, applies Skill Acceleration to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK.

Fire Flash


Uses powerful Fire force to deal HP-destroying damage to enemies ahead and push them back.

Deals DEF-penetrating damage if the target's HP is below a certain ratio.


Afterward, applies Fletch to herself and Skill Acceleration to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK. This push is irresistible.


▶ Serena’s Tip: Recently, destroying the enemy’s HP has been an important effect in PvP.

If Fletch is applied while using a Fire weapon, basic attacks and Fire Double Shot can destroy the enemy’s HP.


Also, the enemy’s death denial effect is also ignored if a certain ratio of HP is destroyed.

It can counter Cleaf or Water Ifrit’s Endure.


Using Soleta with her Fire weapon is recommended if there’s a Monster/Summoner that uses Endure or if not enough HP destruction can be achieved with Destroy Runes in the Challenge/Brawl Arena.


Other than that, the Fire attribute is capable of creating situational variables with her CC arsenal of Knockdown and Stun.


② Consecutive Fire & ATK SPD UP! Water

- Keywords : #Fletch, #Consecutive Fire, #ATK SPD UP, #Weak Point Attack, #MOV SPD DOWN, #Freeze, #Knockdown

- Key Skills:

Skill Name

Skill Effect

Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target with the Water attribute.


If Soleta has Consecutive Fire, shoots 2 additional arrows.

Additional arrows can trigger a Weak Point attack and the damage increases based on her ATK SPD UP LV.


If Soleta has Fletch, all hits apply MOV SPD DOWN to the enemy target with a certain chance.

Ice Double Shot

Shoots arrows rapidly to attack the enemy target 2 times.


If Soleta has Consecutive Fire, each hit fires 2 additional arrows.


Additional arrows trigger a Weak Point attack and the damage increases based on her ATK SPD UP LV.


If Soleta has Fletch, all hits apply MOV SPD DOWN to the enemy target with a certain chance.

Ice Blast

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots an arrow with power to attack the enemy target, and freezes with a certain chance.


It also deals damage to enemies near the target and applies MOV SPD DOWN.

Shooting Star

(Skill Expansion)

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots arrows into the sky that continuously falls at the enemy target's location, dealing damage to enemies within the area.


Each hit applies Freeze if the target has a certain level of MOV SPD DOWN or above. Each hit has a certain chance to apply MOV SPD DOWN.

Illusion Arrow

Repositions herself to attack nearby enemies and knocks them down with a certain chance.


Applies Consecutive Fire to herself and applies ATK SPD UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK SPD.

Ice Flash


Uses powerful Water force to deal damage to enemies ahead and push them back. Applies Freeze if the target has MOV SPD DOWN.


Afterward, applies Fletch to herself and ATK SPD UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK SPD. This push is irresistible.


▶ Serena’s Tip: Soleta uses a unique buff called Consecutive Fire when she’s in the Water attribute.

Consecutive Fire fires bonus projectiles while the buff is active.


Also, skills deal bonus damage based on the ATK SPD UP LV. Try to maintain all 3 buffs (Fletch, Consecutive FIre, ATK SPD UP) to generate the maximum damage from Water weapons.


Out of the other 3 skills, 2 skills apply MOV SPD DOWN, and freezes targets who already have MOV SPD DOWN. Using them in combination with a Monster that applies MOV SPD DOWN can continuously Freeze the target.


③ Superior Attack Range & Damage Over Time! Wind

- Keywords: #Fletch, #Increased Range #MOV SPD DOWN, #Block Harmful Effect Removal, #DMG UP, #Poison, #Bleed, #Electric Shock, #Sleep

- Key Skills:

Skill Name

Skill Effect

Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target with the Wind attribute.


If Soleta has Fletch, increases the range of basic attacks and deals more damage if the target is more than a certain distance away.

Wind Focus Shot

Shoots an arrow with focus to attack the enemy target.


If Soleta has Fletch, increases the skill range and deals more damage if the target is more than a certain distance away.

Poison Trap

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots an arrow at a high angle to create poisonous fog at the enemy's location. The fog deals damage to enemies within the area every second and applies Poison and Block Beneficial Effect.

Gate of Arrows

(Skill Expansion)

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots arrows rapidly to attack the enemy target 4 times, and each hit randomly applies 1 of Poison, Bleed, or Electric Shock.


The last attack deals damage to enemies within the area and spreads all harmful effects on the target to nearby enemies.

Wind Dodge Shot

If the enemy is close, drops back to attack the enemy target and nearby enemies, and applies Sleep to the enemy target with a certain chance.


If the target is under a DoT effect, applies Block Harmful Effect Removal. Afterward, applies DMG Dealt UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK.

Wind Flash


Uses powerful Wind force to deal damage to enemies ahead and push them back. Applies Block Harmful Effect Removal if the target is under a DoT effect.


Afterward, applies Fletch to herself and DMG Dealt UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK. This push is irresistible.


▶ Serena’s Tip: Soleta gains increased range for basic attacks and Wind Focus Shot when Fletch is applied while using the Wind attribute.


Striking from a distance when the range is extended will inflict bonus damage. It’s important to maintain the distance from the opponent to continuously inflict bonus damage.


In addition, DoT effects including Poison, Bleed, and Electric Shock can be applied to the enemy.

Block Harmful Effect Removal can be additionally applied to enemies who are already under a DoT effect to nullify their Remove Harmful Effect skill.


To utilize her range, DoT, and Block Harmful Effect Removal, Monsters with CC or DoT who can help maintain the distance from the enemy or sustain the Block Harmful Effect Removal effect go well with the Wind attribute.


④ Beneficial Effect Ignoring DMG & Recovery Based On DMG Dealt! Light

- Keywords: #Fletch, #DMG Mitigation Effect Ignoring DMG, #Recovery based on DMG Dealt, 

#CRIT RES DOWN, #CRIT DMG UP, #Knockdown, #Bonus DMG to Bosses 

- Key Skills:

Skill Name

Skill Effect

Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target with the Light attribute.


If Soleta has Fletch, ignores the enemy target's Evasion and lands the hit, recovering her HP by a portion of the damage dealt.


If Soleta has Enhanced Fire, her basic attacks are fixed at a lower speed but deals damage that ignores beneficial effects that mitigate the target's damage taken.

Light Focus Shot

Shoots an arrow with focus to attack the enemy target.


If Soleta has Fletch, recovers her HP by a portion of the damage dealt.


If Soleta has Enhanced Fire, deals damage that ignores beneficial effects that mitigate the target's damage taken.

Light Pierce

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots an arrow with power to attack the enemy ahead and apply CRIT RES DOWN to the enemy. This attack ignores beneficial effects that mitigate the target's damage taken.

Shining Arrow

Repositions herself to attack nearby enemies and knocks them down with a certain chance.


Applies Enhanced Fire to herself and CRIT DMG UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK.


If Soleta has Enhanced Fire, the speed of basic attacks is fixed at a slower rate, but all Light attribute skills deal more damage whenever she deals damage to the same target and increases damage dealt to bosses.


Replaces the ATK SPD UP applied to herself with ATK UP.

Light Flash


Uses powerful Light force to deal damage that ignores damage mitigation effects to enemies ahead and push them back. Increases the CRIT DMG if the target's HP is below a certain ratio.


Afterward, applies Fletch to herself and CRIT DMG UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK.  This push is irresistible.


▶ Serena’s Tip: The Light attribute has a unique effect called Enhanced Fire.

Enhanced Fire deals increased damage to the same target while the buff is active. It can recover a portion of the damage dealt when Fletch is applied in the Light attribute.


Also, most skills apply as beneficial effect ignoring damage to the enemy when Enhanced Fire is active. Soleta can deal significant damage and recover a considerable amount of HP when both Enhanced Fire and Fletch are applied.


Unlike other attributes, the Light attribute deals bonus damage to bosses, making it useful in PvE.


It also has CRIT DMG UP and CRIT RES DOWN, which facilitate powerful critical attacks once you have enough CRIT Rate through your equipment setup.


⑤ Endless Oblivion & Root With Skill Cooldown DOWN! Dark

- Keywords: #Fletch, #Skill Cooldown DOWN, #Unrevivable, #Oblivion, #Root, #ATK UP

- Key Skills:

Skill Name

Skill Effect

Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target with the Dark attribute.


If Soleta has Fletch, decreases all her skill cooldowns with a certain chance.

Dark Double Shot

Shoots arrows rapidly to attack the enemy target 2 times.


If Soleta has Fletch, each hit has a certain chance to reduce all her skill cooldowns. The target defeated by this attack cannot be revived.

Dark Trap

Applies Fletch to herself.


Shoots an arrow at a high angle to create hallucinogenic fog at the enemy's location. The hallucinogenic fog deals damage to enemies within the area every second and applies Oblivion with a certain chance.

Dark Dodge Shot

If the enemy is close, drops back to attack enemies within the area, pulling them into one place and rooting them.


Afterward, applies ATK UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK.

Dark Flash


Uses powerful Dark force to deal damage to enemies ahead and push them back. Increases the cooldown if the target is under Oblivion or Root.


Afterward, applies Oblivion to the target.


In addition, applies Fletch to herself and applies ATK UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK.


This push is irresistible. The target defeated by this attack cannot be revived.


▶ Serena’s Tip: If Fletch is applied while using Dark attribute, basic attacks and Dark Double Shot can reduce all skill cooldowns.


Utilizing this will give you the advantage of skill cooldowns refreshing before the opponent.


Maximizing the efficiency of skill cooldowns will continuously apply Oblivion, which blocks the enemy’s passive skill. You can also apply endless CC with Root, even if the enemy tries to resist the effect.


Enemies defeated by Dark Double Shot cannot be revived, which is particularly effective against opponents with a revive deck.


3. Overview of Soleta’s Passive Skills

Skill Name

Skill Effect


When a basic attack hits, applies ATK SPD UP to herself and the team Monster with the highest ATK with a certain chance.


When a basic attack critically hits, increases her mana with a certain chance.


Increases the ATK SPD of basic attacks by 5% per ATK SPD UP LV applied to herself, and decreases the ATK SPD of basic attacks by 5% per ATK SPD DOWN LV.


Skill damage increases by a certain ratio per 10% of Precision.

Light Feet

Increases Precision and MOV SPD if her HP is a certain ratio or above.


When Soleta uses the evasion skill, applies ATK SPD UP to herself and recovers a portion of her HP.

Tenacious Spirit

Removes all harmful effects on herself and applies Shield when attacked while her HP is below a certain ratio.

Beyond Reach

When attacked, decreases the cooldown of the evasion skill with a certain chance.

Crystal Clear

When a team Monster's HP falls below a certain ratio, applies CRIT DMG Taken DOWN to herself and the target Monster.


When Soleta receives lethal damage, ignores the damage and applies Soul Protection to herself and the team Monster with the lowest HP.


▶ Serena’s Tip: Soleta’s passive skills can be divided into offensive skills (Hawkeye/Tailwind/Trueshot/Light Feet/Counterblow) and survival skills (Tenacious Spirit/Beyond Reach/Crystal Clear/Blessing).


You should spend a skill point on every skill to maximize the efficiency. It’s recommended to prioritize leveling up Hawkeye which applies ATK UP and ATK SPD UP and Trueshot which increases the skill damage based on the Precision.


You can maximize the use of the evasion skill by leveling up Beyond Reach which reduces the cooldown of the evasion skill when attacked, and Counterblow which applies ATK SPD UP and recovers her HP.


If you want to put more emphasis on survivability, level up Blessing which ignores lethal damage and Tenacious Spirit which removes harmful effects and grants a Shield when below a certain HP.


If you’re looking to level up more offensive skills, go for Light Feet and Tailwind.


4. Equipment Guide 

- Soleta’s basic attacks offer many effects. So it is important they don’t miss. Hence, Precision is a key property for your equipment.

- You should aim to increase your damage output by stacking up on ATK%, CRIT Rate, and CRIT DMG.

- Although Soleta deals damage from the backline, she benefits from having more HP to prevent being taken down by a sudden chunk of damage.

▶ Key Properties: Precision, ATK%, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, HP%, ATK SPD


5. Monster Synergy

- Many Monsters work well with Soleta, but we will go through them in more depth.


● Common

- In PvE, versatile Monsters who go well with other Summoners will generate good synergy with Soleta.

# Recommended Monsters

· 5★ Vampire (Wind) - Mainly used in PvE due to DMG based on harmful effects

· 5★ Archangel (Water) - Has essential effects of a Support type, Continuous Recovery, Remove Harmful Effect, and DEF UP 

· 5★ Ifrit (Fire) - Decent in Seal or PvE due to Burn and DEF DOWN

· 5★ Desert Queen (Water) - A support that grants big Shields and ATK UP although no HP recovery

· 5★ Pioneer (Water) - A support with no instant recovery skills, but excels against bosses with harmful effects due to its Immunity

· 4★ Howl (Light) - Has both instant recovery and Immunity, also removes harmful effects

· 4★ Harg (Dark) - Provides attack buffs such as CRIT Rate UP, CRIT DMG UP, and ATK SPD UP

· 3★ Harpy (Dark) - Applies DMG Taken UP to bosses, an important effect in PvE

- In PvP, Monsters with CC or protective skills are effective, allowing Soleta to maintain a distance from the enemy and continuously inflict damage from the backline.

- Ranged DPS Monsters also go well with Soleta.

# Recommended Monsters

- 5★ Panda Warrior (Wind) - Good survivability with Remove Harmful Effect and Continuous Recovery, protects Soleta with Counterattack and Pull

· 5★ Pioneer (Water) - Nullifies harmful effects with Immunity

· 5★ Dragon Knight (Fire) - High survivability with Immunity/Shield, prevents enemies from reaching Soleta with Stun

· 5★ Chakram Dancer (Fire)- Prevents enemies from reaching Soleta with Stun and applies DEF DOWN

· 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Fire)- Prevents enemies from reaching Soleta with Stun and applies Remove Beneficial Effect and Unrecoverable to the enemy from a range 



- For the Fire attribute, it’s best to destroy the enemy’s HP continuously and apply death denial ignoring damage.

- Monsters with HP destruction effects create good synergy, but Monsters who can use Destroy Runes, which are considered essential in the current PvP meta, are also viable.

#Recommended Monsters

· 5★ Oracle (Fire, Water) - AoE attacks apply the Destroy Rune effect to the enemy Summoner/Monster

· 5★ Pioneer (Wind) - Ignores death denial even if Soleta doesn’t destroy a certain amount of HP

· 5★ Polar Queen (Wind) - Uses AoE attacks, reduces the enemy’s ultimate gauge, and increases its ultimate gauge

* Monsters who can use Destroy Runes are all viable.



- Water deals bonus damage with ATK SPD UP and freezes targets under MOV SPD DOWN.

- Water goes well with Magical Archers as it uses Weak Point attack.

#Recommended Monsters

· 5★ Magical Archer (Fire, Water, Wind) - Deals bonus Weak Point damage with Soleta

· 5★ Jack-o’-Lantern (Water) - Applies ATK SPD UP and CRIT Rate UP to allies and steals the enemy’s beneficial effects with a certain chance

· 5★ Vampire (Fire) - Applies ATK SPD UP to allies and reduces the mana cost of skills

* Monsters with ATK SPD UP and MOV SPD DOWN are all viable.



- Wind applies Block Harmful Effect Removal when a DoT effect (Poison, Electric Shock, Bleed, Burn) is applied to the enemy, making it more effective when teamed up with Monsters with DoT skills.

- You can also use Monsters with Block Harmful Effect Removal to block out the enemy’s debuff removal.

#Recommended Monsters

· 5★ Ifrit (Fire, Water, Wind) - Applies Burn, Frostbite, and Electric Shock based on the attribute

· 5★ Oracle (Fire) - AoE Burn attack

· 4★ Harpu (Wind) - Applies DoT (Bleed, Poison)

· 4★ Inugami (Dark) - Applies DoT (Bleed, Poison) and DEF DOWN 

· 5★ Magical Archer (Fire) - Applies Block Harmful Effect Removal

· 5★ Chakram Dancer (Wind) - Applies Block Harmful Effect Removal

* Monsters who can deal damage mitigation ignoring damage or nuke damage are all viable.



- The Light attribute consistently deals damage that ignores damage mitigation beneficial effects and has CRIT DMG UP, which works well with Monsters who can also deal damage mitigation ignoring damage or inflict a great amount of damage.

#Recommended Monsters

· 5★ Dragon Knight (Fire, Water) - Applies damage mitigation ignoring damage and various effects such as Stun and Remove Harmful Effect

· 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Water) - Applies damage mitigation ignoring damage as well as Unrecoverable, DEF DOWN, and ATK DOWN

· 5★ Raven (Fire) - Both basic attacks and skills apply damage mitigation ignoring damage

· 5★ Magic Knight (Wind) - All skills apply damage mitigation ignoring damage and also applies Silence to the enemy

* Monsters who can deal DoT or apply Block Harmful Effect Removal are all viable.



- As for the Dark attribute, it’s important to reduce the skill cooldown continuously to use skills faster than the target. Continuously applying Oblivion and Root is key.

- Monsters who can reduce the skill cooldown or increase the skill cooldown regeneration speed create good synergy.

- Monsters who can apply harmful effects with the reduced skill cooldown are also ideal.

#Recommended Monsters

· 5★ Pirate Captain (Water) - Has Skill Cooldown DOWN and applies DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN to the enemy

· 5★ Dragon Knight (Fire) - Stuns and provides a concentrated attack after Soleta uses Dark Dodge Shot 

· 5★ Oracle (Fire) - Stuns and provides a concentrated attack after Soleta uses Dark Dodge Shot 

· 3★ Garuda (Water, Light) - Has Skill Cooldown DOWN and recovery

* Monsters who can reduce the skill cooldown or increase the skill cooldown regeneration speed, and frequently apply harmful effects using the reduced skill cooldown are all viable.


※ Other Development Tips

- You can play as Soleta once you log in as an existing Summoner and clear the additional main quest.

- Progress through both the [Rahil Kingdom Story] and Area Exploration to develop Soleta.

* If you have enough Crystals, you can instantly complete the [Rahil Kingdom Story].

- Apply the following buffs to gain even more EXP.

① Play during the Hot Time (Friday - Sunday)

② Use the Flurence/Guild Hot Spring to gain a bonus dungeon clear EXP buff!

→ Clear the Hot Spring with Sunshine Chamomile to gain the +8% dungeon clear EXP buff.

④ Use the EXP Boost Remedy included in the Soleta Outfit Full Package to gain +100% creature hunt & dungeon clear EXP.



That’s all for the intro and guide about the new Summoner Soleta.


We hope you find this guide helpful for developing Soleta.


We will return with more useful tips next time.


Thank you.

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