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Serena's Special Guide

Chronicles Manners - Fair Raid Party
CM Serena 04/19/2023


Greetings from CM Serena!


I'm happy to announce that I can now enter the Elite: Raid! ( ˙◁˙ 👐)


But I couldn't find a party because Summoners

only let newbies into the party to get more rewards... ( ؕؔʘ̥̥̥̥ ه ؔؕʘ̥̥̥̥ )?


That's why we've prepared the Fair Raid campaign!

Kicking others may backfire on you. Let's all clear the Raid together!



We hope new and experienced Summoners can all play Raid together!

We'll be back with more useful and enjoyable content.


Thank you.

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