I am once again telling you to fix fixed damage, you stupid fucking things manage every time to outdo yourselves, I bet you thought haha funny fire Fairy King bounce combos, but what your fucking dumber than Koala brains cannot comprehend, is that water Skuld is the perfect fucking monster to auto win with the broken wind Rabbit and dark Valkyrie, or the other fixed damage dealers, you fucking retards do realize that the only counter is fucking light Paladin or damage taken down and somehow kill them before they kill you when the odds are against you heavily, you don't realize this since you are the legally declared the worlds dumbest object, you somehow HAVE TO REALIZE funny bouncy lady is going to make them do over 30% more damage, while giving you unrecoverable and removing all buffs that could potentially lower their 2 shot damage to an attempt at a survivable range, more likely making them one shot instead, and she then block beneficials, so now you need immunity as well to even attempt to deal with monsters that don't even really have any harmful effects of too much danger or none like dark Valkyrie, too bad there aren't fixed damage that also remove it too, oh that doesn't exist, funny bouncy lady also has faster cast speed than all but 3 immunity monsters anyway, and one is a fucking 4 star that is countered by the unrecoverable she does, not like you don't have a 3rd monster either, that can also counter them, since she is also a tank healer you motherfucking retarded Koalas.
Oh and good job making another tank with strips, heals and cleanses and newly providing DPS summoners and fixed damage dealers access to damage dealt up.
Oh sorry I misunderstood her passive, I thought she does the strip into block beneficial whenever airborn, but now I'm pretty sure it's every 3 seconds she checks every monster(not summoner again you fucking retards) and strips and block beneficial if they have any, SO IT'S FUCKING EVEN BETTER THAN I THOUGHT WITH FIXED DAMAGE, YOU CAN'T EVEN TAKE IMMUNITY, good job as always retards.
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