Good job with that hotfix, so she is just intentionally made to be completely broken??? Funny you had it say it did bonus hits on the ultimate, but now it's just gone since it was bugged and you can't be assed to do a fix that takes the same amount of time, why would you even cast her ultimate, when it does less damage against a single target than her fucking 2nd skill??? Did you forget you made 2 collabs ago wind Zelgadis, this character was also pretty broken, but he had a fatal weakness, even if he can kill your team instantly, if any survive he suddenly does trash tier damage, he cannot kill anything with just a summoner and monster left alive, and as a warrior he will chase assassins, so unless a broken ass Cleaf drags everything to him he won't one shot everything, meanwhile for her you decided to give her high fucking base damage, 1203% AoE damage, are you fucking high, ignores damage mitigation, are you high, self attack up with spell shield, endure if you do kill her, fuck you, it's fine if she only does this, that is a pretty high amount of fucking AoE damage, and she reduces crit res, you know what counters wind Zelgadis as well, CRIT RES, but fuck you against her, she one shots your team anyway, and I'm pretty sure Zelgadis can't ignore the first damage mitigation, the strip happens after the damage, and then she also reduces summoner cooldown after using her trash ultimate or kill her until you let her cast 1st skill again, yet she is also applying multiple stacks of undead if anything did fucking survive you fucking retards, yet now you retarded drooling apes think it's a good idea to let her keep 570% damage per target in an AoE??? Fuck you.
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