Hi Boss Choi, I'm back~
First, a compliment:
I told you about doing maintenance every three weeks, and now you make it every four weeks!!! Good move boss!! GG. GG.
Then, a suggestion.
No, two suggestions:
As you already know, the base players who are staying right now are mostly PvP ers. They are savages who like to kill each other in every content available. Player J, top brawler in my server, likes to kill summoners so much he didn't do Spires of Ascensions because no summoners in it. With that in mind, I would like to suggest, as few already have in the past, to add Player-Killing Area in the game. Either a whole new continent, few selected maps, or the whole Hero area. The effect would be: Ex players will return, current players will be happy and new ones... Well I'm not sure about the new ones. You spoiled them so much I'm not sure they can handled being killed out of nowhere without sulking, complaining and still playing the game. But I'm sure some are secretly savages too, them will surely stay and continue so they can take revenge. Anyway, at first I thought about a Guild War to kinda limit the victims range, but then I remember so many dead guilds right now so it won't be fair or thrilling. So maybe make it .. as an event? You know, for trial first. Yes, killing people event. The most killings got title.. Wait, what rating is this game again? Or it doesn't matter? Anyway, you'll work it out. You're the best, boss.
When will you do a World Championship? Refer back to above suggestion, those blood-thirsty players are super eager to claiming ranks for beating up each other. The Asians are so eager to beat the Westerns. Must be the Westerns feel the same. Also, player J -again- is stop spending because he's sulking since the championship doesn't happen when he's already this OP. (But he will return to spending soon because those Dragons' artifacts. He's so easy like that... But you see that? SEE? If you release good products without any tricks thank you very much, players are willing to throw their money at you. Focus on making good stuffs, money will come.)
Now onto the complaints, imma start from the short ones.
1) Direct quote from Marc the Spark, the player the influencer: "add more preset when c2u??????"
supported by player E: "yes boss i need 2 more"
and player L: "yeaa 5 or 6. they release mons alot but didn't update pre set"
- in case you confused, they meant the preset in monster Composition.
2) Player iaW cried asked for preset but for Traits, that one in Account badge branches. I second this. This will save a lot of time to change Kina healer to Kina dps to Kina tank, Kina rank, just for example.
3) Refine Stone. Now this is a LOOOONNGG Complaint. The situation is more severe than I thought that I bring Math with me this time. Both poor players and whales are in dire need of Refine Stone. To be polite, I'll differentiate them as Non-Pass Holder and Pass Holder. Okay, let's get into it!
Now, either the players are poor non-pass holder like player V, player L and player Y (no, not you Yeji愛 - by the way dev, Yeji愛 wants you to know that he has beefs with you.) OR player whales like Yeji愛 and player タ, once you finished Area 10, you'll get about 77.570 Refine Stone and 630.300 Galagos Coins. After that it will be different according to the Galagos Pass.
Non-Pass Holder mostly ends up around Area 23-26 depends if they lazy or not to do manual battle. Let's say the average non-pass holders finished Area 25. By the end of the season the Non-Pass Holder will ended up with: 80.570 Refine Stone and... 847.740 Galagos Coins.
Meanwhile, Pass Holder mostly ends up around Area 45++, also depends if they lazy or not to do manual battle. Rank 1 in my server finished at Area 54 lv 2 but let's make the average finished on Area 46 to make it relatable. Now, I dunno the rewards for Area 31++ but I think about 8000-9000, so I'm gonna put 9500 Galagos Coins per level by average. And so, by the end of the season these whales will ended up with: 100.570 Refine Stone and... 1.316.300 Galagos Coins!!
All Refine Stone and Galagos Coins mentioned already included rewards from Opening Event, mileage, and Rank. I just assumed all of them ended up on Rank 31-100 because that's how it is currently in my server.
Okay, continue.
All of them go to the Shop, spending Coins to buy those scrolls, Refining Catalyst and 5 star Devilmon in max quantity, then exchange the rest of it to Refine Stone, and they'll ended up with 99.828 Refine Stone for the non-Pass Holder and 130.947 Refine Stone for the Whales Pass Holder.
Every 12 weeks, you release t.. Wait what? It's 20 weeks now? Ooh.. okay, every 20 weeks.. What??? It's actually 24 weeks starting this year????? What's with this long interval? First maintenance and now hero raid. I hope you prepare something awesome with all this extra time you get.
Okay fine.
Every 24 weeks you released TWO SETS of Accessories ANDDDD A SET OF weapons and sub-weapon. That is.. 14 pieces altogether every 24 weeks. Galagos Ruins is every 4 weeks, so Non-Pass Holder will have 598.968 Refine Stone after 24 weeks and Pass Holder will have 785.680 Refine Stone. Divided those by 14 pieces equipment, Non-Pass Holder get 42.783 Refine Stone and Pass Holder get 56.120 Refine Stone to enhance ONE equipment for ONE SUMMONER, which equal to 21 times or 28 times respectively.
Now, do you think in 28 times Refining, they can get a PERFECT 4 stats that they want altogether? Not mentioning the cost of Preservation Stone, Refining Catalyst also needs Refine Stone to upgrade. And what about Rune Conversions? 500 for mythic runes and 300 for legendary runes Each time? Nothing left for it.
Did you know that poor player V is deprived so much of Refine Stone, he can't be a proper DPS Heath and become a Stripper Heath instead?? STRIPPER HEATH in the current Glacier Mythic Raid because he doesn't have proper damage for it!! Tainted The DIGNITY of White Shadow Mercenary because the Lack of Refine Stone.
And whale player タ wait every month to buy that US$20.99 Mythic Equipment Enhancement Support Package B ALL OF IT, so he can get the Extra 350k Refine Stone. EVERY MONTH, even whale don't have enough of it.
-Yes, yes, I know there's the unlimited US$6.99 Refine Stone package, but why would he bought that? US$6.99 for 10k Refine Stone VS US$20.99 for 70k Refine Stone?? No brainer boss. You should put the unlimited ones on the US$20.99 package instead.
For the end-game players, Refine Stone is on same status like Enhancement Shards, we need it a lot and always. Please provide more resources to get it from: drop from creatures, disassemble stuffs, crafting, Celestial Rift!! Or if you lazy to change all of those system to insert Refine Stone, just re-do the first Global Anniversary event where we can hoard a lot of it. Once a year is fine, but make the event like.. three months.
There I save you more time to lazying chilling around.
Because, WHY WOULD YOU PUT SO MUCH EFFORT IN CREATING THOSE ACCESSORIES AND WEAPONS (the Visual! the Effects! the Mythic Raid system!) IF YOU WON'T PROVIDE DECENT AMOUNT OF REFINE STONE FOR PLAYERS TO ENJOY ITTTT????? BOSSSSSSS???? Why won't you let us Grow All of our Summoners to their max potentials?? Bosss Let us Enjoy Your HARDWORK!
Well…, unless you do it on purpose though so they would forced to buy from the shop, then I'll rest my case.
By the way, Marc the Spark the player influencer has video on Youtube about doing the current Glacier Mythic Raid with duration of 11.5 hours. And had been watched 2.5k times!! The raid wasn't even finished! Who would watched that length of a video about unfinished raid if not for die-hard fans of this game??? I mean, Boss Marc has his own charm too, but still 11.5 hours... Wew.
So you see, there are many many many players who still interested and care about this game that they willing to watch Marc the Spark glides around for 11.5 hours failing mythic raid. There's still hope, Boss Choi. Keep the faith.
And Good Luck, always.
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