I seldom complaint things here, but it seems like the game is getting more and more unplayable nowadays.
To be honest, I really love summoner war chronicles and have been playing since the launching of games.
However, WITH THE IGNORANT AND UNFAIR TREATMENT FROM COM2US, many players are leaving this game (perhaps I will be one of them soon).
Taking the tower of attribute for example, you guys punished every single one player that used the bugs (deduction of energy and crystals from player), while giving everyone else a compensation (energy and crystals).
Regarding the recent compensation for Jin's states, you guys compensate those who suffer from the later patch which lower down Jin's state, but it seems like you guys have over-compensated them, as you guys just gave them back all the resources to make weapon and accesories, but did not remove their enhanced weapon and accesories for Jin, which means you are giving them another free, fully enhanced weapon and accesories set indirectly.
For today, the Dark Joker banner was unable to be summoned for some players.
The way you guys punish and compensate people seems unfair, and clearly you guys don't have a proper procedure on how to handle situation, you just based on your mood
Overall, the main issue is that you guys do not play the game or test for bugs before releasing patches.
I would seriously suggest some of your employees to test and play the game, so that you would understand what the players want and need, not just trying to release patches with many bugsssss, and player have to bear the consequences of your bugsss. You would not need to punish or compensate the players, if you at least play and test for bugs before releasing the patch.
I understand that you are a game company and might not have many times to test the game, but I would suggest you to play a bit the game, for example:
- 1) Tower of attributes, you will know how hard it is without specific monster(s), you might feel like throwing your keyboard to your boss
- 2) Mythic Raids, you will know how long we need to wait and fight the boss
- 3) Battlefield, longer and longer waiting time, less and less player, you might wait up to 30 minutes for a single run
- 4) Real time arena, same monsters always, lack of variation
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