Why are you fucking stupid chimps unable to make counters that counter DPS summoners as well, why does this new whore specifically mention monsters only on every fucking entry you dumb fucking apes, why can't DPS summoners lose 90% of their light and dark damage, why can't they lose their precision stat, they intentionally are fucking picking this whore to counter the enemy, why can't they be countered the same fucking way, if a Kina picks a bunch of things already countered, THEN SHE'S FUCKING FUCKED, AND KINA CAN'T DO SHIT TO THESE COUNTER MONSTERS IN THE FIRST PLACE, tired of you babying fucking DPS summoners, they are already completely and utterly busted with no real counterplay, any that exists can be made completely and utterly gone by switching to another weapon, LIKE THIS WHORE WOULD BE IF THEY JUST SWITCH FROM LD OR WATER SOLETA, why the fuck would I bring bomb defusal against fire Heath, when he can swap weapons it's fucking gone, not to mention he explodes so they don't fucking do shit in the first place, why the fuck bring wind Amelia against light Soleta, they have 3 other weapons that ignore her, but I still do it because her fucking light weapon is broken and I can't afford my DPS dead in 2 seconds, why the fuck bring anything against anything, the only decent one if fucking water Harp since Orbia has stuns and defense down on everything as long as you get rid of dark. Meanwhile you can counter Kina with fucking anything having unrecoverable or useless trash undead and now you are stuck with the most useless fucking piece of trash in the game, who is also somehow doing even less now. Good job on the new monster, really smart of you to make something that makes 99% of what Kina can bring in this META useless, and making her the best cleanser and healer in the game for only 3 mana, you shouldn't have, no really you stupid fucking insects. Why is it you cannot make a counter monster that Kina can use, every god damn one is an act of suicide to take for Kina, closest one is water Rabbit, and you made it so you can't build defense on her so I don't feel safe at all with her unless I bring revival as well, and good job making her not respond to Cleaf link skills, as I said like every fucking counter in the game, least she buffs elemental, uhh, might be good combined with Garou or fire Dragon Knight, that's about it in this META, though DPS summoners ignore her again so they can still easily deal with those.
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