Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.
First of all, we'd like to apologize for any inconveniences caused with the suspension of the content.
Please read below for more info on the content to be suspended in the game.
Content Suspension Details
▶ Target Region
- All Region
▶ Resumed Content
- <Prof. Luna's Gift> Event
※ Please note that the Pass-related product is currently not being displayed due to the suspension of the event.
▶ Suspension Schedule
WESTERN | Nov. 14, 7:53 AM ~ 12:00 PM (UTC+2, CEST) |
ASIA | Nov. 14, 1:53 PM ~ 18:00 PM (UTC+7, ICT) |
※ Please Read
- Please note that all additional changes, including the reopening of the content and other content to be suspended, will be notified via this notice.
We will do our best to provide a better service.
Thank you.
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