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Jun. 13th Official Forum Service Maintenance Notice
GM Chronicles 06/12/2024

Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We will be holding the official forum service maintenance.


Please note that the official forum will be unavailable during the maintenance.
Please read below for more info.


Official Forum Service Maintenance Notice


▶ Overall Service Maintenance Schedule


Jun. 13th 10pm - 11:59pm (UTC-4, EDT)


Jun. 13th 4am - 5:59am (UTC+2, CEST)


Jun. 13th 9am - 10:59am (UTC+7, ICT)


▶ P2O Service Maintenance Schedule


Jun. 13th 10pm - Jun. 14th 2:59am (UTC-4, EDT)


Jun. 13th 4am - 8:59am (UTC+2, CEST)


Jun. 13th 9am - 1:59pm (UTC+7, ICT)


▶ Maintenance Details
- Official forum service stabilization work


Please Note!
- Use of all forum services will be suspended during the maintenance, and only the P2O service will be unavailable after the overall service maintenance is over and the P2O service maintenance is in progress.
- The maintenance schedule may change depending on the progress, and if there is any change, we will notify you through this notice.



We'll always do our best to provide a stable service.



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