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Apr. 20th Global (EU, ASIA, JP) Regular Maintenance Pre-notice
GM Chronicles 04/17/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


Regular maintenance for the Apr. 20th global (EU, JP, ASIA) update will be held.

The details of the maintenance will be announced via a separate notice on Apr. 19th.


We would also like to inform you of expiring events and products and the events, which will begin before the start of maintenance.



▌Apr. 20th Global (EU, ASIA, JP) Regular Maintenance Pre-notice


▶ Target Regions
- EU
- JP


▶ New Event

Event Name


Arena Surprise Wheel Event

4/20 01:00 - 4/27 01:00 (UTC +2) 

4/20 00:00 - 4/27 00:00 (UTC +7)

4/20 00:00 - 4/27 00:00 (UTC +9)

Collection Challenge Season 2

After the 4/20 maintenance - 5/18 01:00 (UTC +2) 

After the 4/20 maintenance - 5/18 00:00 (UTC +7)

After the 4/20 maintenance - 5/18 00:00 (UTC +9)

To the Ruined Temple Event

4/20 01:00 -  Before all rewards are claimed (UTC +2) 

4/20 00:00 -  Before all rewards are claimed (UTC +7)

4/20 00:00 -  Before all rewards are claimed (UTC +9)

5★ Wind Vampire Rate UP Summon

After the 4/20 maintenance - 5/4 01:00 (UTC +2) 

After the 4/20 maintenance - 5/4 00:00 (UTC +7)

After the 4/20 maintenance - 5/4 00:00 (UTC +9)

* Events that begin after maintenance will be announced via the update note.


▶ Events/Content Ending Soon

Event, Content

End Date

Incoming Guild Request Event

- 4/20 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +9)

Collection Challenge Season 1

- 4/20 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +9)

* Please refer to the end date of events/content and claim the rewards in time.


▶ Products Expiring Soon


End Date

Naraka Raid Package

- 4/20 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +9)

Witch's Broom Package

- 4/20 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +9)

Night Festival Outfit Package

- 4/20 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 4/20 00:00 (UTC +9)


Please make sure to claim the event rewards and check the mileage before the maintenance begins.


Thank you.

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