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Apr. 12th Server Patch Notice (EU, JP, ASIA)
GM Chronicles 04/11/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


A patch will be performed to increase the number of gatherings/minings.
The game will be available to play during the patch.


However, you may temporarily experience an unstable connection.


Please check the following details for more information about the patch.



▌Apr. 12th Server Patch Notice (EU, JP, ASIA)

▶ Patch Schedule




4/12 06:00 - 06:30 (UTC+2)

4/12 09:00 - 09:30 (UTC+7)

4/12 11:30 - 12:00(UTC+9)

▶ Target Servers

- All Servers


▶ Patch Details

- The number of gatherings/minings will be increased.
* If your account level is 50 or above, it will be increased from 200 to 1,000 times. 
(You can gather/mine up to 2,000 times if you purchased the Summoner Pass.)
* If you used up all the available gathering/minings before the patch, you can gather/mine additionally by the increased number after the patch.
(If you gathered/mined 200 times before the patch, 800 additional gatherings/minings will be available after the patch)

  • * Please reconnect to the game if the auto mining count is different from the count specified in the notice or if an abnormal item is displayed after the patch.


※ Please Read

The game will be available during the patch, but the connection may be unstable.

You can reconnect to the game after moving to the title screen.

[Exchange Center] will be temporarily unavailable during the patch.

The patch schedule is subject to change. We will let you know of any changes through this notice.

Additional downloads may be required when reconnecting to the game after the patch.



We will do our best to provide a stable service.


Thank you.

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