Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.
A patch will be performed to increase the number of gatherings/minings.
The game will be available to play during the patch.
However, you may temporarily experience an unstable connection.
Please check the following details for more information about the patch.
▌Apr. 12th Server Patch Notice (EU, JP, ASIA)
▶ Patch Schedule
4/12 06:00 - 06:30 (UTC+2) | 4/12 09:00 - 09:30 (UTC+7) | 4/12 11:30 - 12:00(UTC+9) |
▶ Target Servers
- All Servers
▶ Patch Details
- The number of gatherings/minings will be increased.
* If your account level is 50 or above, it will be increased from 200 to 1,000 times.
(You can gather/mine up to 2,000 times if you purchased the Summoner Pass.)
* If you used up all the available gathering/minings before the patch, you can gather/mine additionally by the increased number after the patch.
(If you gathered/mined 200 times before the patch, 800 additional gatherings/minings will be available after the patch)
- * Please reconnect to the game if the auto mining count is different from the count specified in the notice or if an abnormal item is displayed after the patch.
※ Please Read
- The game will be available during the patch, but the connection may be unstable.
- You can reconnect to the game after moving to the title screen.
- [Exchange Center] will be temporarily unavailable during the patch.
- The patch schedule is subject to change. We will let you know of any changes through this notice.
- Additional downloads may be required when reconnecting to the game after the patch.
We will do our best to provide a stable service.
Thank you.
- 10 5,702