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How to play without electricity?
Kima 03/05/2024
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So most people complain there is not enough electricity in the game.
So here is a guide on how to just not use it anymore.

So you wanna get stronger and there is only 2 main ways really.
Either you, or your monsters.

Since monster work on multiple characters we will do those over the player first.

So right from the start you get Water fairy. (Named to be Elucia later.)
And she is great as this means right from the get go you have a monster with a sleep at a 90% rate with only 4 seconds down time at max level.
She also heals meaning you need less potions.

This is important because most people think you can now go into path of adventure and kill the queen spider for runes.
But you are wrong, instead any creature book elite monster gives runes at a 90% rate.
And since combining runes has very high odds at low level to increase in tier that is the main way to freely farm runes.
So thats 10 elec per run you would have saved at the start.

Then there is levels for monsters.
Now most people dont look at it, but small potions give 1060exp big ones 15800 and angel mons give 190,000 exp.
With the majority of random mobs giving about 40 exp per kill you can see why it would take long.

So note that Elite: foggy prison already gives 46990 exp in a run wich is the same as path of training hard mode 3.
Wich sits at 46383 per run.
So, ideal you want to have low monsters go in before moving or getting agro from the boss switch to a high team.
And cash in on that sweet free weekly exp from raids.
As for some reason battle supports give 0exp.

If you do decide to spend energy on levels then note the following:
Highest raid to pull this of is seal-Ruined temple sitting at 152588 exp wich is close to an angelmon, but recharging this takes 75 elec.
So keep it on weekly free ones only.
46383 for path of training * 7.5 runs worth of elec = 347.872 exp.
And 72 elec gives 9 repeat quests either giving 260 small's or 3 large ones.

The smalls are worth 275.600 exp and the large ones are 47.400 exp for each drop.
Given only large ones drop you get 426600 exp, and given only smalls drop you get 2.480.400 exp. so your 72 elec worth is within those numbers.
This is why people tend to afk farm, that all goes out the window as it costs elec though.


Given you can get alchemy level 3 you can make normal scrolls.
these cost: faint magic cores wich you get from alteration/randomfarming.

Leafs dropped by anything but kinda fast in ayah/kontana/rudelin hero area.

And enchanted stones, wich not gonna lie your stuck getting these from the lizard as we are just not gonna mine them.
You only need 1 per craft and lizard does collect a 100 per 6 hours on highest level so its not that bad.


So those runes, yeah overshot can also be sold to general merchants for gold at the same rate as rupture if you look at time vs income.

So just craft those scrolls and get any random junky monster.

Exchange shop will tell you 1* mon is 20 pieces for 1 small potion.
2* is 4 pieces for 1 potion so you would get 5 pots if you roll a 2*
3* rolls you 1 breath of life per 1 piece so 20 per 3* either that or 10 pieces for a 3* rainbowmon.
And lastly 4* is 1 piece for 5 breaths of life so thats 100 breaths for 1 4* roll, or 10 pieces for a 4* rainbow wich is 2 rainbows for each 4* roll.

Meaning its not that hard to just roll like mad for a crazy amount of potions.
As only 3 and 4* give hearts and all the 1 and 2* are just potions.

For skills most people seem to forget its just gold and you can replace all 4* dev mons with pieces.
Same for obtaining the right awakening pieces as you can semi-trade them in exchange for the ones you want.
Getting all said pieces also will gain stats trough the monster book so keep that in mind.

Now for 5* your best bet is to exchange 4* into 5 over time.
Or join a guild, as weekly they give 1 devilmon for guild requests and the guild raid boss gives boxes that give devilmon piece to craft more.
There is also just 3 arena's per day and being in silver 2 and higher will land you with a devilmon per week.
Since owning 20 pieces of a mon lets you summon it in the altar you can imagine how you just only need time to get that.
As resetting the exchange center is the most wait time here.
though you can always use free red crystals to speed that up.

Rune combining is still a thing in kontana and sierra as they give blue 6* runes in that area.
But your higher tier chance is only 10% now.
So its faster to just afk farm in hero area's and random non-hero area bosses to gain run pieces after disassembling the runes.
As that is faster then farming sierra really.
That only leaves sky stones to craft all the 6* legendary runes.
And i hate to say it, but you can only get them from mining 45 at a time or so every 5 mines.
Doing raids daily as even supports give a small amount,

Or like me just spam rupture only.
As gold rune pieces weapon shards and 20k cubes per run is nice.

300 elec * 5 min = 1500 min, / 60 mins and you get 25 hours.
21900 cubes a run * 10 a day or so and you get 219,000 in 10 days. (or 657.000 a month on rupture alone)
Crafting a rune is 3k so thats 219 runes a month you get to play with.
Should you be insane, you can pay 10 bucks for seaon pass and mine infinite.
But no costs involved would leave you with this + anything you might be able to combine from afk farming in kontana/sierra.

The reason why this is better then path of adventure is because should you roll a good rune, you also wanna upgrade that bad boy.

And you cant do that without sky cubes after all.


Now collecting resources for the dark cowgirl transformation is not hard at all.

It just involves mining and giving a few minor stuffs.

It does give you random rahild totems when you kill when being that cowgirl.

And inventory > alteration allows those to be made into faint magic cores and legendary books and galaxy stones gives you do it for long enough.

Alteration is same as energy, time based after all.

But it 100% bypasses any crafting or master profession requirement so better do that.

So that is that for the monsters, now lets look at the player.
You need transcendance, obtained from raid coin exchange of having spare raid coins.
And then alch level 3 wich you need for the scrolls also, so i know you have that.

Symbols = World boss till 20k points and pull a legendary one straight up from that shop.


And Skill points can be obtained from weekly free expedition/guild requests/daily missions for completing said guild request.


Outfits you have to go out of your way to collect.

As teddy's made only by masters or certain subjugation drops are just rare beyond belief.

So either spend elec or dont bother with them.


So for effect stone i can say battlefield gives legendary ones.

but be real no one wants to do battlefield.

So instead go make a ton of low tier ones, as any and every low tier does not cost more then 3 items. (9 if not processed)

And then in town you have an npc called the Handworker.

For some gold he will combine them into a new one, and as you get better tiers with some odds he will increase the tier as well.
So from grey to green its 100% from green to blue its 40% from blue to purple its 15% and from purple to orange its 10%.

Or, 1 orange = 10 purples = about 100 blue's = 150 greens or so = 150 greys.  
(*9 non-processed mats = 1350, and what do you know level 50/60 account gives 1k mining attempts per day.)

So thats how you get legendary stones, and pray you get a good one.
if not re-alteration and hope its good now or try again later as 2 lizard slots = 400 gems as well per 12 hours on average.

Hence why we spam rupture as this costs an insane amount of gold as well.


So thats gems and effect stones as its the same method unless you wanna be a master.

Then there is weapon upgrading.

Once you did find the right weapon to upgrade its a matter of time, as it only costs gold cubes and weapon shards to do so.

I already went over gold and cubes so let talk about shards.

The main way people want these is trough rupture siting at 50 each run.

But you can also just farm kontana and sierra randomly and find gear from any character.

just disassemble them and you are good to go.

Now clearly thats slow af, So the other way is processing at level 2, costing only sturdy tree trunk and more faint magic cores.

So again having a lizard collect leafs enchanted stones and sturdy trunks is the way to go.

If you do wanna spam gems go manually mine 1k daily in wich ever gem you need, as cobalt and iron is the same vein.

These same weapon shards are also crafted further in restoration stones btw so dont bother thinking you need those from events but that sits at processing level 4 so keep that in mind.


level 15 is 10% odds so just spam 10 attempts worth of cubes resto stones shards and gold till you make it.

Its not like you can lose progress after all like some games.

Lastly is refining, or upgrading sub stats of your weapon really.

You need refining stones and powder, and not gonna lie, powder you can get from battlefield.

but events are your best friends here.

as both the new sierra area has them as creature rewards as well.

Should any of these 2 pop up just go for them as galagos is just random af in wich mons are allowed in.

making it so you can be starved of these for a whole month if it does happen.


So much like combining you randomly change and have a small odds of increasing the rank.

But be reall the items are to scarce to be doing that.

So always wait for both powder and stones as the powder makes the rank up odd to be 100%.

Then Just level them all, and only use flat refine without powder to re-roll the type of stats and not the rank.
(Soleta cant be having resistance as an example.)

Then just level trial of ascension power ups when the season renews.

And same for account level skills when you do level the mons.

And that is all there is to it.


So the only elec used is for rupture really.

And sure the rest goes slow but i find it hard to believe you dont have enough if you only need it for cubes.

Now if you mean the awakening Essence of magic to that i have to say certain events give them 5/10k of them away at a time.

But also you can use the fishing lizard in guild town to catch Eagle ray's and combine with weapon shards to cook them into 70 essences per week.
Wich then in processing let you change them to any other type based on color 20 of them a week.
(Fire = garnet ore+essence/ light = Gold+essence.)


Do note rupture can be avoided if you are patient enough to wait for raids daily.

And by farming runes for gold or magic rune pieces for gold.

As each drop of rune pieces is 20 gold each gold is 100 gold average, and each weapon from raids is like between 6k and 64k a piece at the merchants.

So in the end you need no elec at all, yet people seem to run out for some reason.

But now you know why i dont understand that.

Hope that helps and makes your day.
And have a nice one.

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