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Tree of Heroes - Strategy
Slone 05/14/2023
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Recommended Team Competition: 1 Main DPS, 1 Heal and One Support (Woosa (Water Pioneer), Bastet (Water Desert Queen) are good choices for the shield). Once you are comfortable with the fight you can have one or more add in Verdehile.


First Phase:


  • The boss is going to pick a random element at the start of the fight. You should switch your summoner and main DPS to the opposite element. Don't burn skills until after the switch.


In this phase there are going to be three pillars that you will need to destroy and also avoid when the boss uses abilities to destroy those pillars. If one of these mechanics hits the same element of the boss, it will trigger a AoE hit that can't be avoided and will deal a great deal of damage. 


The boss changes elements after you take it down two bars or 20% of it's HP. It will only switch if you kill the tower, so your primary focus is taking down the tower. 


Fire Boss: 

The boss will target a member and place a red cross hair on the member. If you get this on you, align yourself with the Wind Tower and Do not align yourself with the fire tower. The crosshair will disappear just before the boss uses his skill and you must avoid this as the damage can kill you or your monsters building the bosses Ultimate. Two hits will take down the tower. 


  • - Stack on boss to make it easier to avoid his half circle hit
  • - Don't stand in fire


Water Boss:

The boss will target one or two summoners with a water drop and a purple buff. Stand to one side of the Fire Tower and not on top of it. When the buff falls off, it will leave a pool of water on the ground dealing damage to the Fire Tower. Standing to the side of the tower makes it safer for the next summoner that needs to drop the pool of water. 


  • - When the boss has a red shield around him, STOP ALL DPS immediately or the boss will explode with a massive AoE damage hit
  • - When boss has the blue shield, you need to break it by attacking the boss. (If you have the water buff on you, you might need to wait on going to the tower until the shield is broken and avoid being near your allies). Failing to take the shield down will do massive AoE damage
  • - The boss moves to the middle and show you 3 red circles. This is going to be the pattern for an AoE attack the boss will do immediately after the last red circle shows up. It's best to avoid these, but you can also stack up and heal through it.


Wind Boss:

This is the most annoying of the 3 elements and many summoners or their monsters will die if they don't have a way to cleanse or avoid the giant tornados. In this phase, to take down the Water Tower, the boss will move to the middle and fly up out of battle. Each summoner will be targeted by lightning, but as long as you keep moving, you avoid taking damage. One summoner should run around the tower until the phase ends. It takes two times to take down the tower. Don't group up or run into each other in this phase.


  • - Tornados are really scary as they slow you down and do damage and shock. You can control the direction of the Tornados by running up to them and pulling them away from the boss. It's good to have anyone that isn't being attacked by the boss try to move them, but this takes practice.
  • - Multiple Lightning circles will appear on the ground that explode when the circle is filled up. Avoid standing in them.


Phase Two

This phase is a bit of a DPS test phase. There is going to be three pillars that open up and these will teleport you to an island with a mini boss on it. Tesarion (Fire Ifrit), Mikene (Water Undine), Shimitae (Wind Slyph). Each summoner should take an island and kill the mini boss as quickly as possible. 

Recommend saving your ultimate for these islands to quickly speed up the fight as you are fighting against a clock. 


Water - If you have an Orbia, use them to take own the water one if possible and use light staff. If not use Narin Ha (Collab Unit) or a unit that has block buffs. 

Fire - This can really hurt your passive abilities, but goes down fast with Def break and using immunity

Wind - Easy unit to take down with Def break, but can hit really hard, so make sure you have a good healer ready


Phase 3

In this phase, you will use all you have learned from the first phase to avoid this boss' damage skills. The biggest one to avoid getting hit by is the Spear and the Red Shield. In this phase, the best strategy people are using is keeping your same team and building up your ultimate. At this point, sub in Verdehile for one of your units, other than your main DPS. Use Verdehile ultimate and switch to the main DPS to burst damage. If everyone is doing the same the boss will drop really quick. 


Recommendation for Units to build

Main DPS - Argen (Wind Vampire), Narin Ha, and Tesarion (Fire Ifrit)

Support - Woosa (Water Pioneer), Bastet (Water Desert Queen),  Ariel (Water Archangel)

Healers - Shushu (Light Howl), Ariel(Water Archangel), 

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