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Bachelors of Team Compositions * Updated *
Remzo 03/26/2023
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In this Article we outline key points about Team Compositions and how to maximize their potential and application


Chapter 1


A co-ordinated Raid team is better if 1 Summoner focuses on 1 role to maximize the Team Composition's potential, as you can see Kina can't deal much DMG but by focusing on only supporting other summoners


She's able to compose a pretty good support team which out supports 3 Summoners trying to support themselves


This allows for other Summoners to focus on other roles like DPS where you can build a team just to maximize DPS output instead of 3 teams using 1 DPS monster each with no strategy or 3 Healing Monsters each


Here are some Team Compositions I created that is worth letting everyone know


The Description of some skills are wrong and should say to Team Members instead of To Nearby Allies


I have no idea why they wrote to Nearby Allies and then in Skill info it says doesn't work on Party Members, they might correct it in the future


Most skills that says Nearby Allies work on Party Members and Skills that says Team Members work on your Summoner and your own Monsters only


Sunken Ruin Speed Runs:

Water KINA [ ALL Mana passives needs to be leveled ]:
  Bernard *Linked* Spam Tailwind only, Maxed Skills

  Lyn [ Swap for any desired monster ]


Strategy: Applies Fast MOV SPD to move through Dungeons quick and able to apply level 10 ASPD consistently to all allies while Racuni Skill accelerates Kina and heals the team


Full Support:

Fire KINA [ ALL Mana passives needs to be maxed ]:
  Konamiya *Linked* Cause his heal cost 1 Mana less than Teon, Maxed Skills

  Mav, Maxed Skills

  Teon, Maxed Skills


Strategy: 3 Monsters with Skill Cooldown reduction to help MAV apply Level 3 Skill Acceleration to all ALLIES consistently to maximize other Summoner's DMG Output  * It says Nearby Allies but it doesn't work *


Not only that, the 2 Garudas can also heal everyone epicly and have a revive for safe runs


Kina also applies ATK UP to all Allies consistently


This is only 1 Strategy, there is so many other ways to apply this Team's Composition


Tank and Carry:

Light Cleaf:

  Konamiya *Linked* Skill Accelerate only, Chloe can heal, Maxed Skills
  Chloe, Maxed Skills
  Bastet, Maxed Skills


Strategy: Pretty straight forward team, nothing too complex here but it makes him literally Invincible


Pair this Team up with my Fire Kina Team and he actually is literally Invincible, not only for himself but all ALLIES around him using Chloe's Invincibility * It says Nearby Allies but it doesn't work *


Bastet's ATK UP also stacks with Fire Kina's ATK UP which theoretically, should be able to Apply level 10 ATK UP consistently


Fire Kina's Team amplifies this Team's Composition by Tenfold with constant level 3 Skill Acceleration [ Haven't field tested yet, it's just a Theory for now ] * Skill Acceleration does not work on Allies even though it says to Nearby Allies *


Skill reduction works on his Endure Passive too if I'm not mistaken


[ Even though some skills don't work on Nearby Allies the Team Compositions above are still very useful together ]


I don't know if there's better Team Compositions out there or not but these are mine and used by me


On their own they still work but their full potential is brought out together 


GM Remzo of OzSociety AKA Prof. OH-Zee

GM stands for Guild Master..

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