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Sep. 12th Update Note
GM Chronicles 09/12/2024


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update.


The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone: 



Please check the details below.


■ Major Update


▶ 5★ Ifrit Exclusive Legendary Artifact

- The Ifrit exclusive Legendary Artifact that can be equipped per attribute will be added.

  * The Artifact Effects below are based on enhancement Lv. 15+, and the Artifact effect of each level can be checked by using the “Artifact List” on the bottom-left of [Manage Artifacts].


Artifact Effect


Grants Lv. 2 ATK SPD UP for 20 sec whenever it grants Burn successfully if ATK SPD UP is not granted on itself or if ATK SPD UP level is below 5.


Removes the enemy target's Immunity with a 55% chance with each hit when a skill successfully hits an enemy. Grants Freeze on the enemy target for 3.5 sec with a successful removal of Immunity and grants Immunity to itself and the team Summoner for 10 sec.


Grants Lv. 1 Electric Shock on nearby enemies for 10 sec during battle. (Cooldown: 7 sec) Explodes Electric Shock if the target possesses Electric Shock when Root is granted successfully.


Uses Triple Crush if the attacked target possesses 2+ beneficial effects when attacking with Mega Smash. (Cooldown: 30 sec) Deals 145.2% of ATK as damage on the nearby enemies excluding the attacked target if it has 2+ beneficial effects when Mega Smash or Triple Smash is used and hits the enemy successfully. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effect that reduces the damage taken.


Increases its DEF by 100 up to 15 times whenever it removes a harmful effect of a team member in the Arena or Siege Battle and decreases the team Summoner's skill cooldown by 10% if it removes the team Summoner's harmful effect. The increased DEF will reset when it's defeated.


▶ 5★ Ifrit Exclusive Artifact Rate UP Summon

- 5★ Ifrit Exclusive Artifact Rate UP Summon will begin for each attribute. 

  · Period: After the Sep. 12th maintenance - Oct. 10th 12am

  · 5★ Ifrit Exclusive Artifact can be acquired with a higher chance than the Galaxy Summon.

    · The 5★ Ifrit Exclusive Artifact will be available to acquire whenever you reach 200 mileage points with the Rate UP Summon.

    · The mileage points won’t reset even if you get the 5★ Ifrit Exclusive Artifact before reaching 200 points.


▶ Fire/Water/Wind Ifrit Plus+ Rate UP Summon

- 5★ Ifrit (Fire/Water/Wind) Plus+ Rate UP Summon will be available at the [Summon Altar]. 

· Period: After the Sep. 12th maintenance - Oct. 10th 12am

  · The Fire/Water/Wind Ifrit can be acquired with a higher chance than the regular Rate UP Summon.

  · The Ifrit of the attribute will be available to acquire whenever you reach 200 mileage points with the Rate UP Summon of each attribute.

· The mileage points won’t reset even if you get the Ifrit before reaching 200 points.



■ Balancing


▶ Summoner

- The skill descriptions are based on each skill’s MAX enhancement.

- New or added texts will be shown in blue and deleted texts will be shown in red.

  · Heath




Shadow Art

 (New) [When using evasion skill] (80% chance) Remove Provoke

Defense Mechanism

[When the Monster's Evasion exceeds 80%] Immune against Root

: The effect lasts based on the stats when you enter battle

[When the Monster's Evasion exceeds 80%] Immune against Root

(Changed) Effect lasts based on the real-time stats


  · Soleta




Basic Attack (Water)

84% of ATK as DMG(Changed) 71.4% of ATK as DMG (Weak Point attack can be triggered)

Ice Double Shot (Water)

[Per Hit] 122.2% of ATK as DMG

[If caster has Fletch] (40% chance) Lv. 1 MOV SPD DOWN for 8 sec

(Changed) [Per hit] 103.8% of ATK as DMG (Weak Point attack can be triggered)

(Changed) [If caster has Fletch] (40% chance) Remove 1 Beneficial Effect

Salvo (Water)

[Per Hit] 67% of ATK as DMG(Changed) [Per hit] 57% of ATK as DMG (Weak Point attack can be triggered)

Ice Blast (Water)

446.2% of ATK as DMG

218.6% of ATK as splash damage

(Changed) 379.2% of ATK as DMG (Weak Point attack can be triggered)

(Changed) 185.8% of ATK as splash damage (Weak point attack available)

Shooting Star (Water)

[Per Hit] 77.4% of ATK as DMG(Changed) [Per Hit] 65.6% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack activation available)

Illusion Arrow (Water)

446.2% of ATK as DMG(Changed) 178.4% of ATK as DMG (Weak Point attack can be triggered)

Ice Flash (Water)

675% of ATK as DMG(Changed) 573.6% of ATK as DMG (Weak Point attack can be triggered)


 (New) [When attacking Water attribute] Precision UP: 7%


  · Kina




Fairy's Blessing (Fire)

[If target's HP is below 50%] Fairy's Blessing cooldown decreased by 35%(Changed) [If target's HP is below 50%] Fairy's Blessing cooldown decreased by 15%

Snow Day (Water)

Skill Cooldown 12 sec

Grants Lv. 4 ATK SPD UP for 20 sec

Grants Lv. 4 Precision UP for 20 sec

[If target's HP is below 50%] Snow Day cooldown decreased by 35%

(Changed) Skill Cooldown 16 sec

(Changed) Grants Lv. 2 ATK SPD UP for 14 sec

(Changed) Grants Lv. 2 Precision UP for 14 sec

(Changed) [If target's HP is below 50%] Snow Day cooldown decreased by 15%

Double Wind (Wind)

[Upon successful removal] Lv. 1 RES DOWN for 20 sec(Changed) [Upon successful removal] Lv. 1 DMG Dealt DOWN for 10 sec


▶ Monster

- The skill descriptions are based on each skill’s MAX enhancement.

- New or added texts will be shown in blue and deleted texts will be shown in red.

  · 5★ Wind Ifrit

  · The skill range of Super Crush, Mach Crush, and Ultimate Mach Crush will be slightly increased.




Basic Attack

DoT duration increased by 2 sec(Deleted) DoT duration increased by 2 sec

Super Crush

Skill Cooldown 18 sec

Consumes 3 Mana

522.5% of ATK + 17.4% of its MAX HP as DMG

Lv. 2 Electric Shock for 20 sec

(Changed) Skill Cooldown 24 sec

(Changed) Consumes 4 Mana

(Deleted) 522.5% of ATK + 17.4% of its MAX HP as DMG

(Changed) Lv. 2 Electric Shock for 14 sec

(New) Lv.1 DEF UP for 20 sec

(New) Removes 2 beneficial effects

Mach Crush

633.3% of ATK as DMG + 95% of ATK as DMG based on target's DoT LV

[If target has DoT] (70% chance) Stuns for 3.5 sec

(Deleted) 633.3% of ATK as DMG + 95% of ATK as DMG based on target's DoT LV

(Changed) (70% chance) Roots for 8 sec

(New) Invincible for 6 sec

(New) [When Root is successfully granted on 2+ targets] Uses Super Crush 1 time

Ultimate Mach Crush

1266.6% of ATK as DMG + 190.1% of ATK as DMG based on target's DoT LV

[If target has DoT] (70% chance) Stuns for 3.5 sec

(Deleted) 1266.6% of ATK as DMG + 190.1% of ATK as DMG based on target's DoT LV

(Changed) (70% chance) Roots for 8 sec

(New) Invincible for 8 sec

(New) Uses Super Crush 1 time


  · 5★ Dark Ifrit




Conversion of Magic

[Every 10 sec in battle] Removes 2 harmful effects

[Upon successful removal] Recovers target’s HP by 22%

(Changed) [Every 7 sec in battle] Removes 2 harmful effects

(Changed) [Upon successful removal] Recovers target’s HP by 17.6%


  · 5★ Dark Oracle




Fate of Destruction

[When removing beneficial effect] Passing Time cooldown decreased by 70%

(Changed) [When removing beneficial effect] Passing Time cooldown decreased by 50%


* The target of granting bomb and removing beneficial effects will be changed to the target enemy and 2 random enemies within the area.


  · 5★ Hell Lady (Light)




Basic Attack

200% of ATK as DMG(Changed) 30% of ATK as fixed DMG


[Per Hit] 276.6% of ATK as DMG

[If caster has Invincibility] 138.3% of ATK as fixed DMG

(Changed) [Per Hit] 69.1% of ATK as fixed DMG

(Changed) [If caster has Invincibility] 117.5% of ATK as fixed DMG

Blood Scatter

[Per Hit] 184.4% of ATK as DMG(Changed) [Per Hit] 73.8% of ATK as fixed DMG

Ultimate Blood Scatter

[Per Hit] 368.6% of ATK as DMG(Changed) [Per Hit] 147.4% of ATK as DMG



■ New/Improvements/Changes


▶ Expedition

- The acquisition rate and the amount of Conversion Stones provided as the clear reward for the Hard difficulty of each dungeon will be adjusted.

  · Conversion Stones will be provided with a guaranteed chance starting with Hard difficulty Lv. 5.

  · The amount of Conversion Stones acquired will be fixed to 1 regardless of the difficulty.


▶ Raid

[Mythic Raid]

- The weapon and sub weapon will be displayed on the product’s icon in the Mythic Raid Coin Shop. 

[Hero Raid]

- The skill effect of Abyss’ Abyssal Rest will be changed to adjust the difficulty of Abyss Lord's Asylum.

  · Before: Instantly defeats all enemies within range excluding the ones near itself.

  · After: Removes all beneficial effects of enemies within range excluding the ones near itself and deals fixed damage based on their MAX HP.


▶ Dungeon


- The bonus reward Monster will be changed for the Special Rupture Hard. 


5★ Monster

Sep. 12th 12am - Sep. 19th 12am

5★ Lightning Emperor (Wind/Light/Dark), Ifrit (All), Unicorn (Light), Fairy King (Dark)


▶ Quest

[Rahil Kingdom Story]

- The beginning part of the gameplay will be simplified. 

  · You’ll now be able to start the quest automatically after completing the beginning tutorial.

  · The unnecessary tutorial will no longer be exposed after Act. 1 Ch. 9 Gerald's Testimony.

[Summoner’s Way]

-The following dungeons will be added to the dungeons to be cleared for Intermediate Summoner Challenge 1. Power of Enhanced Runes.

  · Queen Spider's Nest/Forgotten Earth Shrine/Tear Glands Cave/Laboratory of Madness/Lava Cave/Temple of Darkness Hard Lv. 6

  · Ursus’ Area Hard Lv. 1-6


▶ Summoner Pass

- Sky Stones provided for the Daily Challenge and Weekly Challenge reward will be changed to Enhancement Shards.


▶ Summon Altar


- The Rate UP Summon and White Night Summon will now be displayed on top of the list. 


▶ Exchange Center

- The MIN/MAX price of the following items will be adjusted. 


MIN Price

MAX Price

5★ Devilmon

210,000 →  180,000

390,000 →  360,000

4★ Rainbowmon

1,750 →  1,000

3,250 →  2,500

5★ Rainbowmon

3,850 →  3,300

7,150 →  6,600

Angelmon (All)

12,600 →  9,000

23,400 →  19,800

Normal EXP Potion

70,000 →  50,000

130,000 →  110,000

Premium EXP Potion

10,500 →  7,500

19,500 →  16,500

Essence of Magic

3,500 →  3,000

6,500 →  6,000

Attribute Essence

3,500 →  2,500

6,500 →  5,500

Magician's Research Log

10,500 →  6,000

19,500 →  15,000

High Unknown Handwork Gem/Spell Book/Sun Stone/Moon Stone/Galaxy Stone

42,000 →  18,000

78,000 →  54,000


▶ Profession

- The recipe of the following items will be added to [Processing].

  · Legend Conversion Stone Random Box

  · Legend Conversion Stone Selection Box


▶ Ride

- The Ride Shop info and the Shop Button will be added to the source of some unowned Rides. 


▶ Convenience Improvements

- The following Outfit that was sold in the past will be added to the Outfit Tab of [Package Shop]-[Overlays].

  · Slumber Party Outfit (Unavailable for Heath)

- The following Ride that was sold in the past will be added to the Ride Tab of [Package Shop]-[Common].

  · Beach Duck Boat, Moon Bunny, Golden Sky Stingray, Witch's Broom, Christmas Reindeer

  · Period: After the Sep. 12th maintenance - Oct. 3rd 12am

- The Bag Expansion Package that was already purchased will no longer be displayed in the Play Tab of [Package Shop]-[Common].

- The daily purchase limit of Tiny Naraka’s Great Adventure tickets will be increased to 3 times in the Ticket Tab of [Package Shop]-[Common]. 


▶ Others

- 5★ Fire/Water/Wind Brownie Magician Piece can now be acquired from the Piece Shop and the Monster Piece Box.

- 5★ Fire/Water/Wind Brownie Magician will be added to the list of Monsters available from the 5★ Selection Ticket.

- 5★ Magic Knight Exclusive Artifact will be added to the list of Artifacts available from the 5★ Legend Artifact Selection Ticket.

- The typos in the description of some languages in [Package Shop]-[Ticket] will be fixed. 

- The illustration of the title screen will be changed. 


▶ Summoner Pass New Season Open

- Period: Sep. 16th 12am - Oct. 14th 12am

- Season Reward: Get various rewards per level including 5★ Selection Ticket, 5★ Devilmon, and 5★ Rainbowmon!

* You can get premium rewards when you purchase the Summoner Pass.

* Daily pass rewards such as Path of Growth/Cairos ticket or Quick Battle Permit can be acquired when you purchase the Summoner Pass.

* You can get the unlimited gather/mine benefit when you purchase the Summoner Pass.


 ▶ Arena Pass New Season Open

- Period: Sep. 16th 12am - Oct. 14th 12am

- Season Reward: Get various rewards per level including 5★ Devilmon, 5★ Legendary Artifact Selection Ticket, and Legendary Scroll!

* Premium rewards can be collected when you purchase the Arena Pass.

* The amount of the reward will be increased for a designated number of times in the Arena when you purchase the Arena Pass.

* The opponent refresh time will be decreased in the Challenge Arena and you can refresh the opponent list up to 10 times a day when you purchase the Arena Pass.


▶ Battlefield Pass Season Start/End Time Changed

- The Start/End time of the Battlefield Pass Season will be changed as follows.

  · Before: Sep. 19th 5am

  · After: Sep. 19th 10:10am

* The sales period of the current Battlefield Pass Season will be changed to be until Sep. 19th 10:10am.



■ New Event


▶ Lucky Bingo 

· Period: Sep. 12th 12am - Sep. 19th 12am

- Details: Clear the [Essence Dungeon] and get four-leaf clovers to get event rewards!


▶ Silver Artifact Summon

· Period: After the Sep. 12th maintenance - Oct. 10th 12am

- Details: Use the Silver Artifact Seal to summon Artifacts and get rewards according to the accumulated summon count!



■ Error Fixed


- The issue of 5★ Wind Sword Spirit’s Awakened name, Durendal, being spelled differently in some languages has been resolved. 

- The White Night Rate UP Summon period for 5★ Light Unicorn and Dark Fairy King will be changed as follows.

  · Before: Until Oct. 4th 12am

  · After: Until Oct. 3rd 12am

- The issue of the skill description and title display being awkward is some languages for Tiny Naraka’s Great Adventure has been resolved.

- The issue of the purchase count being displayed in negative numbers in the Battlefield Shop in certain situations has been resolved.

- The issue of the title being removed when you enter dungeons after the matchmaking has been completed after equipping the title such as Guild Master and Legendary Warrior has been resolved.

- The issue of Fenturio’s Crushing Rush not working properly in certain situations in Mythic: Strife Lord's Palace has been resolved.

The hit count will be added to the description of 5★ Meta Clone’s Galaxy Fighter. 

- The issue of the Guild Rivals participation UI not being displayed properly in the Siege Battle Ranking of the Siege Battle Status Pop-up in the [Guild Siege Battle] in certain situations has been resolved.

The issue with 5★ Wind Joker’s Artifact description being awkward is some parts has been resolved.

- The issue of the cut scene being displayed during battle when Fenturio’s Single Combat has been used in Mythic: Strife Lord's Palace has been resolved.

- The issue of the Guild Request not being completed even when you craft the displayed recipe after accepting the Guild Daily Request related to Cooking has been resolved.

- The issue of Strife Domination Set Effect being activated due to skill acceleration/deceleration has been resolved.

- The issue of the following text being omitted in the purchase confirmation pop-up for Season 2 items in the Mythic Raid Coin Shop has been resolved.

  · One Shiny Weapon or Sub Weapon will be acquired when purchased.

- The Strife Single Combat set has been modified so that using an area attack with this set equipped will not apply the Single Combat Mark to other enemies aside from the main target.




We hope you enjoy the new contents and events.

We will continue to provide an enjoyable <Summoners War: Chronicles> experience.




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