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Jun. 27th Update Note
GM Chronicles 06/27/2024


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update.


The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone: 



Please check the details below.


■ Major Update


▶ New Continent, Lapisdore

- A new continent, Lapisdore, will be added.

  · Complete Rahil Kingdom Story <Act. 9 Ch. 11 New Home of Galagos> to open.

- [Quest] New quests will be added to the following content related to Lapisdore.

  · Rahil Kingdom Story, Area Exploration, Repeat Request

- New dungeons will be added to [Guard Journal]-[Area Dungeon].

- New Lapisdore field events will be added to [Field Event].

  · Participation Event: Mine the Huge Vein at the Edge of Cliff, Make a Wish at the Base

  · Competition Event: Slay Starved Land Tyra

* Some Kontana Field Event’s schedule will be changed or removed as the Lapisdore Field Event is added.

- New Lapisdore Guild requests will be added to [Guild]-[Request Office].

- Lapisdore creatures will be added to [Book]-[Creature Book].

- New Lapisdore achievements will be added to [Achievement]. 


Achievement Goal


[Adventure] Lapisdore Tyra

Defeat Hungry Predator Tyra that appeared in Lapisdore

Mystical Scroll x1

- New Lapisdore concept wallpaper will be added to use in the character selection screen.

  · Available as a reward when you clear Very Hard Contaminated Training Ground of Lapisdore in [Guard Journal]-[Area Dungeon].

  · The wallpaper can be used even if you didn’t get it after the Jun. 27th maintenance until Jul. 25th 5am.



▶ Summoner & Monster Level Expansion

- The Summoner and Monster MAX level will be expanded to Lv. 100.

  · The MAX level of Summoners will be adjusted to 100 without having to use any materials.

  · All soul connection will be removed before the maintenance and the standard level for the soul connection will be changed to Lv. 100.

  · Evolution Lv. 2 will be added to reach Monster Lv. 100 and the materials required for each level are as follows.

Default Star Grade

Evolution Material


Monster Piece of the Monster to Evolve x120, Breath of Life x5, Gold x6,000


Monster Piece of the Monster to Evolve x100, Breath of Life x5, Gold x10,000


Monster Piece of the Monster to Evolve x100 or 3★ Rainbowmon x20, Breath of Life x5, Gold x40,000


Monster Piece of the Monster to Evolve x80 or 4★ Rainbowmon x16, Breath of Life x5, Gold x150,000


Monster Piece of the Monster to Evolve x60 or 5★ Rainbowmon x12, Breath of Life x5, Gold x500,000


▶ 5★ Brownie Magician

- 5★ Brownie Magician will be joining the world of Chronicles. 

  · Brownie Magician research will be added to [Book]-[Monster Research].

  · Brownie Magician Illustration will be added to [Book]-[Library of Recollection].

  · All skill descriptions are based on the Awakening Transformation. 



Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target.


Removes 1 beneficial effect of the nearby enemy and removes the bomb of an ally. Grants DMG Dealt UP to the target and reduces cooldown if the target that the bomb was removed successfully was a team member.

Light Prank

Attacks the nearby enemy 4 times, Provokes with a certain chance, and grants Invincible to itself.

Ultimate Light Prank

Attacks the nearby enemy 4 times, Provokes with a certain chance, and grants Immunity and Invincible to itself.




Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target.

Light Prank

Attacks the nearby enemy and applies the advantageous Attribute if the target is a creature. Grants DMG Dealt UP to itself.


Attacks the nearby enemy 4 times and shoots a ball to the front to attack the enemies on the route. Applies the advantageous Attribute if the target is a Boss and grants DMG Taken UP with a certain chance.

Play With Me

Gains Immunity against CC Effects in Guild Infinite Raid and Guild Raid and decreases its DMG Taken and increases DMG Dealt. DMG Dealt will be increased additionally when attacking a Boss and grants a Shield to itself.

Ultimate Throw

Attacks the nearby enemy 6 times and shoots a ball to the front to attack the enemies on the route. Applies the advantageous Attribute if the target is a Boss and grants DMG Taken UP with a certain chance.




Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target.


Removes all beneficial effects of the nearby enemy, grants Block Beneficial Effect and grants Continuous Recovery to itself.

Light Prank

Grants ATK DOWN, CRIT Rate DOWN, ATK SPD DOWN, DMG Dealt DOWN 4 times on the nearby enemy with a certain chance each.

Ultimate Light Prank

Grants ATK DOWN, CRIT Rate DOWN, ATK SPD DOWN, DMG Dealt DOWN 4 times on the nearby enemy with a certain chance each.




Basic Attack

Attacks the enemy target.

Light Prank

Attacks the nearby enemy 4 times, grants CRIT Rate DOWN with a certain chance and steals the enemy Summoner's Mana to grant it to my Summoner.


Attacks the nearby enemy 4 times and grants irresistible ATK DOWN. Attacks the enemy on the route with the 5th attack and knocks down a random target.

Small Grudge

Grants MOV SPD UP to itself with a certain chance when my Summoner is attacked in the Arena or Siege Battle and uses Throw.

Ultimate Throw

Attacks the nearby enemy 6 times and grants irresistible ATK DOWN. Attacks the enemy on the route and knocks down the target with the 7th attack.




Basic Attack

Deals DMG that doesn't wake up the enemy from the sleep.


Removes all beneficial effects of the nearby enemy and grants Drain on my Summoner.

Light Prank

Deals DMG that doesn't wake up the enemy from the sleep 4 times on the nearby enemy. Provokes the enemies with the first attack and grants Sleep to a random target.

Misaligned Favor

Removes all beneficial effects of 2 random targets when attacked in the Arena or Siege Battle and grants irresistible Sleep.

Ultimate Light Prank

Deals DMG that doesn't wake up the enemy from the sleep 4 times on the nearby enemy. Provokes the enemies with the first attack, grants Sleep to a random target and grants Drain to my Summoner.


▶ New Monster <Brownie Magician> (Fire/Water/Wind) Rate UP Summon

- 5★ Brownie Magician (Fire/Water/Wind) Rate UP Summon will be available. 

  · Period: After the Jun. 27th maintenance - Jul. 18th 12am

  · The Fire/Water/Wind Brownie Magician can be acquired with a higher chance than with the Mystical Scroll.

  · The Brownie Magician of the attribute will be available to acquire whenever you reach 200 mileage points with the Rate UP Summon of each attribute.

  · The mileage points won’t reset even if you get the Brownie Magician before reaching 200 points.


▶ New Invasive Rune, Indomitable Rune

- 2 new Conversion Stones will be added to use to change the sub-properties of the 2 new Runes. 


Set Effect

Invasive Rune

Lv. 1 DEF DOWN will be granted to the enemy for 10 sec with a 12% chance when the Monster attacks accurately when you equip a set of 4 Invasive Runes.

Indomitable Rune

Increases the Monster's CRIT RES by 12% when you equip a set of 2 Indomitable Runes.



■ New/Improvements/Changes


▶ Cairos

▶ Illusion Garden 

-The theme Monster of the Illusion Garden will be changed to 4★ Dark Lizardman. 

· Period: Jul. 1st 12am - Jul. 2nd 11:56pm

[Essence Dungeon]

- Essence of Magic and the Essence of the attribute of the cleared dungeon will be provided as the reward when you clear the dungeon of each level for the first time.


▶ Path of Growth

[Path of Training]

- One level will be added to each dungeon’s difficulty. 

- Breath of Life and Premium EXP Potion will be provided as the reward when you clear the normal difficulty dungeon of each level for the first time.

[Path of Adventure]

- New dungeon, Ursus’ Area will be added.

  · You’ll be able to get the 2 new Runes, Invasive Rune and Indomitable Rune.

  · There are 6 levels with Hard difficulty, and it will be opened when you clear Rahil Kingdom Story <Act. 10 Ch. 18. Ursus’ Area>.

  · The ranking record will be tallied starting with the new season that begins on Jul. 1st.

* The new dungeon, Ursus’ Area, doesn’t share the difficulty level with other Path of Adventure dungeons.

- One level will be added to each dungeon’s difficulty, excluding the new dungeon. 

  · The ranking registration standard will be changed to Hard Lv. 6 starting with the new season that begins on Jul. 1st.

- Runes and Rune Enhancement Stones will be provided as the reward when you clear the normal difficulty dungeon of each level for the first time.


- Enhancement Shards and Gold will be provided as the reward when you clear the dungeon of each level for the first time.


▶ Arena

[Challenge Arena (World)]

- The bot battle power of Beginner - Silver 3 will be decreased for the [Practice Battle].

- The Challenge Trial will no longer be available.

- The points acquired for Attack & Defense results will be changed as follows.

  · Successful Attack Points























  · Failed Attack Points




All Grades




  · Successful Defense Points




Master 1



Master 2



Master 3



Master 4



Master 5



Grandmaster 1



Grandmaster 2



Grandmaster 3




[Brawl Arena]

- Meta Clone will be added to the pre-ban list.


▶ Expedition

- A new dungeon, Water Capella will be added.

  · 2 new Conversion Stones, Invasive Conversion Stone and Indomitable Conversion Stone will be available to acquire.

  · There are 5 levels with Hard difficulty, and it will be opened when you clear Rahil Kingdom Story <Act. 10 Ch. 18. Ursus’ Area>.

  · The ranking record will be tallied starting with the new season that begins on Jul. 1st.

* The new dungeon, Water Capella, doesn’t share the difficulty level with other Expedition dungeons.

- One level will be added to each dungeon’s difficulty for Expedition and Special Expedition. 

  · The Legend Conversion Stone Selection Box will be provided as a reward when you clear Hard Special Expedition Lv. 5.

  · The ranking registration standard will be changed to Hard Lv. 5 starting with the new season that begins on Jul. 1st.

The Magician's Research Log will be provided as the reward when you clear each normal difficulty dungeon for the first time in Expedition.


▶ Raid

[Elite Raid]

- You’ll now be able to use 5 Energy to enter additionally for Event Raids such as the Reed Hill, Butterfly Tomb, and Beast's Nest.

[Hero Raid]

- A new Banian Robbers System will be added to help users get rewards by using the Raid entrance count for those having a hard time clearing the dungeon.

  · You’ll be able to use it by tapping on the Banian Robbers Button on the center-top of each Raid screen.

  · Robbing will begin when you use 1 weekly entrance count to use.

  · You’ll be able to instantly complete by using Crystals based on the time remaining and you’ll be able to rob additionally when you recharge the entrance count.

  · Robbing can be proceeded up to 1 hr and you’ll get more rewards as the robbing time increases.

  · You can get Glory Coin x4 for robbing 6 min and you can get up to Glory Coin x40.

  · You can get Gold x5,000 for robbing 3 min and you can get up to Gold x100,000.

- The balancing will be adjusted to ease the random factors that affect the battle. 

  · The transformation order of Farakel in Tree of Heroes will be fixed to Fire>Water>Wind.

  · The skill of Vita in Foggy Prison, Writhing of Fear, will be removed.

- The auto battle setting’s basic value will be changed to manual operation. 


▶ Dungeon


- Sky Stones will be provided as the reward when you clear each level of Distorted Sky Island and Sunken Ruins for the first time.

- The bonus reward Monster will be changed for the Special Rupture Hard. 


5★ Monster

Jun. 27th 12am - Jul. 4th 12am

Archangel (All), Brownie Magician (All), Pioneer (Light), Chimera (Dark)

Jul. 4th 12am - Jul. 11th 12am

Brownie Magician (All), Raven (All), Pioneer (Light), Chimera (Dark)


[World Boss]

- The battle method and the score tally method has been changed and the difficulty has been increased. 

  · The Monster’s auto evasion will be deactivated, and some wide-range skills may be removed or the cooldown may be increased to focus on attacking targets with high DEF. 

  · The 4 teams in the formation will be identified as individual teams to not share the recovery or buffs of other teams.

  · Only the Attack Score will be tallied instead of adding all Attack/Defense/Recovery/Survival scores.


▶ Quest

[Rahil Kingdom Story]

- The guide will be improved so that it’s easier to follow the main quests in the Eia Hill area.

- Some quest tips and tutorial guides will be improved.

- The tutorial image and details will be improved for selecting Soleta and Heath. 

- The source of some items and game money will be added and content reward will be improved.

- Monster rewards will be added to Rahil Kingdom Story Quest Rewards.

  · 4★ Fire Lizardman added as a reward for <Act. 2 Ch. 22, In Search of Knowledge >

  · 4★ Wind Mystic Witch added to <Act. 3 Ch. 36, Elves with an Open Mind>

  · 4★ Water Amazon added to <Act. 4 Ch. 49, Return>

- The EXP reward of the Rahil Kingdom Story in some continents will be increased from 100% to 400%.

  · Rudelin/Tesca/Ayah/Flurence/Rukurangma/Kontana

- The reward for Rahil Kingdom Story <Act. 5 Ch. 49 Preparing for the Future> will be changed.

  · The 5★ Legendary Weapon/Sub Weapon of Fire/Water/Wind/Light/Dark attribute will be given as the reward.

[Area Exploration]

- The Complete Guard Journal’s Monster Story condition will be removed for the following quest’s prerequisite.

  · Ayah Area Exploration Quest: Partner of the first Magician Leader

  · Flurence Area Exploration Quest: Disappeared Brother and Sister

  · Rukurangma Area Exploration Quest: Three Sons of Karamazo


▶ Summoner Pass

- Visit Mystic Island will be added to the [Daily Challenges]. 

  · You’ll be able to check the challenge when the Daily Challenges reset after the [Mystic Island] content is unlocked.


▶ Guard Journal

[Area Dungeon]

- You’ll now be able to play the dungeon again when you approach it on the field even if it’s been cleared already.

  · The clear EXP and reward will be provided only once when cleared for the first time. The change has been made for situations where the Monster Book reward wasn’t collected due to using Quick Battle, etc.

- The 3-4★ Rainbowmon Reward will be increased among the Area Dungeon rewards.

  · 3-4★ Rainbowmon item source info will be added.


▶ Equipment

- The source of Shiny Equipment and common equipment will be distinguished to be displayed. 

- The enhancement effect will be simplified for equipment enhancements with 100% success rate. 

- The range of the equipment enhancements with 100% success rate will be changed as below to increase the overall success rate.

Equipment Grade



1★-3★ Awakening Lv. 1

Enhancement Lv. 12

Enhancement Lv. 15

4★-4★ Awakening Lv. 1

Enhancement Lv. 9

Enhancement Lv. 15

5★-5★ Awakening Lv. 5

Enhancement Lv. 2

Enhancement Lv. 9

6★-6★ Awakening Lv. 3

Enhancement Lv. 2

Enhancement Lv. 5

6★ Mythic -

Enhancement Lv. 2

Enhancement Lv. 2


▶ Monster

- 5★ Archangel’s motion speed will be increased, and the hit time will be adjusted.

- A notice text will be added to notify that 5★ Meta Clone can’t be used for Soul Connection.

- The Monster effect can now be played in the skill preview screen of 5★ Meta Clone. 


▶ Summon Altar

- The 14 Days of Lucky Summon available for new users will end Jun. 27th 12pm.

  · The event related to the summon page won’t be displayed for new users.

  · The summon and event will be available to use until the end date for users who’ve already started.

- 5★ Monster x2 and 4★ Monster x3 will now be included with a 100% chance among the 10 Monsters you acquire with the Selective Summon. 


▶ Guild

[Guild Rivals]

- The Spectate Function will be added. 

  · Up to 200 users can enter by tapping on the Spectate Button on the center of the main screen.

  · Match status, KDA per player, contributed points, and siege status can be checked in real-time.

  · You can view the match with the selected Summoner’s point of view by tapping on the player icon on the left/right and check the Summoner’s info.

  · You can also tap on the minimap on the left-bottom or drag the screen to adjust the camera.

[Guild Daily Request]

- The Guild Daily Request condition and reward will be improved. 

  · The request reward will be increased, and unpopular requests will be removed. 

  · Outfit crafting materials will be added to appear with a low chance to the request completion reward.


▶ Mystic Island

- Mystic Island MAX level will be expanded to Lv. 40 and new buildings and decorations will be added. 

  · Level Up Reward


Level Achievement Reward

EXP Achievement Reward (33%)

EXP Achievement Reward (66%)

Provided Elementals


Rudelin Small Tent

Rudelin Big Tent

Brilliant Legacy

Mystic Island Coin



Tesca Small Tent

Tesca Big Tent

Red Magic Wood

Mystic Island Coin



Ayah Small Tent

Ayah Big Tent

Blue Magic Stone

Mystic Island Coin



Flurence Small Tent

Flurence Medium Tent

Flurence Big Tent


Mystic Island Coin



Rukurangma Small Tent

Rukurangma Big Tent

Brilliant Legacy

Mystic Island Coin



Shabby Fence Corner

Neat Fence Corner





  · New Buildings & Decorations


Activation Condition


MAX Amount

Challenge Arena Flag

Reach Challenge Arena (World) Bronze I+



Brawl Arena Flag

Reach Brawl Arena Bronze I+



Spires of Ascension Flag

Clear Spires of Ascension 5F+

Monster EXP increased when you clear the dungeon


13 Decorations

Reach Mystic Island level required for each decoration




- You can now possess up to 3 Golden Goose Stone Statues and 2 Monster Display Stands. 

- The following improvements will be made.

  · A new consecutive placement function will be added for some buildings and a new storage mode will be added to store consecutively.

  · A new function to collect the same game money at once will be added and you can now collect different game money by tapping consecutively without delays.

  · Buildings that can’t be stored will no longer be displayed in the Shop.

  · The Monster’s motion will be played at designated times with the Monster Display Stand.

  · The edit mode will end when the building’s edit is over when tapping and holding the building to edit.

  · The star icon function will be removed, and the level up icon will be displayed now only when the required amount of material has been reached. 

  · The produced item’s production time will be displayed for the production building.

  · The game money in possession displayed on the top won’t be displayed when you visit the Mystic Island of another player.

  · You can now check the rewards by opening the pop-up when you level up.

- You’ll no longer be able to use the [Ride], [Summoner]-[Transformation] menu when you enter the Mystic Island.


▶ Profession

- The required amount of individual request among the promotion requests will be eased.

  · Only applied to Processing/Cooking/Alchemy/Master promotions, and materials already used won’t be refunded.

- The promotion condition will be eased as follows.

  · Before: Promoted when all requests on the list have been completed

  · After: Select requests to complete from the list and promoted when the selected requests have been completed.

- Cooking research hint will be improved.

  · Before: A hint on one ingredient is given when you fail cooking research and the item’s info, and source is displayed as a pop-up.

  · After: A hint on all ingredients is given when you fail cooking research and the item’s info, and source won’t be displayed as a pop-up. The ingredients in possession currently will be emphasized.


▶ Achievement

- New achievements will be added.


Achievement Goal


[Growth] Orbia's Progress

Reach Lv. 100 with Orbia

Transcendence Scroll x1

[Growth] Kina's Progress

Reach Lv. 100 with Kina

[Growth] Cleaf's Progress

Reach Lv. 100 with Cleaf

[Growth] Soleta's Progress

Reach Lv. 100 with Soleta

[Growth] Heath's Progress

Reach Lv. 100 with Heath

[Adventure] Hard Water Path of Training

Clear Path of Training - Grassland Chaos Lv. 4 (Hard)

5★ Rainbowmon x12

[Adventure] Hard Fire Path of Training

Clear Path of Training - Aura of Rebellion Lv. 4 (Hard)

[Adventure] Hard Wind Path of Training

Clear Path of Training - Shade in the Dawn Lv. 4 (Hard)

[Adventure] Cut Through Spider Web

Clear Path of Adventure - Queen Spider's Nest Lv. 6 (Hard)

6★ Mythic Energy Rune x1

[Adventure] Guard the Shrine

Clear Path of Adventure - Forgotten Earth Shrine Lv. 6 (Hard)

6★ Mythic Fatal Rune x1

[Adventure] Secure the Cave

Clear Path of Adventure - Tear Glands Cave Lv. 6 (Hard)

6★ Mythic Blade Rune x1

[Adventure] Successful R&D

Clear Path of Adventure - Laboratory of Madness Lv. 6 (Hard)

6★ Mythic Focus Rune x1

[Adventure] Ride the Lava Waterfall

Clear Path of Adventure - Lava Cave Lv. 6 (Hard)

6★ Mythic Foresight  Rune x1

[Adventure] Challenging Cupola Lake Expedition

Clear Expedition - Water Rhodoes Lv. 5 (Hard)

Fatal Conversion Stone x10

[Adventure] Challenging Canyon Labyrinth Expedition

Clear Expedition - Fire Tallades Lv. 5 (Hard)

Blade Conversion Stone x10

[Adventure] Challenging Cascu Ruins Expedition

Clear Expedition - Wind Arachne Lv. 5 (Hard)

Energy Conversion Stone x10

[Adventure] Challenging Forest Chapel Expedition

Clear Expedition - Light Shoerekly Lv. 5 (Hard)

Focus Conversion Stone x10

[Adventure] Challenging Tear Glands Cave Expedition

Clear Expedition - Dark Borbo Lv. 5 (Hard)

Foresight Conversion Stone x10

[Adventure] Temple Janitor

Clear Path of Adventure - Temple of Darkness Lv. 6 (Hard)

6★ Mythic Destroy Rune x1

[Adventure] Challenging Gaia Hall Special Expedition

Clear Special Expedition - Light Kamari Lv. 5 (Hard)

6★ Unknown Destroy Rune x1

[Adventure] A Bigger Challenge

Clear Path of Adventure Ursus' Area Hard Lv. 1

6★ Hero Indomitable Rune x1

Clear Path of Adventure Ursus' Area Hard Lv. 2

6★ Legend Indomitable Rune x1

Clear Path of Adventure Ursus' Area Hard Lv. 3

Clear Path of Adventure Ursus' Area Hard Lv. 4

Clear Path of Adventure Ursus' Area Hard Lv. 5

6★ Mythic Indomitable Rune x1

Clear Path of Adventure Ursus' Area Hard Lv. 6

[Adventure] Hard Protection Room Expedition

Clear Expedition Water Capella Hard Lv. 1

Gold x50,000

Clear Expedition Water Capella Hard Lv. 2

Indomitable Conversion Stone x1

Clear Expedition Water Capella Hard Lv. 3

Indomitable Conversion Stone x3

Clear Expedition Water Capella Hard Lv. 4

Indomitable Conversion Stone x5

Clear Expedition Water Capella Hard Lv. 5

Indomitable Conversion Stone x10


▶ Outfit

- New Summoner Outfit, Sweet Dream Amusement Park Set will be added. 

  · The Outfit is unavailable to craft and the Outfit Effect acquisition status will be updated in the future with a notice.


4-set Effect

6-set Effect

Sweet Dream Amusement Park

Magician Monster ATK +38

Magician Monster ATK +70


▶ Shop

- The opening time of the Mileage Tab in [Package Shop]-[Individual] will be changed based on the Summoner’s affiliation as follows.

  · Complete Rahil Kingdom Story <Act. 5 Ch. 46 Gathering Powers> 

  · Complete White Shadow Mercenary: Rahil Kingdom Story <Act. 9 Ch. 2 Pierce's Intuition> 

- The main rewards will be emphasized among the rewards for the Summoner Pass and the Arena Pass.


▶ Ride

- A new ride, Baby Shiba will be added to acquire from the Field Event.

- Mystical Scroll x5 will be provided if you get a ride multiple times through the Field Event.

  · Baby Husky, Fall Bunny, Baby Shiba


▶ Event

- Events will now be opened based on the content opening time. 

  · The event will end for Summoners who’ve already unlocked the event and the event will be opened again when the event unlocking condition is met.

- The Welcome, New Recruits! Event will be changed.

  · The previous event reward will be provided for accounts created before Jun. 27th 12pm.

  · The changed event reward will be provided for accounts created after Jun. 27th 12pm.


Previous Reward

Changed Reward


Premium EXP Potion x50

3★ Light Garuda

5★ Selection Ticket x1

5★ Fire Phoenix


Breath of Life x500

4★ Dark Amazon

5★ Devilmon

5★ Fire Phoenix


Essence Selection Box x200

4★ Light Howl

3★ Rainbowmon

5★ Fire Phoenix


Premium EXP Potion x75

4★ Dark Cow Girl

5★ Devilmon

5★ Fire Phoenix


Breath of Life x1,000

4★ LD Selection Ticket x1

5★ Rainbowmon

5★ Fire Phoenix


5★ Devilmon

5★ Fire Phoenix


- You’ll now be able to check the reward of the day that hasn’t been opened in the daily mission events.

- Devilmon's Special Mission Event rewards will be increased.

* The changed rewards won’t be provided if you already collected the previous rewards.


Previous Reward

Changed Reward


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Magic x50

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x2

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Magic x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Fire x70

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Fire x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x1


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Water x70

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x2

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Water x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Wind x70

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Wind x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x3


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Light x70

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x3

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Light x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Dark x70

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Dark x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x3


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Magic x100

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x3

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Magic x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Fire x100

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Fire x100,

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x3


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Water x100

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x4

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Water x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Wind x100

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Wind x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x3


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Light x100

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x5

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Light x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Dark x100

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Dark x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x3


4★ Devilmon x1

Essence of Magic x150

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Rainbowmon x5

4★ Devilmon x3

Essence of Light x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Rainbowmon x6


Premium EXP Potion x20

Essence of Magic x200

Breath of Life x150

Gold x150,000

5★ Devilmon x1

Premium EXP Potion x40

Essence of Dark x100

Breath of Life x300

Gold x200,000

5★ Devilmon x3


- The Great Path of Adventure Event will end Jun. 27th 12pm.

  · The previously opened event page will disappear when all event rewards are collected.


▶ Convenience Improvements

- The auto battle option that was used in the dungeon will be saved to be applied in the next battle, excluding dungeons where you can’t use the auto battle. 

- The flag of the nation that’s used mainly will be displayed on the server name when you select servers in the Asia region. 

- New Newbie Support Buff will be added to help the new Summoners.

  · The Summoner EXP will be increased by 100% when you clear dungeons or hunt creatures when the Summoner level is between Lv. 1-80. 

  · EXP buffs such as EXP Boost Remedy, Hot Springs, and Hot Time Buff will be added to be applied.

- The new Monster pop-up that’s displayed when you enter the main menu will now be displayed when you reach account Lv. 10+. 

- All Monsters in the field event area will be hidden when you proceed with a field event with other users.

- End Button will be added to the bottom-left of the All Menus for the Windows environment. 


▶ Others

- The Monster list will now be displayed faster.

- You’ll now be able to collect rewards even if the Guild Raid has been cleared to Lv. 5 without being able to collect the rewards. 

- The Summoner Transformation content will now be unlocked when you clear <Act. 4 Ch. 14 Special Effect>.

- Rukurangma Area’s exploration will be added to the Lizardman Exploration HQ.

  · Explore Rukurangma

Exploration Time

Required Item

Available Item


(Magic) Pickaxe x40

High Unknown Handwork Gem x5

High Unknown Spell Book x5

High Unknown Sun Stone x5

High Unknown Moon Stone x5

High Unknown Galaxy Stone x5


- The inventory slots provided as the standard will be expanded.

  · General Capacity: 50 → 80

  · Equipment Capacity: 30 → 60

- The quick battle condition of some dungeons will be changed.

  · The clear time required to use quick battle will be changed from 10 to 1.

  · Changed Dungeons: Cairos Lv. 1-10, Path of Adventure and Path of Training Lv. 1-15, Subjugation Lv. 1-10, Expedition Lv. 1-4

- The Cooking Promotion Support Box Ⅰ - VI will no longer be available to purchase from the Ingredients category in [Coin Shop]-[Guild Shop].

  · The Ingredient Category will be removed from the [Guild Shop].



■ New Event


▶ Occult Girl in Wonderland 

- Period: Jun. 28th 12am - Jul. 19th 12am

- Details: Roll the dice to explore the wonderland and get rewards!


▶ Special Encounter 

· Period: After the Jun. 27th maintenance - Aug. 11th 12am 

- Details: Get rewards while waiting for the special encounter! 


▶ Guild Rivals Event

· Period: After the Jun. 27th maintenance - Jul. 11th 12am 

- Details: Visit Guild Rivals, where the strongest Guilds compete against each other, and get rewards! 


▶ Today's Fortune Event 

· Period: After the Jun. 27th maintenance - Jul. 4th 12am 

- Details: Check your today’s fortune with the Occult Girl.

  · You’ll get rewards based on your fortune when you clear Expedition and Path of Adventure Dungeon.


▶ Plenty of Mystical Summons

· Period: After the Jun. 27th maintenance - Jul. 18th 12am

- Details: Use the Mystical Scrolls to get Monsters and get rewards based on the accumulated summon count!


▶ Brownie Magician Release Event 

· Period: After the Jun. 27th maintenance - Jul. 18th 12am

- Details: Complete missions and get rewards!

  · You'll get bonus rewards if you have the Brownie Magician in possession.



■ Error Fixed


- The issue where users intermittently could not log in via Google account on Windows has been resolved.

- The issue where videos did not play properly on Android devices has been resolved.

- The issue where the screen froze during transitions on MacOS has been resolved.

- The issue of not being able to enter the dungeon when you clear Mirror Lake and proceed with the same quest with another Summoner has been resolved.

- The issue of not being able to use the Monster that was used before in the Siege Battle Practice Mode has been resolved.

- The issue of the Magic Rune Piece not being provided for the Summoner Pass when you reach the MAX limit of Magic Rune Pieces in possession has been resolved.

- The issue of the 5★ Beast Rider not changing into the rider mode when the passive condition has been met from time to time has been resolved.

- The issue of the Artifact Effect not being activated when you retry after 5★ Water Joker is defeated in Hero Raid Twisted Marsh has been resolved.

- The usage of the ultimate skill won’t be stopped now even when you’re attacked with a CC Effect.

- The background of the Outfit Shop will be changed to match the concept.

- The issue of the limiting the attack speed not being applied from time to time for Eye of the Storm of 5★ Wind Dragon Knight has been resolved.

- The ranking will be displayed as “Unranked” when the ranking goes beyond a certain point when the Challenge Arena Ranking is checked in the Account Info.

 - The issue of the button not working from time to time when you tap on the Quick Battle Button multiple times rapidly in the Challenge Arena has been resolved.

- The issue of not being able to designate the Meta Clone that’s mimicking as the soul link Monster in the Brawl Arena from time to time has been resolved.

- The issue of the Monster Defense Deck info not being displayed properly after using the Guild Siege Battle Practice Mode has been resolved.

- The issue of the Library of Recollection Monster illustration being displayed differently from time to time has been resolved.

- The issue of not being able to select the object in the Mystic Island edit mode with the controller has been resolved.

- The issue of the consumed game money not being refreshed when you change the item to craft at the Processing Plant has been resolved.

- The issue of not being able to use the Arena Battle Test from time to time when you place Meta Clone and the Monster that the Meta Close mimicked at the same time has been resolved.

- The issue of not being able to move to another area when you proceed with quests in the Mystic Island in an account that purchased the personal airship has been resolved.

- The issue of the Artifact, Monster (Move) Button not being displayed in the Monster Info Pop-up in the Dungeon Strategy Info has been resolved.

- The issue of the Creature Info Pop-up not being displayed when you tap on the creature’s portrait in Dungeon-Creatures has been resolved.

- You’ll no longer be able to place Meta Clone and the Monster that’s being mimicked by Meta Clone when you use the Arena Defense Team Auto Placement.

- The issue of the Monster Change Pop-up being displayed with empty spaces on the top from time to time has been resolved.

- The issue of the connection being lost when you participate in Guild Rivals on some devices has been resolved.

- The issue of the red dot not being displayed in the Expedition content has been resolved.

- The issue of the Fatal Rune being displayed as available to submit on the list regardless of the condition in [Collection Challenge]-[Rune Challenge] has been resolved.

- The issue of the field team info not being refreshed when you enter the dungeon after changing the soul link on the field has been resolved.

- The issue of the number of hits not being displayed in the skill effect tooltip for Strike Slash and Ultimate Strike Slash of 5★ Water Gourry has been resolved.

- The issue of the damage that’s received instead of the target with Reflect DMG and escort skills not being applied to Ignore Lethal DMG has been resolved.

- The issue with 5★ Dark Meta Clone’s Cosmic Claw’s skill description in some languages has been resolved.

- The issue of being moved to Rudelin automatically when you proceed with the Arena Practice Battle 2+ times has been resolved.

- The issue of the red dot being displayed in the Summon Altar has been resolved.

- The issue of 5★ Dark Fairy Queen’s Fairy's Curse skill effect not being displayed properly has been resolved.

- The issue of being able to select the same Monster as the opponent in certain situations in the Brawl Arena has been resolved. 

- The issue of the camera shake effect not being displayed properly when you use the ultimate skill with the 5★ Sword Spirit has been resolved.

- The issue with the attacked target info for the active skill no. 1 of 5★ Fire Fairy Queen and Dark Fairy Queen have been resolved.




We hope you enjoy the new contents and events.




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