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Feb. 8th Update Notes
GM Chronicles 02/08/2024


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update. 


The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone: US - EST / EU - CET / ASIA - ICT / JP - JST 


Please check the details below.


■ Major Updates


▶ New Artifacts

- New Legendary Artifacts will be added.

* The details of the exclusive artifacts below are based on enhancement level +15. You can check the skill effects of each level by going to the [Manage Artifacts] page >  [Artifact List] at the bottom left.

  · Raven




Removes 1 beneficial effect from the enemy target for every 10 basic attacks. Applies Spell Shield to itself for 8 sec for every 20 basic attacks.


Applies Shield equal to 20% of its MAX HP to itself for 14 sec upon taking damage exceeding 25% of its MAX HP. Applies Lv. 1 Frostbite for 14 sec upon every beneficial effect removal.


Applies Endure to the caster for 8 sec upon taking lethal damage. (Cooldown: 300 sec). Increases the caster's DMG dealt by 16% during soul link.


Increases the caster's DMG dealt by 20% during soul link. Revives with 50% HP upon taking lethal damage. The revival penalty in Arena and Siege Battle is not applied when self-revived using this skill. (Cooldown: 300 sec)


Applies Endure to the caster for 8 sec upon taking lethal damage. (Cooldown: 300 sec). Removes a beneficial effect from the target with a 75% chance when using a skill attack on enemies affected by Invincibility or Shield.


  · Beast Monk




Removes 2 harmful effects on the caster and recovers the caster's HP by 286.5% of the caster's DEF when using Meditate.


The Defend effect decreases the caster's damage taken by 20%, and Defend 2 or Ultimate Defend 2 are guaranteed to land as a critical hit. Applies Lv. 1 DEF UP and Defend to the team member with the highest ATK, excluding the caster, for 10 sec at the start of battles in the Arena and Siege Battle.


Increases the caster's CRIT RES by 50% and applies Lv. 1 ATK DOWN to the attacker for 14 sec when hit by an enemy affected by ATK UP.


Applies Lv. 1 Skill Acceleration to the caster for 14 sec upon successfully removing a beneficial effect on the enemy. (Applies only once even if the effect is removed from multiple targets.) Upon successfully removing a harmful effect on the team member, recovers the target team member's HP by 25%.


The Defend effect decreases the caster's damage taken by 20%, and Defend 2 is guaranteed to land as a critical hit. Applies Lv. 1 DEF UP and Defend to the team member with the highest ATK, excluding the caster, for 10 sec at the start of battles in the Arena and Siege Battle.



■ Balance Adjustment


▶ Summoner

- Details are based on the MAX enhancement value of each skill.

- Changed or added details are in blue, and those removed are in red.


  · Heath 

* 100% DMG Dealt UP effect is added to the first hit of all attributes’ ultimate skills [When attacking a creature].

* Soul Link Monster’s Ultimate Skill is activated first when using the Ultimate Skill for all attributes.

* Heath’s movement range when using Ultimate Skill has been reduced for all attributes.




Shadow Art (Passive)

[Continuous Effect]

Heath enters the Shadow state at the beginning of a battle or upon using the evasion skill. The Shadow state ends when the skill is complete.

 · [At the start of battle] Shadow state for 3 sec (Unremovable)

 · [When using evasion skill] Shadow state for 3 sec (Unremovable)

[Continuous Effect]

Heath enters the Shadow state at the beginning of a battle or upon using the evasion skill. If the evasion skill gauge is full, Heath enters the Shadow state every certain period. The Shadow state ends when the skill is complete. (Added)

 · [At the start of battle] Shadow state for 4 sec (Unremovable) (Changed)

 · [When using evasion skill] Shadow state for 4 sec (Unremovable) (Changed)

 · [Every 20 sec during battle if evasion skill gauge is full] Shadow state for 4 sec (Unremovable) (Added)

Change of Mind


[Continuous Effect]

Increases the damage dealt for skills used within 3 seconds after using this skill.

 · [When using a skill after a skill] Damage Dealt Increase: 15%

[Continuous Effect]

Increases the damage dealt for skills used within 4 seconds after using this skill. (Changed)

 · [When using a skill after a skill] Damage Dealt Increase: 15%

Defense Mechanism


[Continuous Effect]

Increases the ACC by a certain proportion of Evasion.

 · [Per 10% Evasion] ACC UP: 3% 

[Continuous Effect]

Increases the ACC by a certain proportion of Evasion, and decreases the DMG taken upon getting hit by a skill. (Added)

 · [Per 10% Evasion] ACC UP: 3%

 · [Per 10% Evasion] DMG Taken DOWN: 1% (Added)


[Skill Cooldown: 12 sec]

Quickly approaches the enemy and rapidly slashes through enemies within the area ahead to attack. Using any skills other than the ultimate skill resets Decimate. The DMG is based on the no. of enemies hit.

 · 297.6% of ATK as DMG (Individual DMG increases with fewer targets there are)

[Skill Cooldown: 12 sec]

Quickly approaches the enemy and rapidly slashes through enemies within the area ahead to attack, and increases the DMG dealt if they are creatures. Using any skills other than the ultimate skill resets Decimate. The DMG is based on the no. of enemies hit. 


 · 297.6% of ATK as DMG (Individual DMG increases with fewer targets there are)

 · [When attacking a creature] Damage Dealt Increase: 30% (Added)

Dark Shadow Step

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

Hides within the shadows to approach the enemy and strikes with a dagger to attack enemies within the area. Applies Concentrated Attack to the enemy target, and Fear to all enemies within the area, excluding the target. Your Monsters will prioritize attacking targets with Concentrated Attack. Increases his MOV SPD after using the skill.

 · 462% of ATK as DMG

 · Apply Concentrated Attack for 5 sec (Team members usually prioritize attacking the target)

 · (70% Chance) Fear state for 5 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

Hides within the shadows to approach the enemy and strikes with a dagger to attack enemies within the area. Applies Concentrated Attack to the enemy target, and additionally applies DEF DOWN if they are creatures. Applies Fear to all enemies within the area, excluding the target. Your Monsters will prioritize attacking targets with Concentrated Attack. Increases his MOV SPD after using the skill. (Added)

 · 462% of ATK as DMG

 · Apply Concentrated Attack for 5 sec (Team members usually prioritize attacking the target)

 · (70% Chance) Fear state for 5 sec

 · [When attacking a creature] Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 20 sec (Added)


▶ Summoner

- Details are based on the MAX enhancement value of each skill.

- Changed or added details are in blue, and those removed are in red.


  · 5★ Paladin (Wind)

※ Due to the nerf, You can retrieve the Monster once by tapping the Free Restore button in the  5★ Paladin (Wind) Monsters screen by Feb. 23rd 12am.




Prayer of Protection

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Removes a harmful effect on allies within the area 2 times and applies Invincibility to team members within the area.

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Invincibility for 6 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Removes 2 harmful effects on allies within the area and applies Invincibility to team members within the area. (Changed)

 · Removes 2 harmful effects

 · Invincibility for 6 sec

Divine Wind

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Recovers the HP of allies within the area and applies Shield. Then, applies Provoke to nearby enemies with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. 

 · 24.1% of its MAX HP as recovery

 · 21.5% of its MAX HP as Shield for 14 sec

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Recovers the HP of allies within the area and applies Shield. Then, applies Provoke to nearby enemies with a certain chance. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. 

 · 26.8% of its MAX HP as recovery (Changed)

 · 21.5% of its MAX HP as Shield for 14 sec

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

Firm Belief

[Continuous Effect]

The damage taken decreases based on its Evasion, and applies Spell Shield to itself with a certain chance when it evades an attack. In addition, when a team member's HP is recovered in Raid, applies ATK UP to the target team member.

 · [Per 5% of its Evasion] Decrease DMG taken by 1%

 · [When an attack is evaded](30% Chance) Spell Shield for 10 sec (Nullify skill hit x1)

 · [When a team member is recovered in Raid] Lv. 1 ATK UP for 15 sec

[Activation Cooldown: 30 sec] (Changed)

The damage taken decreases based on its Evasion, and applies Spell Shield to itself with a certain chance when it evades an attack. In addition, when a team member's HP is recovered in Raid, applies ATK UP to the target team member.

· [When an attack is evaded](30% Chance) Spell Shield for 10 sec (Nullify skill hit x1)

 · [When a team member is recovered in Raid] Lv. 1 ATK UP for 15 sec

 · [Per 5% of its Evasion] Decrease DMG taken by 1%



  · 5★ Raven (Water)




Excel Stream

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Strikes up to attack the enemy target and explodes Frostbite if the target has the effect. In addition, applies RES DOWN. Then leaps backward, and attacks 2 times by releasing a wave of sword. (Removed)

 · [First Hit] 211% of ATK as DMG

 · Explode Frostbite

 · LV. 3 RES DOWN for 20 sec (Removed)

 · [Per hit] 331.6% of ATK as DMG

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 3] (Changed)

Strikes up to the enemy target to deal damage based on its DEF and explodes Frostbite if the target has the effect. Then attacks 2 times by releasing a wave of sword. (Added)

 · [First Hit] 101.8% of ATK + 67.8% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

 · Explode Frostbite

 · [Per hit] 169.6% of ATK + 113.1% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

Frozen Assault

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Swiftly slashes the enemy target 4 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply Frostbite. Then, strikes down hard to attack. The cooldown of Excel Stream decreases for each Frostbite that applies. (Removed)

 · [Per hit] 139.3% of ATK as DMG

 · (60% Chance) LV. 1 Frostbite for 20 sec

 · [Last Hit] 437.9% of ATK as DMG

 · [If applying Frostbite] ’Excel Stream’ Cooldown DOWN 10% (Removed)

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Swiftly slashes the enemy target to deal damage based on its DEF 4 times, and each hit has a certain chance to remove a beneficial effect and apply Frostbite. Then, strikes down hard to deal damage based on its DEF once more. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 81.5% of ATK + 54.3% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

 · (60% Chance) Remove 1 beneficial effect (Added)

 · (60% Chance) LV. 1 Frostbite for 20 sec

 · [Last Hit] 183.1% of ATK + 122.1% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

Ultimate Frozen Assault

[No skill cooldown]

Spins in the air to attack the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply Frostbite. Then, strikes down hard to attack 4 times, and additionally uses Excel Stream after the last hit.

 · [Per hit] 155% of ATK as DMG

 · (75% Chance) LV. 1 Frostbite for 20 sec

 · [Per hit] 284.3% of ATK as DMG

 · Use ‘Excel Stream’ 1 time 

[No skill cooldown]

Spins in the air to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to remove 2 beneficial effects and apply Frostbite. Then, strikes down hard to deal damage based on its DEF 4 more times. Additionally uses Excel Stream after the last hit. (Added)

 · [Per hit] 87.2% of ATK + 58.2% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

 · (75% Chance) Remove 2 beneficial effects (Added)

 · (75% Chance) LV. 2 Frostbite for 20 sec (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 189% of ATK + 126% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

 · Use ‘Excel Stream’ 1 time 


  · 5★ Raven (Wind)




Basic Attack

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 2 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply Root.

 · [Per hit] 82.5% of ATK as DMG

 · (6% Chance) [Per hit] Root for 6.5 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 2 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply Root.

 · [Per hit] 70.1% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available) (Changed)

 · (6% Chance) Root for 6.5 sec

Zero Shift

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Moves swiftly to attack the enemy target and roots with a certain chance.

 · 904.7% of ATK as DMG

 · (90% Chance) Root for 10 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 4] (Changed)

Moves swiftly to attack the enemy target. Applies Block Harmful Effect Removal to the target and roots with a certain chance. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effect that reduces the damage taken. (Added)

 · 692.2% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · Block Harmful Effect Removal for 10 sec (Added)

 · (90% Chance) Root for 10 sec

Sonic Assault

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Swiftly slashes the enemy target 4 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DMG Taken UP. Then, strikes down hard to deal DEF penetrating damage. All hits penetrate through the target's DEF if the target is rooted, and the last hit is guaranteed to land as a critical hit. (Removed)

 · [Per hit] 126.7% of ATK as DMG

 · [If target is rooted] DEF Penetration: 50%

 · (60% Chance) Lv. 1 DMG Taken UP for 20 sec (Removed)

 · [Last Hit] 398.1% of ATK as DMG (DEF Penetration 50%)

 · [If the last hit target is rooted] CRIT Hit Guaranteed

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Swiftly slashes the enemy target 5 times. Penetrate through the target's DEF if the target is rooted and applies Undead with a certain chance. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effect that reduces the damage taken. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 92.2% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · [If target is rooted] DEF Penetration: 60% (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 307.6% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · [If target is rooted] (55% chance) Lv. 1 Undead for 20 sec

Ultimate Sonic Assault

[No skill cooldown]

Spins in the air to attack the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DMG Taken UP. Then, strikes down hard to deal DEF penetrating damage 4 times. All hits penetrate through the target's DEF if the target is rooted, and Slash Down is guaranteed to land as a critical hit. (Removed)

 · [Per hit] 155% of ATK as DMG

 · [If target is rooted] DEF Penetration: 50%

 · (75% Chance) Lv. 1 DMG Taken UP for 20 sec (Removed)

 · [Per hit] 335.9% of ATK as DMG (DEF Penetration 50%)

 · [If the Slash Down target is rooted] CRIT Hit Guaranteed (Removed)

[No skill cooldown]

Spins in the air to attack the enemy target 3 times, and strikes down hard to attack 4 more times. All hits penetrate through the target's DEF if the target is rooted, and applies Undead with a certain chance. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effect that reduces the damage taken. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 120.8% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · [If target is rooted] DEF Penetration: 60%

 · [Per hit] 252.7% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · [If target is rooted] (55% chance) Lv. 1 Undead for 20 sec


  · 5★ Raven (Light)




Basic Attack

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 2 times.

 · [Per hit] 100% of ATK as DMG

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 2 times.

 · [Per hit] 85% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available) (Changed)

Zero Shift

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Moves swiftly to attack the enemy target. Deals bonus hit and stuns if Raven's HP ratio is higher than the target's. If Raven's HP ratio is lower, applies Spell Shield to itself.

 · 498% of ATK as DMG

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target] Spell Shield for 16 sec (Nullify skill hit x2)

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target] [Bonus Hit] 664% of ATK as DMG

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target](62% chance) Stun for 3 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Moves swiftly to attack the enemy target. Deals bonus hit and provokes with a certain chance if Raven's HP ratio is higher than the target's. If Raven's HP ratio is lower, applies Spell Shield to itself. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effect that reduces the damage taken. (Changed)

 · 388% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target] Spell Shield for 16 sec (Nullify skill hit x2)

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target] [Bonus Hit] 493.8% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect) (Changed)

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target](82% Chance) Provoke for 11 sec (Changed)

Excel Stream

[Skill Cooldown: 32 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Strikes up, leaps backward, and attacks the enemy target 2 times by releasing a wave of sword. If Raven's HP ratio is higher than the target's, resets the cooldown of Zero Shift and if lower, applies Continuous Recovery to itself and stuns the target.

 · [First Hit] 221.4% of ATK as DMG

 · [Per hit] 332% of ATK as DMG

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target](62% chance) Stun for 3 sec

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target] ‘Zero Shift’ Decrease skill cooldown by 100%

[Skill Cooldown: 32 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Strikes up, leaps backward, and attacks the enemy target 2 times by releasing a wave of sword. If Raven's HP ratio is higher than the target's, uses Zero Shift 2, and if lower, applies Continuous Recovery to itself and stuns the target with a certain chance. (Changed)

 · [First Hit] 164.6% of ATK as DMG (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 235.2% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available) (Changed)

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target](62% chance) Stun for 3 sec

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target] Use  ‘Zero Shift 2’ 1 time (Changed)


*Zero Shift 2

Moves swiftly to attack the enemy target. Provokes with a certain chance if Raven's HP ratio is higher than the target's. If Raven's HP ratio is lower, applies Spell Shield to itself. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effect that reduces the damage taken.

 · 493.8% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · [If HP ratio is lower than target] Spell Shield for 16 sec (Nullify skill hit x2)

 · [If HP ratio is higher than target] (82% Chance)Provoke for 11 sec (Added)

Threat Detection

[Activation Cooldown: 14 sec]

Uses Excel Stream when attacked by an enemy.

 · [When attacked] Use ’Excel Stream’ 1 time

[Activation Cooldown: 7 sec] (Changed)

Uses Excel Stream when attacked by an enemy.

 · [When attacked] Use ’Excel Stream’ 1 time

Ultimate Excel Stream

[No skill cooldown]

Strikes up to leap backward, stuns the target, applies Continuous Recovery to itself, and attacks the enemy target 3 times by releasing a wave of sword. In addition, uses Zero Shift.

 · [First Hit] 166% of ATK as DMG

 · Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Lv. 2 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [Per hit] 249% of ATK as DMG

 · [Last Hit] 498% of ATK as DMG

 · Use  ‘Zero Shift’ 1 time

[No skill cooldown]

Strikes up to leap backward, stuns the target, applies Continuous Recovery to itself, and attacks the enemy target 3 times by releasing a wave of sword. In addition, uses Zero Shift.

 · [First Hit] 141.2% of ATK as DMG (Changed)

 · Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Lv. 2 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [Per hit] 176.4% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available) (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 352.8% of ATK as DMG (Weak point attack available) (Changed)

 · Use  ‘Zero Shift’ 1 time


  · 5★ Raven (Dark)





[Skill Cooldown: 32 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Swiftly slashes the enemy target 4 times, and each hit that successfully destroys the HP has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN. Then, strikes down hard to attack and applies Unrecoverable with a certain chance. All hits destroy the target's HP based on the damage dealt. (Removed)

 · [Per hit] 116.2% of ATK as DMG (Destroy target's MAX HP by 100% of DMG)

 · [Last Hit] 365.2% of ATK as DMG (Destroy target's MAX HP by 100% of DMG)

 · (82% Chance) Unrecoverable for 16 sec (Removed)

 · [[f HP is successfully destroyed](52% Chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 16 sec (Removed)

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 4] (Changed)

Swiftly slashes the enemy target 4 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN. Then, strikes down hard to attack and applies Unrecoverable with a certain chance. All hits destroy the target's HP based on the damage dealt. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 116.2% of ATK as DMG (Destroy target's MAX HP by 100% of DMG)

 · (52% Chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 16 sec (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 365.2% of ATK as DMG (Destroy target's MAX HP by 100% of DMG)

 · Unrecoverable for 16 sec

Magic Break

[Continuous Effect]

Increases the damage dealt to the target and decreases the damage taken by Raven when attacking a target with HP destroyed to a certain ratio.

 · [When attacking a target with 10%+ HP destroyed] Damage Dealt Increase:15%

 · [When attacked by a target with 10%+ HP destroyed] DMG Taken DOWN: 15%

[Continuous Effect]

Increases the damage dealt based on the enemy target's HP destroyed, and decreases the damage taken from the target. (Changed)

 · [For every 1% of target's HP destroyed] Damage Dealt Increase: 1% (Changed)

 · [For every 1% of target's HP destroyed] DMG Taken DOWN: 1% (Changed)


 · 5★ Beetle Knight (Water)




Regenerative Chitin

[Activation Cooldown: 120 sec]

Gains Provoke Immunity. When the Summoner takes lethal damage, ignores the damage. Then, applies Endure and Reflect DMG to the Summoner and recovers the Summoner's HP. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP.

 · Provoke Immunity

 · Ignore Lethal DMG

 · Endure for 14 sec

 · Lv. 1 Reflect DMG for 14 sec

 · Recover 47% of the target's HP

[Activation Cooldown: 120 sec]

Gains Provoke Immunity. When the Summoner takes lethal damage, ignores the damage, removes all beneficial effects on the enemy, and applies Block Beneficial Effect. Then, applies Endure and Reflect DMG to the Summoner and recovers the Summoner's HP. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP. (Added)

 · Provoke Immunity

 · Ignore Lethal DMG

 · Endure for 14 sec

 · Lv. 1 Reflect DMG for 14 sec

 · Recover 47% of the target's HP

 · Remove all beneficial effects (Added)

 · Block Beneficial Effect for 14 sec (Added)


  · 5★ Beetle Knight (Dark)

* Targets affected by “Fear” from the “Ironshield” skill will now move slower.




Lance Charge

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges forward to attack enemies within the area, airbornes them with a certain chance, and explodes Poison if the target has Poison.

 · 276.6% of ATK + 414.8% of its DEF as DMG

 · (62% chance) Airborne

 · Explode Poison

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges forward to attack enemies within the area, airbornes them with a certain chance, and explodes Poison if the target has Poison. If Poison has exploded, applies Shield to itself. (Added)

 · 276.6% of ATK + 414.8% of its DEF as DMG

 · (62% chance) Airborne

 · Explode Poison

 · [If Explode Poison succeeds] 25.9% of its MAX HP as Shield for 7 sec (Added)


Venom Chitin

[Continuous Effect]

Gains Provoke Immunity. Increases the team Summoner's ultimate gauge every time Beetle Knight successfully lands a CC effect on the enemy, and applies Poison to the target with a certain chance when attacked by an enemy.

 · Provoke Immunity

 · [When applying CC to enemy] Increase ultimate gauge by 5%

 · [When attacked](15% chance) Lv. 1 Poison for 25 sec (Removed)

[Activation Cooldown: 7 sec] (Changed)

Gains Provoke Immunity. Increases the team Summoner's ultimate gauge every time Beetle Knight successfully lands a CC effect on the enemy. Applies Poison to nearby enemies every certain time during battle. (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 Poison for 25 sec (Changed)

 · Provoke Immunity

 · [When applying CC to enemy] Increase ultimate gauge by 5%



  · 5★ Archangel (Fire)





[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Drops the sword from the sky to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy target. Removes a beneficial effect from the target and applies DMG Taken UP.

 · 316.8% of ATK + 475% of its DEF as DMG

 · Remove a beneficial effect

 · Lv. 2 DMG Taken UP for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Drops the sword from the sky to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy target. Removes 2 beneficial effects from the target and applies DMG Taken UP. (Changed)

 · 316.8% of ATK + 475% of its DEF as DMG

 · Removes 2 beneficial effects (Changed)

 · Lv. 2 DMG Taken UP for 20 sec


[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Borrows the power of the sword to remove all harmful effects on nearby allies and reduces the target's skill cooldown every time a team member's harmful effect is removed. In addition, applies Immunity to nearby team members. This skill is not affected by the skill cooldown reduction effects of other team members.

 · Remove all harmful effects

 ·Immunity for 14 sec

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Summoner skill cooldown by 12.5%

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Monster skill cooldown by 12.5%

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Borrows the power of the sword to remove all harmful effects on nearby allies and reduces the target's skill cooldown every time a team member's harmful effect is removed. In addition, applies Immunity to nearby team members, restores a portion of the HP destroyed, and recovers the target's HP based on the restored HP. This skill is not affected by the skill cooldown reduction effects of other team members. (Changed)

 · Remove all harmful effects

 ·Immunity for 14 sec

 · Recover 50% of destroyed HP (Added)

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Summoner skill cooldown by 12.5%

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Monster skill cooldown by 12.5%

 · [Target for restoration from HP destruction] Recovers 100% based on the destroyed HP restoration amount (Added)

Ultimate Sanctuary

[No skill cooldown]

Borrows the power of the sword to remove all harmful effects on nearby allies and reduces the target's skill cooldown every time a team member's harmful effect is removed. In addition, applies Immunity to nearby team members.

 · Remove all harmful effects

 · Immunity for 20 sec

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Summoner skill cooldown by 25%

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Monster skill cooldown by 25%

[No skill cooldown]

Borrows the power of the sword to remove all harmful effects on nearby allies and reduces the target's skill cooldown every time a team member's harmful effect is removed. In addition, applies Immunity to nearby team members, restores all the HP destroyed, and recovers the target's HP based on the restored HP.

 · Remove all harmful effects

 · Immunity for 20 sec

 · Restore destruction (Added)

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Summoner skill cooldown by 25%

 · [Upon successful removal] Decrease Monster Skill Cooldown by 25%

 · [Target for restoration from HP destruction] Recovers 100% based on the destroyed HP restoration amount (Added)


  · 5★ Archangel (Wind)




Archangel's Mercy

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Raises the sword high to revive 2 team Monsters and applies Soul Protection to itself. (Removed)

 · Revive 2 with 30% HP

 · (To itself) Soul Protection (Revive with 20% HP when defeated) for 10 sec (Removed)

 · [When reviving a team member] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 10 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 5] (Changed)

Raises the sword high to apply Soul Protection to team members within the area. Then revives 2 team Monsters and applies Soul Protection to them as well. (Changed)

 · Soul Protection (Revive with 20% HP when defeated) for 14 sec (Added)

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 14 sec (Added)

 · Revive 2 Monster(s) with 40% HP (Changed)

 · [When reviving a team member] Soul Protection (Revive with 20% HP when defeated) for 14 sec (Added)

 · [When reviving a team member] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 14 sec (Changed)

Ultimate Archangel's Mercy

[No skill cooldown]

Raises the sword high to revive 2 team Monsters and apply Continuous Recovery to the revived targets. In addition, applies Soul Protection to team members below a certain HP ratio. (Removed)

 · Revive 2 with 35% HP

 · [When reviving a team member] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Soul Protection (Revive with 30% HP when defeated) for 20 sec (Removed)

[No skill cooldown]

Raises the sword high to apply Soul Protection and Continuous Recovery to team members within the area. Then revives 2 team Monsters and applies Soul Protection and Continuous Recovery to them as well. (Changed)

 · Soul Protection (Revive with 30% HP when defeated) for 20 sec (Added)

 · Lv. 2 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec (Added)

 · Revive 2 with 80% HP (Changed)

 · [When reviving a team member] Soul Protection (Revive with 30% HP when defeated) for 20 sec (Added)

 · [When reviving a team member] Lv. 2 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec (Changed)


  · 5★ Archangel (Light)





[Activation Cooldown: 5 sec]

Counterattacks the attacker with Heavenly Sword when a team member takes a critical hit from an enemy and decreases its skill cooldown.

 · [When a team member is attacked with a critical hit] Use ‘Heavenly Sword’ 1 time

 · Decrease skill cooldown by 2 sec


→ Heavenly Sword

Applies DEF UP to itself. Strikes down a sacred sword to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy target and removes a beneficial effect on the enemy.

 · Lv. 1 DEF UP for 14 sec

 · 209.4% of ATK + 314.2% of its DEF as DMG

 · Remove a beneficial effect

[Activation Cooldown: 3 sec] (Changed)

Counterattacks the attacker with Heavenly Sword when a team member takes a critical hit from an enemy and decreases its skill cooldown.

 · [When a team member is attacked with a critical hit] Use ‘Heavenly Sword’ 1 time

 · Decrease skill cooldown by 2 sec


→ Heavenly Sword

Applies DEF UP to itself. Strikes down a sacred sword to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy target and removes beneficial effects on the enemy.

 · Lv. 1 DEF UP for 14 sec

 · 209.4% of ATK + 314.2% of its DEF as DMG

 · Removes 2 beneficial effects (Changed)


  · 5★ Beast Monk (Fire)
* The effect range of Trick of Fire and Ultimate Trick of Fire has been slightly increased.


  · 5★ Beast Monk (Water)
* The effect range of Trick of Water has been slightly increased.




Trick of Water

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]
[Mana Cost: 4]
Explodes the energy of water to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area. Applies CRIT Rate DOWN and Frostbite to the target.
 · 332.5% of ATK + 498.8% of its DEF as DMG
 · Lv. 1 CRIT Rate DOWN for 20 sec
 · Lv. 2 Frostbite for 20 sec (Removed)
[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]
[Mana Cost: 4]
Explodes the energy of water to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area. Removes a beneficial effect on the target and applies CRIT Rate DOWN. (Changed)
 · 332.5% of ATK + 498.8% of its DEF as DMG
 · Remove a beneficial effect (Added)
 · Lv. 2 CRIT Rate DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)


[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]
[Mana Cost: 3]
Applies Defend to the team member with the lowest current HP ratio excluding itself and applies DEF UP to itself. If the defended target is attacked, there is a certain chance to use Defend 2 on the target that attacked the Summoner.
 · Defend for 20 sec (Takes 50% of DMG instead and uses Defend 2 with a 35% chance)
 · Lv. 1 DEF UP for 20 sec

 → Defend 2
Charges in rapidly and explodes energy to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies and recovers its HP based on the damage dealt. Afterward, stuns the enemy target with a certain chance. Deals bonus damage based on its DEF if the target is stunned.
 · 285.1% of ATK + 427.6% of its DEF as DMG (Drain 30% of DMG)
 · (70% Chance) Stun for 3.5 sec
 · [If target is stunned] [Bonus Hit] 142.5% of ATK + 213.8% of its DEF as DMG

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]
[Mana Cost: 3]
Applies DEF UP and Defend to the team member with the lowest current HP ratio excluding itself and applies DEF UP to itself. If the defended target is attacked, there is a certain chance to use Defend 2 on the target that attacked the Summoner. (Changed)
· Defend for 20 sec (Takes 50% of DMG instead and uses Defend 2 with a 35% chance)
· Lv. 1 DEF UP for 20 sec

 → Defend 2
Charges in rapidly and explodes energy to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies and recovers its HP based on the damage dealt. Afterward, stuns the enemy target with a certain chance. Deals bonus damage based on its DEF if it successfully applies Stun. (Changed)
 · 285.1% of ATK + 427.6% of its DEF as DMG (Drain 30% of DMG)
 · (70% Chance) Stun for 3.5 sec
 · [If target gets stunned] [Bonus Hit] 142.5% of ATK + 213.8% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)

Ultimate Defend

[No skill cooldown]
Applies Defend to the team member with the lowest current HP ratio excluding itself and applies DEF UP and ACC UP to itself. If the defended target is attacked, there is a certain chance to use Ultimate Defend 2 on the target that attacked the Summoner.
Defend for 30 sec (Takes 50% of DMG instead and uses Ultimate Defend 2 with a 50% chance)
· Lv. 3 DEF UP for 20 sec
· Lv. 3 ACC UP for 20 sec (Removed)

→ Ultimate Defend 2
Charges in rapidly and explodes energy to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies and recovers its HP based on the damage dealt. Afterward, stuns the enemy target with a certain chance. Deals bonus damage based on its DEF if the target is stunned.
 · 285.1% of ATK + 427.6% of its DEF as DMG (Drain 30% of DMG)
 · (70% Chance) Stun for 3.5 sec
 · [If target is stunned] [Bonus Hit] 142.5% of ATK + 213.8% of its DEF as DMG
[No skill cooldown]
Applies DEF UP and Defend to the team member with the lowest current HP ratio excluding itself and applies DEF UP to itself. If the defended target is attacked, there is a certain chance to use Ultimate Defend 2 on the target that attacked the Summoner. (Changed)
 · Defend for 30 sec (Takes 50% of DMG instead and uses Ultimate Defend 2 with a 50% chance)
 · Lv. 3 DEF UP for 20 sec

→ Ultimate Defend 2
Charges in rapidly and explodes energy to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies and recovers its HP based on the damage dealt. Afterward, stuns the enemy target with a certain chance. Deals bonus damage based on its DEF if it successfully applies Stun. (Changed)
 · 285.1% of ATK + 427.6% of its DEF as DMG (Drain 30% of DMG)
 · (70% Chance) Stun for 3.5 sec
 · [If target gets stunned] [Bonus Hit] 142.5% of ATK + 213.8% of its DEF as DMG (Changed)


  · 5★ Beast Monk (Wind)
* The effect range of Meditate, Trick of Wind, and Ultimate Trick of Wind has been slightly increased.


  · 5★ Beast Monk (Light)
* The effect range of Ultimate Trick of Light has been slightly increased.




Trick of Light

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]
[Mana Cost: 4]
Explodes the energy of light to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area. Removes the target's beneficial effect and applies ATK DOWN. Afterward, removes harmful effects on nearby allies and applies ATK UP.
 · 574.7% of ATK + 19.1% of its MAX HP as DMG
 · Remove a beneficial effect
 · Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 20 sec
 · Remove a harmful effect
 · Lv. 1 ATK UP for 20 sec
[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]
[Mana Cost: 4]
Explodes the energy of light to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area. Removes 2 beneficial effects on the target and applies ATK DOWN. Afterward, removes a harmful effect on nearby allies and applies ATK UP. (Changed)
 · 574.7% of ATK + 19.1% of its MAX HP as DMG
 · Removes 2 beneficial effects (Changed)
 · Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 20 sec
 · Remove a harmful effect
 · Lv. 1 ATK UP for 20 sec

Ultimate Trick of Light

[No skill cooldown]
Gathers the energy of light into one place and powerfully explodes it to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area. Removes the target's beneficial effect and applies irresistible ATK DOWN. Afterward, removes harmful effects on nearby allies and applies ATK UP.
 · 1044.9% of ATK + 34.9% of its MAX HP as DMG
 · Removes 2 beneficial effects
 · Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec
 · Removes 2 harmful effects
 · Lv. 2 ATK UP for 20 sec
[No skill cooldown]
Gathers the energy of light into one place and powerfully explodes it to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area. Removes all beneficial effects on the target and applies irresistible ATK DOWN. Afterward, removes 2 harmful effects on nearby allies and applies ATK UP. (Changed)
 · 1044.9% of ATK + 34.9% of its MAX HP as DMG
 · Remove all beneficial effects (Changed)
 · Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec
 · Removes 2 harmful effects
 · Lv. 2 ATK UP for 20 sec


  · 5★ Beast Monk (Dark)




Trick of Darkness

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]
[Mana Cost: 4]
Explodes the energy of darkness to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area and applies Block Beneficial Effect and Poison. (Removed)
 · 319.6% of ATK + 479.4% of its DEF as DMG
 · Block Beneficial Effect for 16 sec
 · Lv. 2 Poison for 25 sec (Removed)
[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]
[Mana Cost: 4]
Explodes the energy of darkness to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area, removes a beneficial effect, and applies Block Beneficial Effect. (Changed)
 · 319.6% of ATK + 479.4% of its DEF as DMG
 · Remove a beneficial effect (Added)
 · Block Beneficial Effect for 16 sec


[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]
[Mana Cost: 3]
Removes a harmful effect on the team member with the lowest current HP ratio excluding itself and applies Defend. If the defended target is attacked, there is a certain chance to use Defend 2 on the target that attacked the Summoner.
 · Removes 2 harmful effects
 · Defend for 16 sec (Takes 50% of DMG instead and uses Defend 2 with a 35% chance)

→ Defend 2
Explodes energy to apply DEF UP to itself and charges in rapidly to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy and recover its HP based on the damage dealt.
 · Lv. 1 DEF UP for 7 sec
 · 319.6% of ATK + 479.4% of its DEF as DMG (Drain 30% of DMG)

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]
[Mana Cost: 3]
Removes 2 harmful effects on the team member with the lowest current HP ratio excluding itself and applies DEF UP and Defend. If the defended target is attacked, there is a certain chance to use Defend 2 on the target that attacked the Summoner. (Changed)
 · Removes 2 harmful effects
 · Lv. 1 DEF UP for 16 sec (Added)
 · Defend for 16 sec (Takes 50% of DMG instead and uses Defend 2 with a 35% chance)

 → Defend 2
Explodes energy to apply DEF UP to itself and charges in rapidly to deal damage based on its DEF to the enemy and recover its HP based on the damage dealt.
 · Lv. 1 DEF UP for 7 sec
 · 319.6% of ATK + 479.4% of its DEF as DMG (Drain 30% of DMG)

Ultimate Trick of Darkness

[No skill cooldown]
Gathers the energy of darkness into one place and powerfully explodes it to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area and applies Block Beneficial Effect and Poison. (Removed)
 · 639.2% of ATK + 958.6% of its DEF as DMG
 · Block Beneficial Effect for 20 sec
 · Lv. 4 Poison for 30 sec (Removed)
[No skill cooldown]
Gathers the energy of darkness into one place and powerfully explodes it to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area, removes all beneficial effects, and applies Block Beneficial Effect. (Changed)
 · 639.2% of ATK + 958.6% of its DEF as DMG 
 · Remove all beneficial effects (Added)
 · Block Beneficial Effect for 20 sec


  · 5★ Chimera (Fire)




Basic Attack

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target and applies Burn with a certain chance.

 · 165% of ATK as DMG

 · (6% Chance) Lv. 1 Burn for 14 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target and applies CRIT RES DOWN with a certain chance. (Changed)

 · 165% of ATK as DMG

 · (6% Chance) Lv. 1 CRIT RES DOWN for 14 sec (Changed)


[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Slams the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to nearby enemies and airbornes them with a certain chance. Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance and applies Reflect DMG to itself. Increases the damage dealt if the target has Burn. (Removed)

 · 41.9% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · [If target has Burn] Damage Dealt Increase: 15% (Removed)

 · (70% Chance) Airborne

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · Lv. 3 Reflect for 20 sec (Removed)

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 4] (Changed)

Slams the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to nearby enemies and airbornes them with a certain chance. Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance, removes all harmful effects on itself. and applies Immunity and Counterattack to itself. Counterattacks with Vengeance with a certain chance when hit by an enemy while having the Counterattack effect. (Changed)

 · 41.9% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (70% Chance) Airborne

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · Remove all harmful effects (Added)

 ·Immunity for 14 sec (Added)

 · Counterattack with a 15% chance fo14 sec (Added)


[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy target with its sharp claws, dealing damage based on its MAX HP 3 times. Each hit has a certain chance to apply Burn. The first hit applies DMG Dealt UP to itself.

 · [Per hit] 18.1% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (85% Chance) Lv. 1 Burn for 20 sec (Removed)

 · Lv. 1 DMG Dealt UP for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy target with its sharp claws, dealing damage based on its MAX HP 3 times, and recovers the HP by a portion of the damage dealt. The first hit applies Provoke to the enemy target and applies DMG Dealt UP to itself. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 11.8% of its MAX HP as DMG (Drain 35% of DMG) (Changed)

 · (40% Chance) Provoke for 8 sec (Added)

 · Lv. 1 DMG Dealt UP for 14 sec (Changed)

Ultimate Collapse

[No skill cooldown]

Flies to the sky to apply Reflect DMG and Immunity to itself and hits the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and airbornes them with a certain chance. Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance. The damage dealt increases if the target is burned. (Removed)

 · Lv. 5 DMG Reflect for 20 sec (Removed)

 · Immunity for 20 sec

 · 76.1% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · [If target has Burn] Damage Dealt Increase: 25% (Removed)

 · (70% Chance) Airborne

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Flies to the sky to remove all harmful effects on itself, apply Counterattack and Immunity to itself. Then hits the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and airbornes them with a certain chance. Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance. Counterattacks with Vengeance with a certain chance when hit by an enemy while having the Counterattack effect. (Changed)

 · 76.1% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (70% Chance) Airborne

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Remove all harmful effects (Added)

 · Immunity for 20 sec

 · Counterattack with a 15% chance for 20 sec (Added)


  · 5★ Chimera (Wind)




Basic Attack

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target and applies Electric Shock with a certain chance.

 · 165% of ATK as DMG

 · (6% Chance) Lv. 1 Electric Shock for 10 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target and applies CRIT RES DOWN with a certain chance. (Changed)

 · 165% of ATK as DMG

 · (6% Chance) Lv. 1 CRIT RES DOWN for 14 sec (Changed)


[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Rams the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP. Applies Electric Shock to the target and knocks it down with a certain chance. (Removed)

 · 54.3% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Lv. 2 Electric Shock for 14 sec (Removed)

 · (70% Chance) Knock down for 3 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Rams the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP. Knocks down the target with a certain chance, and if successful, decreases the cooldown of Lightning. (Added)

 · 54.3% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (90% Chance) Knock down for 3 sec (Changed)

 · [Upon successful Knockdown] Decrease the cooldown of Lightning by 50% (Added)


[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Roars and breathes out thorns to deal damage based on its MAX HP to nearby enemies and applies Stun with a certain chance. Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance and applies CRIT Rate UP to nearby allies. (Removed)

 · 41.4% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · Lv. 2 CRIT Rate UP for 20 sec

 · (70% Chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 4] (Changed)

Roars and breathes out thorns to deal damage based on its MAX HP to nearby enemies. Removes Immunity from nearby enemies and provokes them with a certain chance. Then applies DMG Dealt UP to nearby allies. Then airbornes nearby enemies with a certain chance, and if successful, decreases the cooldown of Squall. (Changed)

 · 41.4% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Lv. 1 DMG Dealt UP for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Remove Immunity (Added)

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · (70% Chance) Airborne (Changed)

 · [If Airborne succeeds] Decrease the cooldown of Squall by 15% (Added)

Ultimate Lightning

[No skill cooldown]

Flies to the sky to apply CRIT Rate UP to nearby allies and hits the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and stuns them with a certain chance. Provokes nearby enemies with a certain chance. (Removed)

 · Lv. 5 CRIT Rate UP for 20 sec

 · 76.1% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (70% Chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Flies to the sky to apply DMG Dealt UP to nearby allies and hits the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area. Removes all beneficial effects on nearby enemies and provokes with a certain chance. Then airbornes them with a certain chance, and if successful, use Squall. (Changed)

 · 76.1% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Lv. 3 DMG Dealt UP for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Remove all beneficial effects (Added)

 · (90% Chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · (70% Chance) Airborne (Changed)

 · [If Airborne succeeds] Use Squall once


  · 5★ Chimera (Light)





[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Rams the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP. Increases the target's skill cooldown and knocks back with a certain chance.

 · 54.3% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Increase skill cooldown by 20%

 · (70% Chance) Push

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Rams the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP. Increases the target's skill cooldown and knocks them down with a certain chance. (Changed)

 · 54.3% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Increase skill cooldown by 20%

 · (70% Chance) Knock down for 3 sec (Changed)


  · 5★ Valkyrja (Water)




Knight Revival

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Raises the sword high to remove a harmful effect on nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery to them. In addition, removes an additional harmful effect on itself and its Summoner and applies an additional Continuous Recovery.

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

 · [To caster and Summoner] Remove a harmful effect

 · [To caster and Summoner] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Raises the sword high to remove a harmful effect on nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery to them. Removes an additional harmful effect on itself and its Summoner and applies additional Continuous Recovery and Spell Shield. (Added)

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

 · [To caster and Summoner] Remove a harmful effect

 · [To caster and Summoner] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

 · [To caster and Summoner] Spell Shield for 16 sec (Nullify skill attack once) (Added)

First Aid

[Continuous Effect]

Decreases CRIT DMG taken and recovers its HP when it takes CRIT DMG from the enemy. In addition, decreases CRIT DMG taken by the team Summoner.

 · Decrease CRIT DMG it takes by 50% 

 · Decrease CRIT DMG team Summoner takes by 30%

 · [When attacked with a critical hit](30% Chance) 5% of its MAX HP as recovery

[Continuous Effect]

Decreases CRIT DMG taken and recovers its HP when it takes CRIT DMG from the enemy. In addition, decreases CRIT DMG taken by the team Summoner.

 · Decrease CRIT DMG it takes by 120% (Changed)

 · Decrease CRIT DMG team Summoner takes by 120% (Changed)

 · [When attacked with a critical hit](30% Chance) 5% of its MAX HP as recovery

Ultimate Knight Revival

[No skill cooldown]

Strikes down the sword to remove all harmful effects on nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery to them. Applies an additional Continuous Recovery to itself and its Summoner.

 · Remove all harmful effects

 · Lv. 3 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [To caster and Summoner] Lv. 3 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Strikes down the sword to remove all harmful effects on nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery to them. Removes all additional harmful effects on itself and its Summoner  and applies additional Continuous Recovery and Spell Shield. (Changed)

 · Remove all harmful effects

 · Removes all harmful effects on itself and the Summoner (Added)

 · Lv. 3 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [To caster and Summoner] Lv. 3 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [To caster and Summoner] Spell Shield for 20 sec (Nullify skill attack 3 times) (Added)


  · 5★ Hell Lady (Fire)





[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Rushes to the enemy and swings a sizzling scythe to attack nearby enemies 2 times. Each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN. Recovers its HP based on its ATK per hit if the target has Burn. This attack ignores the target's death denial effect and targets defeated by this attack cannot be revived.

 · [Per hit] 300.8% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect)

 · (80% Chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · [If target has Burn] [Per Recovery] 129.6% of ATK as recovery

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Rushes to the enemy and swings a sizzling scythe to attack nearby enemies 2 times. Each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN. Recovers its HP based on its ATK per hit if the target has ATK DOWN. This attack ignores the target's death denial effect and targets defeated by this attack cannot be revived. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 300.8% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect)

 · (80% Chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · [If target has ATK DOWN] [Per Recovery] 129.6% of ATK as recovery (Changed)

Soul Blaze

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Dashes to the enemy and swings a sizzling scythe to attack enemies within the area ahead 3 times. The first hit removes 2 beneficial effects and the second hit applies Burn. The last hit applies Endure to itself and deals increased damage if the target's HP is below a certain ratio. This attack ignores the target's death denial effect and targets defeated by this attack cannot be revived.

 · [Per hit] 169% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect)

 · [Last Hit] 422.3% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect)

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Damage Dealt Increase: 100%

 · Removes 2 beneficial effects

 · Lv. 2 Burn for 20 sec

 · Endure for 14 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Dashes to the enemy and swings a sizzling scythe to attack the enemy and nearby enemies 3 times. The first hit removes 2 beneficial effects and the second hit applies ATK DOWN. Applies Endure to itself with the last hit and deals increased damage if the target's HP is below a certain ratio. This attack ignores the target's death denial effect and targets defeated by this attack cannot be revived. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 211% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 542.8% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Damage Dealt Increase: 100% (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 103.3% of ATK as splash DMG(Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 266% of ATK as splash DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Damage Dealt Increase: 50% (Changed)

 · Removes 2 beneficial effects

 · Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Endure for 14 sec

Ultimate Soul Blaze

[No skill cooldown]

Dashes to the enemy and swings a sizzling scythe to attack enemies within the area ahead 3 times. The first hit removes all beneficial effects and the second hit applies Burn. The last hit applies Endure to itself and deals increased damage if the target's HP is below a certain ratio. This attack ignores the target's death denial effect and targets defeated by this attack cannot be revived.

 · [Per hit] 337.7% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect)

 · [Last Hit] 844.3% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect)

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Damage Dealt Increase: 100%

 · Remove all beneficial effects

 · Lv. 4 Burn for 20 sec

 · Endure for 14 sec

[No skill cooldown]

Dashes to the enemy and swings a sizzling scythe to attack the enemy and nearby enemies 3 times. The first hit removes all beneficial effects and the second hit applies ATK DOWN. Applies Endure to itself with the last hit and deals increased damage if the target's HP is below a certain ratio. This attack ignores the target's death denial effect and targets defeated by this attack cannot be revived. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 422.3% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 1085.6% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Damage Dealt Increase: 100% (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 206.9% of ATK as splash DMG(Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [Last Hit] 531.9% of ATK as splash DMG(Target unrevivable upon death, Ignores the target's death denial effect) (Changed)

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Damage Dealt Increase: 50% (Changed)

 · Remove all beneficial effects

 · Lv. 4 ATK DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Endure for 14 sec



■ New/Improvements/Changes


▶ Transformation

- Wind Panda Warrior and Dark Cow Girl will be added to the list of available transformations for each Summoner. 

  · Complete the following missions to obtain the transformation.


Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

5★ Panda Warrior (Wind)

Reach Lv. 5 Affinity

Process Tritium

Deliver 5★ Fire attribute piece

4★ Cow Girl (Dark)

Deliver Silver Mineral

Deliver Gold Mineral

Deliver Eternal Leaf


  · The effects are as follows.


Owned Effect

5★ Panda Warrior (Wind)

Increases Summoner DEF by 43 when using Wind attribute weapons.

4★ Cow Girl (Dark)

Increases Summoner ATK by 35 when using Dark attribute weapons.


  · 5★ Panda Warrior (Wind) - Skill upon transformation



Basic Attack

Swings the weapon to attack the enemy.

Calm Mind

Realizes a calm mind and removes all harmful effects on itself and applies Continuous Recovery to itself. In addition, decreases the cooldown of Winds and Clouds.

Winds and Clouds

Applies Counterattack to itself and creates winds and clouds to continuously deal damage based on its DEF to nearby enemies. Counterattacks with Sequential Attack with a certain chance when attacked by an enemy while under Counterattack.


Sequential Attack: Leaps to the enemy target to deal damage based on its DEF 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN. This attack always applies as Attribute Advantage. The last hit airbornes the target with a certain chance. 


  · 4★ Cow Girl (Dark) - Skill upon transformation



Basic Attack

Strikes down the sword to attack the enemy target. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that decrease damage taken.

Forbidden Bullet

Fires a bullet filled with forbidden power to attack and push back the enemy target. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that decrease damage taken.

Devil's Bullet

Fires magic bullets to attack the enemy target 2 times and applies ATK SPD UP to itself if the attack critically hits. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that decrease damage taken.


- Transformation has 30 sec cooldown, and the following effects continue during the transformation (Based on Lv. 5 Transformation)

  · 5★ Panda Warrior (Wind): Increase fishing speed by 20% for 5 hours

  · 4★ Cow Girl (Dark): Obtain Rahil Guards’ Totem with a 3% chance for 8 hours by hunting creatures

    * Rahil Guards’ Totems can be sold in the shop for 500 Gold.

- The cooldown for all transformations is changed from 1 hour to 30 sec.


▶ Cairos

[Illusion Garden]

Theme Monster for the Illusion Garden will change to 4★ Inferno (Dark).

  · Period: Feb. 12th 12 am - Feb. 18th 23:55

[Rainbowmon Dungeon]

- Rainbowmon Dungeon will be available during the following period.

  · Period: After the Feb. 8th maintenance - Feb. 22nd 12am


▶ Dungeon

- The following description will be added to the ranking pop-up in [Path of Adventure] and [Expedition].

  · Ranking rewards are given based on the overall ranking. No rewards are available for the individual rankings.

- [Path of Adventure] Adjusted the number of Mythic Runes obtainable from Hard Lv. 3 - 5.

* The number of obtainable Mythic Runes per week will gradually increase.


▶ Battlefield

- The following texts will be added to the Battlefield loading screen.

  · When matchmaking as a party, participation is not allowed if there are party members of the same class.

  · When matchmaking as a party, you will be matched with players one tier higher in rank.


▶ Summon Altar


- A Rate Up Summon for 5★ Raven exclusive artifacts will start.

  · Period: After the Feb. 8th maintenance - Feb. 28th Mar. 7th 12am

  · Obtain the artifact exclusive to 5★ Raven with a higher chance than “Galaxy Summon”.

  · Obtain the artifact exclusive to 5★ Raven every time you achieve 200 mileage for the Rate UP Summon.

  · Even if you obtain the artifact exclusive to 5★ Raven before reaching 200 mileage, the mileage value will not be reset.


- A Rate Up Summon for 5★ Beast Monk exclusive artifacts will start.

  · Period: After the Feb. 8th maintenance - Feb. 28th Mar. 7th 12am

  · Obtain the artifact exclusive to 5★ Beast Monk with a higher chance than “Galaxy Summon”.

  · Obtain the artifact exclusive to 5★ Beast Monk every time you achieve 200 mileage for the Rate UP Summon.

  · Even if you obtain the artifact exclusive to 5★ Beast Monk before reaching 200 mileage, the mileage value will not be reset.


▶ Monster

- The speech bubble in the Monster forum displayed above the “Write” button will disappear after a certain period.


- New transmogrification “Grim Reaper Jack-o'-lantern” will be added.

  · “Grim Reaper Jack-o'-lantern” can be purchased in the [Shop] - [General Sale] - [Transmogrification] tab.

  · Only awakened Monsters can change appearance through transmogrification.

  · 5★ Jack-o'-lantern (All attributes) - Grim Reaper Jack-o'-lantern


▶ Others

- Modified the support and assassin-type Monsters to be positioned slightly more forward in Arena and Siege Battle.

- Beast Rider pieces will now be available from the [Piece Exchange], 5★ Selection Ticket, and Monster Piece Box items.



■ New Events


▶ Let's Go Rainbowmon Hunting!

- Period: After the Feb. 8th maintenance - Feb. 22nd 12am

- Details: You can get Rainbow Powder by clearing the Rainbowmon Dungeon.

Collect Rainbow Powder and exchange it for gifts!


▶ Mystic Witch's Atelier - Alchemy Atelier

- Period: Feb. 9th 12am - Feb. 23rd 12am

- Details: What items will appear when you perform alchemy with the Mystical Soul Dust obtained from creature hunting?


▶ Mystic Witch's Atelier - Obtain Mystical Soul Dust

- Period: Feb. 9th 12am - Feb. 23rd 12am

- Details: Complete missions to obtain Mystical Soul Dust


▶ Banian Merchant's Request

- Period: Feb. 8th 12am - Feb. 15th 12am

- Details: A Banian merchant has requested items. Deliver the items and sell them for a high price!



■ Issue Fixes


- The effect stone replacement function for weapon and accessory, which was stopped after the Jan. 25th update, will resume. You can use the following method to replace the effect stone until the issue is perfectly fixed.

* If the description of the effect stone is displayed differently on the screen from the actual effect stone, you can replace the effect stone after moving to other tabs, such as Equip Gem and Enhance Equipment tabs.

- Fixed the description of some food items incorrectly displaying that they can only be consumed when out of combat.

- Fixed some of the creatures in the Sierra Area Dungeon “Goblin Feeding Ground” not using their skills properly.

- Fixed the issue where part of Soleta’s character model is obscured by the wallpaper when using the Leciel wallpaper on the Summoner selection screen.

- A penalty notice for AFK users will be added to the matchmaking confirmation pop-up.

- Fixed the price being set abnormally in the exchange center when registering a certain equipment for sale.

- Improved the texts displayed at the bottom of the [Guard Journal] - [Area Dungeon] page for clarity. 

- Fixed the issue where the matchmaking restriction time counts down abnormally during AFK penalty in the Battlefield. 

- Fixed the sound not working when proceeding with certain sub quests in the Sierra area.

- Fixed the chat report feature not working properly.

- Fixed the issue where clicking outside the “Retry”  button in the [Path of Adventure] still lets you retry.

- Fixed the character’s name in the video and the text not matching in the clip when proceeding with the “Galagon Great Sage's Purpose” quest between [Rahil Kingdom Story] Act 8 and Act 9.

- Fixed the intermittent issue where some of the achievement rewards for Lv. 4 Adventure in [Achievement] not giving out rewards.

- Fixed the abnormal description for the Mythic Rune’s PvP property in certain language settings.

- Fixed the abnormal display of the auto reconnection setting pop-up in certain language settings.

- Fixed the intermittent display issue of the attack/defense history in Guild Siege Battle.

- Improved the summoning effect of 5★ Beetle Knight. 

- Fixed the issue where equipping the “Miner of the Year” title would redirect players to the title screen in certain situations when reconnecting.

- Fixed Heath’s “Sky Island Guard Set” outfit effect displaying wrong activation materials.

- Added a redirection icon on the pop-up displayed during matchmaking.

- Fixed the notification notice to display properly when relisting an item with base price adjusted.

- Fixed the enemy base’s defense team status in Guild Siege Battle not displaying normally in certain situations. 

- Fixed the abnormal text in the item acquisition pop-up in some language settings.

- Fixed the abnormal text display for the relic description in [Galagos Ruins] in some language settings.

- In auto battle, 5★ Water Fairy Queen’s Purify will be used on the team member with many harmful effects first. 

- Fixed bulk selection checkbox for Magic Dust not to obscure the description text when combining Runes. 

- Fixed the abnormal positioning of Magic Dust’s bulk selection checkbox in certain resolutions.

- Fixed the abnormal movement of creatures, such as Chimera and Sylph in Galagos Ruins Area Lv. 4.

- Fixed the auto battle not working properly after reviving at the same spot on the field. 

- Fixed the abnormal movement of flags in the Sierra Area Dungeon “Goblin Feeding Ground”.

- Improved the highlighting effect of Hero Artifact to appear natural.

- Fixed the replay of the cutscene not being available for [Rahil Kingdom Story] Act 5, Ch. 44 “Prepare For War” quest.

- Fixed the abnormal image display on the [Fairy Queen’s Gift] event page.

- Improved the skill effects of some creatures to appear more natural,

- Fixed the abnormal skill effect when using 5★ Beetle Knight’s ultimate skill.

- Fixed Heath’s illustration resolution appearing low and being displayed on abnormal locations in Challenge Arena and Siege Battle.

- Improved the skill description for 5★ Wind Fairy King’s Ventilate skill for clarity.

  · Improved: Decreases the skill cooldown of the team member and applies Skill Acceleration. It targets the Summoner first, and if there is no Summoner, it will be used on a Monster.

- Improved the skill description for 4★ Fire Harg’s Rabbit's Agility skill for clarity

  · Improved: Decreases the skill cooldown of the team member and applies Skill Acceleration. It targets the Summoner first, and if there is no Summoner, it will be used on a Monster.

- Fixed the skill effect description of [Heath]’s Water skill effect, “Ice Poison” not matching the description in the tooltip.

- Improved the animation effect of the equipped Monster transformation to appear normally.

- Fixed the awkward description for [Heath]’s basic weapon.

- Modified the color emphasis of the text in the guild record displayed in the guild member information pop-up.

- Fixed the “Transcendence tutorial” that starts after finishing [Rahil Kingdom Story] Act 5 Ch. 45 “Beyond the Limits” quest to proceed normally.

- Fixed the pop-up for the completed quest not appearing in certain situations when completing the quests.

- Fixed the ultimate activation speed not to change for certain attributes when applying Harp Magician’s transmogrification.




We hope you enjoy a delightful time in Summoners War: Chronicles

with the new content and events starting soon.


Thank you.                                


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