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Dec. 28th Update Notes
GM Chronicles 12/28/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update. 


The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone: US - EST / EU - CET / ASIA - ICT / JP - JST 


Please check the details below.


■ Major Updates


▶ Artifact Summon

- A new Artifact summon system will be introduced, allowing you to acquire artifacts using Seal.

  · Tap the [Artifact Summon] button at the top left of the [Summon Altar] to check it out.

  · It is available after completing the [Act 5 Ch. 42 Saving Rukurangma] quest.

- Starlight Artifact Summon

  · Use Gold Artifact Seals to summon Artifacts of Hero to Legendary grades.

- Galaxy Artifact Summon

  · Use Silver Artifact Seals or Crystals to summon Artifacts of Rare to Legendary grades.

  · You can perform a free summon once a day.


▶ New Artifact

- Legendary artifacts will be added.

  · Go to [Summon Altar]-[Artifact Summon] to obtain.

  · Legendary artifacts exclusive to 5★ Monsters Fairy Queen, Vampire Hunter, Sylph, Monkey King, and 4★ Monsters Harg, Vagabond, Martial Cat, Mystic Witch, are added, totaling 40 artifacts for each Monster's respective attribute.

  · Legendary artifacts can only be equipped by Monsters of the same attribute.

  · *Material artifacts are required for specific enhancement levels.

* Artifacts of the same Monster are required as materials. The attribute does not have to be the same.

- Hero artifacts will be added.

  · Three types of artifacts for Warrior, Mage, and Assassin are introduced.

※ You can check the stats and effects of newly added Legendary and Hero artifacts by tapping the "Artifact List" button at the bottom left of the [Manage Artifacts] screen.


▶ 5★ Fairy Queen Exclusive Artifact Rate Up Summon

- A Rate Up Summon for 5★ Fairy Queen exclusive artifacts is introduced at the [Summon Altar] - [Artifact Summon]

  · Use Silver Artifact Seals or Crystals to perform the summon.

It is available using 

- Period: After the Dec. 28th maintenance - Jan. 18th 12am

- Higher chances to obtain exclusive artifacts for the corresponding attribute than the Galaxy Artifact Summon.

- Obtain the same attribute's exclusive artifact every time you achieve 200 mileage for each attribute.

- Even if you obtain the exclusive artifact for the corresponding attribute before reaching 200 mileage, the mileage value will not be reset.


▶ Summoner's Way

- Quests for Intermediate Summoners will be added to [Quest] - [Summoner's Way].

  · Various rewards, from Gold Artifact Seals to Legendary Artifact Boxes and Light and Darkness Legendary Summon Scrolls, are available.


▶ Magictech

- The Re-alteration system, allowing the adjustment of stats such as Handwork Gems, Effect Stones, Spell Books, and Symbols, will be introduced, providing a one-time opportunity to readjust each item.

  · You can attempt it only once for each item.

- The Magictech level will be expanded up to Lv. 16.

  · Tap the ⓘ icon in the top left corner of the screen to check the required EXP for level-ups and effects.



■ Balance Adjustment


- The following adjustments will be made to the effects, Summoners, and Monsters:

  · Effect: Adjustments to Undead, HP Regen, and combat-related stats in Arena/Siege Battle/Battlefield.

  · Summoner: Kina, Cleaf

  · Monster (Fire): 5★ Beetle Knight, Chakram Dancer, Boomerang Warrior, Undine, Mermaid, Phoenix

  · Monster (Water): 5★ Beetle Knight, Dragon Knight, Chakram Dancer, Boomerang Warrior

  · Monster (Wind): 5★ Dragon Knight, Chakram Dancer, Boomerang Warrior

  · Monster (Light): 5★ Chakram Dancer, Boomerang Warrior

  · Monster (Dark): 5★ Chakram Dancer, Boomerang Warrior, Ifrit, Valkyrja, Chimera

 * Detailed information regarding balance adjustments will be provided through this notice by Dec. 29th.


▶ Effect and Formula Improvement

Effect and Formula 



- Damage will be adjusted and changed so that it is not affected by DEF, just like DoT.

HP Regen

- HP Regen effect during out of combat situations will be removed as it doesn’t have much impact on the game.


- Assassin Monster’s target priority for support and melee Monsters will be lowered.


- DMG Taken DOWN for Summoners will be adjusted from 10% to 13.5%.

- Summoner’s 20% Recovery Given DOWN effect will be added.

- Monster’s Recovery Given DOWN effect will be adjusted from 10% to 20%.

- Changed to start with 1 stack of Evasion skill.

Siege Battle

- Summoner’s 20% Recovery Given DOWN effect will be added.

- Monster’s Recovery Given DOWN effect will be adjusted from 10% to 20%.

- Changed to start with 1 stack of Evasion skill.


- Summoner’s and Monster’s 20% Recovery Given DOWN effect will be added.


▶ Summoner

- Details are based on the MAX enhancement value of each skill.

- Changed or added details are in blue, and those removed are in red.


  · Kina




Earnest Prayer


[Continuous Effect]

When using a skill, recovers the HP of the team Monster with the lowest HP ratio with a certain chance, and increases your mana. Increases the damage dealt based on the LV of the attribute energy you own.

 · [Per caster's attribute energy LV] 3% DMG Dealt

 · [When Skill ATK finishes] (30% chance) Recover target's HP by 15%

 · [When Skill ATK finishes] (30% chance)   Increase mana by 1 

[Continuous Effect]

When using a skill, recovers the HP of the team Monster with the lowest HP ratio with a certain chance, and increases your mana. Increases the damage dealt based on the LV of the attribute energy you own.

 · [Per caster's attribute energy LV] 3% DMG Dealt 

 · [When Skill ATK finishes] (20% chance) Recover target's HP by 15% (Changed)

 · [When Skill ATK finishes] (20% chance) Increase mana by 1 (Changed)

Sanctuary of Life


[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

Applies Energy of Wind to herself with the power of life, and applies Immunity if nearby team members' HP is over a certain ratio. Then recovers the HP of nearby allies and applies ACC UP to them. The recovery amount is based on Kina's ATK, and the recovery amount increases if the target is a Summoner. Upon using the skill, applies Continuous Recovery if there's a team member nearby below a certain HP excluding Kina. (Removed)

 · Lv. 3 Energy of Wind for 4 sec (Unremovable)

 · Recover Target's HP by 27.8%

 · [If target is a Summoner] Recovery Given UP by 20% (Removed)

 · 123.6% of ATK as Recovery

 · Lv. 1 ACC UP for 20 sec

 · [If target's HP is below 50%] Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec (Removed)

 · [If target's HP is 70% or above] Immunity for 8 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec] (Changed)

Applies Energy of Wind to yourself with the power of life, and applies Immunity if nearby team members' HP is over a certain ratio. Then recovers the HP of nearby allies and applies ACC UP to them. The recovery amount is based on your ATK. (Changed)

 · Lv. 3 Energy of Wind for 4 sec (Unremovable)
 · Recover Target's HP by 27.8%

 · 123.6% of ATK as Recovery

 · Lv. 1 ACC UP for 20 sec

 · [If target's HP is 70% or above] Immunity for 10 sec (Changed)



[Skill Cooldown: 40 sec]

Sprinkles stardust to recover HP of nearby allies. If there is a team member to revive, recovers the HP of nearby allies, excluding itself, and revives a defeated team Monster. If the target has Reflect DMG, applies additional Reflect DMG, and decreases the skill cooldown of team members below a certain HP ratio. This skill is not affected by other team members' skill cooldown effect.

 · [If target's HP is below 30%] Decrease Summoner skill cooldown by 30%

 · [If target's HP is below 30%] Decrease Monster skill cooldown by 30%

 · [If target has Reflect] Lv. 1DMG Reflect for 20 sec

 · [If all team members are alive] Recover Target's HP by 57.5%

 · [When there's a defeated team member] Recover Target's HP by 57.5%

 · [When there's a defeated team member] Revive one with 60% HP

[Skill Cooldown: 40 sec]

Sprinkles stardust to recover the HP of nearby allies. If there is a team member to revive, recovers the HP of nearby allies, excluding yourself, revives a defeated team Monster, and decreases your HP. If the target has Reflect DMG, applies additional Reflect DMG, and decreases the skill cooldown of team members below a certain HP ratio. This skill is not affected by other team members' skill cooldown effect. (Changed)

 · [If target's HP is below 30%] Decrease Summoner skill cooldown by 30%

 · [If target's HP is below 30%] Decrease Monster skill cooldown by 30%

 · [If target has Reflect] Lv. 1DMG Reflect for 20 sec

 · [If all team members are alive] Recover Target's HP by 57.5%

 · [When there's a defeated team member] Recover Target's HP by 57.5%

 · [When there's a defeated team member] Revive one with 60% HP

 · [When there's a defeated team member] Decrease HP by 20% (Added)

Dark Boost



[No Skill Cooldown]

Uses powerful dark energy to attack nearby enemies and pushes them with a certain chance. This push is irresistible. Deals bonus damage to creatures. Revives up to 2 team Monsters and applies Reflect DMG to allies.

 · 612.5% of ATK as DMG

 · (70% chance) Push

 · Revive 2 with 60% HP

 · [When attacking a creature][Bonus Hit] 306.3% of ATK as DMG

 · [When reviving a team member] Lv. 1 DMG Reflect for 20 sec

[No Skill Cooldown]

Uses powerful dark energy to attack nearby enemies and pushes them with a certain chance. This push is irresistible. Deals bonus damage to creatures. Revives a team Monster and applies Reflect DMG to allies. Decreases your HP upon reviving an ally. (Changed)

 · 612.5% of ATK as DMG

 · (70% chance) Push

 · Revive 1 with 100% HP (Changed)

 · [When attacking a creature][Bonus Hit] 306.3% of ATK as DMG

 · [When reviving a team member] Lv. 1 DMG Reflect for 20 sec

 · [When reviving a team member] Decrease HP by 20% (Added)


  · Cleaf




Protection Shield


[Continuous Effect]

Decreases the damage that you and your team members take from bosses or enemy Summoners. Gains mana with a certain chance when you get attacked by enemy Summoners or bosses.

 · [When attacked by a boss or an enemy Summoner] Decrease DMG Taken by 20%

 · [When team Monster is attacked by a boss or an enemy Summoner] Decrease Monster’s DMG Taken by 10%

 · [When attacked by a boss or an enemy Summoner](10% chance) Increase mana by 1

[Continuous Effect]

Decreases the damage that you and your team members take. Additionally decreases the damage taken and gains mana with a certain chance when you get attacked by enemy Summoners or bosses. (Changed)

 · [When attacked] Decrease DMG Taken by 10% (Added)

 · [When attacked by a boss or an enemy Summoner] Decrease DMG Taken by 10% (Changed)

 · [When a team member is attacked] Decrease Monster’s DMG Taken by 10% (Changed)

 · [When attacked by a boss or an enemy Summoner](10% chance) Increase mana by 1

Iron Shield


[Continuous Effect]

Increases DEF of team Monsters if your HP is below a certain ratio.

 · [If caster's HP is below 70%] Increase Monster DEF by 20%

[Activation Cooldown: 40 sec] (Changed)

Applies Shield to yourself upon applying a CC effect to the enemy. (Changed)

 · [When applying CC to enemy] Shield equal to 10% of its MAX HP for 7 sec (Changed)

Enhance Shield


[Continuous Effect]

Increases DEF if your HP is below a certain ratio.

 · [If caster's HP is below 50%] DEF UP by 30%

[Continuous Effect]

Increases your and the team member's DEF if your HP is below a certain ratio. (Changed)

 · [If caster's HP is below 50%] DEF UP by 30%

 · [If caster's HP is below 50%] Monster DEF UP by 20% (Added)



[Skill Cooldown: 5 sec]

Strikes enemies within the area with an ice shield to deal damage based on its DEF, applies ATK DOWN, and pushes them back with a certain chance. Applies ATK SPD DOWN to enemies with ATK DOWN.

 · 140.2% of ATK + 93.6% of its DEF as DMG

 · Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 20 sec

 · (70% chance) Push

 · [If target has Lv. 2+ ATK DOWN] Lv. 3 ATK SPD DOWN for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 5 sec]

Strikes enemies within the area with an ice shield to deal damage based on its DEF, applies ATK DOWN, and pushes them back with a certain chance. Applies ATK SPD DOWN to enemies with ATK DOWN.

 · 140.2% of ATK + 93.6% of its DEF as DMG

 · Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 20 sec

 · (70% chance) Push

 · [If target has ATK DOWN] Lv. 3 ATK SPD DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

Frozen Armor


[Skill Cooldown: 25 sec]

Uses the power of frozen armor to apply DMG Dealt DOWN to nearby enemies, and applies Freeze with a certain chance if the target has ATK DOWN. Then applies Energy of Water to himself, freezing the attack target with a certain chance whenever he gets hit.

 · Lv. 2 DMG Dealt DOWN for 20 sec

 · Energy of Water for 14 sec (Unremovable)

 · [If target has ATK DOWN](66% chance) Freeze for 3.5 sec

 · [When attacked](20% chance) Freeze for 3.5 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 25 sec]

Uses the power of frozen armor to apply DMG Dealt DOWN to nearby enemies, and applies Freeze with a certain chance if the target has ATK DOWN. Recovers nearby allies upon successful Freeze. The recovery amount is based on your DEF. Then applies Energy of Water to yourself, freezing the attack target with a certain chance whenever you get hit. (Changed)

 · Lv. 2 DMG Dealt DOWN for 20 sec

 · Energy of Water for 14 sec

 · [If target has ATK DOWN](66% chance) Freeze for 3.5 sec

 · [If target gets frozen] Recover HP by 162% of DEF (Added)

 · [When attacked](20% chance) Freeze for 3.5 sec

Wind Boomerang


[Skill Cooldown: 15 sec]

Throws a blunt weapon like a boomerang to attack enemies ahead, and applies DEF UP to himself based on the number of enemies hit. When the blunt weapon returns, deals damage based on the DEF, and if the target is a creature, increases the damage dealt. Applies Shield to nearby allies, excluding himself, if Cleaf has a certain level of DEF UP or above.

 · [First Hit] 186% of ATK as DMG

 · [Last Hit] 279% of its DEF as DMG

 · [When attacking a creature] Increase DMG Dealt by 30%

 · [Per hit] Lv. 1 DEF UP for 8 sec

 · [If caster has Lv. 3+ DEF UP] Shield equal to 21.2% of its MAX HP for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 15 sec]

Throws a blunt weapon like a boomerang to attack enemies ahead, and applies DEF UP to himself based on the number of enemies hit. When the blunt weapon returns, deals damage based on the DEF, and if the target is a creature, increases the damage dealt. Applies Shield to nearby allies, excluding himself, if Cleaf has a certain level of DEF UP or above.

 · [First Hit] 186% of ATK as DMG

 · [Last Hit] 279% of its DEF as DMG

 · [When attacking a creature] Increase DMG Dealt by 30%

 · [Per hit] Lv. 2 DEF UP for 8 sec (Changed)

 · [If caster has Lv. 3+ DEF UP] Shield equal to 21.2% of its MAX HP for 20 sec

Dark Shield


[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

Unleashes the power of dark to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area and provokes them with a certain chance. The enemy with the highest ATK within the area cannot resist Provoke. Applies Reflect DMG to himself and applies DMG Taken DOWN to all other allies. Additionally applies DMG Taken DOWN to the team Monster with the highest ATK.

 · Lv. 3 Reflect DMG for 20 sec

 · Lv. 1 DMG Taken DOWN for 20 sec

 · 255% of ATK + 170% of its DEF as DMG

 · (90% chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · Provoke for 14 sec

 · [Team member with the highest ATK] Lv. 2 DMG Taken DOWN for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

Unleashes the power of dark to deal damage based on its DEF to enemies within the area and provokes them with a certain chance. The enemy with the highest ATK within the area cannot resist Provoke. Applies Reflect DMG to yourself and applies DMG Taken DOWN to all other allies. Then applies Endure to yourself and the team Monster with the highest ATK. (Changed)

 · Lv. 3 Reflect DMG for 20 sec

 · Lv. 1 DMG Taken DOWN for 20 sec

 · Endure for 6 sec (Added)

 · 255% of ATK + 170% of its DEF as DMG

 · (90% chance) Provoke for 14 sec

 · Provoke for 14 sec

 · [Team member with the highest ATK] Endure for 6 sec (Changed)


▶ Monsters

- Details are based on the MAX enhancement value of each skill.

- Changed or added details are in blue, and those removed are in red.


  · 5★ Beetle Knight (Fire)




Hellfire Chitin

[Activation Cooldown: 12 sec]

Gains Provoke Immunity. If a team member gets a beneficial effect removed or stolen, uses Hellfire Charge on the target that removed or stole the effect.

 · Immune to Provoke

 · [If beneficial effect is stolen/removed] Use Hellfire Charge once


→ Hellfire Charge

Charges toward the enemy target and deals damage based on DEF. Removes all beneficial effects on the target, and then silences with a certain chance. The damage increases based on the number of beneficial effects the target has. Applies Shield to nearby allies.

 · 166.1% of ATK + 249.2% of its DEF as DMG

 · [Per target's beneficial effect] Increase DMG Dealt by 50%

 · Remove all beneficial effects

 · Silence for 11 sec

 · Shield equal to 10.5% of its MAX HP for 7 sec

[Activation Cooldown: 12 sec]

Gains Provoke Immunity. If a team member gets a beneficial effect removed or stolen, uses Hellfire Charge on the target that removed or stole the effect.

 · Immune to Provoke

 · [If beneficial effect is stolen/removed] Use Hellfire Charge once


→ Hellfire Charge

Charges toward the enemy target and deals damage based on DEF. Removes all beneficial effects on the target, and then applies Oblivion. The damage increases based on the number of beneficial effects the target has. Applies Shield to nearby allies. (Changed)

 · 166.1% of ATK + 249.2% of its DEF as DMG

 · [Per target's beneficial effect] Increase DMG Dealt by 50%

 · Remove all beneficial effects

 · Oblivion for 11 sec (Changed)

  · Shield equal to 10.5% of its MAX HP for 7 sec


  · 5★ Beetle Knight (Water)





[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Applies MOV SPD DOWN to enemies within the area with the power of shield and applies CRIT RES UP and Continuous Recovery to allies within the area.

 · Lv. 2 MOV SPD DOWN for 16 sec

 · Lv. 1 CRIT RES UP for 16 sec

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Applies ATK SPD DOWN to enemies within the area with the power of shield and applies CRIT RES UP and Continuous Recovery to allies within the area. (Changed)

 · Lv. 2 ATK SPD DOWN for 16 sec (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 CRIT RES UP for 16 sec

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 16 sec

Regenerative Chitin

[Activation Cooldown: 120 sec]

Gains Provoke Immunity. When the Summoner takes lethal damage, ignores the damage. Then, applies Endure to the Summoner and recovers the Summoner's HP. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP.

 · Provoke Immunity

 · Ignore Lethal DMG

 · Endure for 14 sec

 · Recover Target's HP by 47%

[Activation Cooldown: 120 sec]

Gains Provoke Immunity. When the Summoner takes lethal damage, ignores the damage. Then, applies Endure and Reflect DMG to the Summoner and recovers the Summoner's HP. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP. (Changed)

 · Provoke Immunity

 · Ignore Lethal DMG

 · Endure for 14 sec

 · Lv. 1 Reflect DMG for 14 sec (Added)

 · Recover Target's HP by 47%


  · 5★ Dragon Knight (Water)

※ Due to the balance adjustment, you can use the Free Restore button in the 5★ Dragon Knight (Water) Monster page until Jan. 11th to reset once.





[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

With blazing fury, deals damage based on its DEF to the enemy target. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken and deals increased damage based on its Dragon's Soul LV.

 · 452.4% of ATK + 678.6% of DEF as DMG (Ignores the target's damage reduction effects)

 · [Per caster's Dragon's Soul LV] Increase DMG Dealt by 10%

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

With blazing fury, deals damage based on its DEF to the enemy target. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. If used during soul link, increases the damage based on its Dragon's Soul LV and consumes all of its Dragon's Soul. (Changed)

 · 452.4% of ATK + 678.6% of DEF as DMG (Ignores the target's damage reduction effects)

 · [Per Dragon's Soul LV if used during Soul Link] Increase DMG Dealt by 10% (Changed)

 · Consume Lv. 10 Dragon’s Soul (Added)


[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Creates an aura that embodies the Dragon's Energy. Removes a harmful effect on itself every certain time while Dragon's Energy is active and applies Frostbite to enemies within the area with a certain chance. In addition, applies DEF UP and Dragon's Soul to itself upon successfully removing a harmful effect.

 · Dragon's Soul for 20 sec (Unremovable)

 · [Every 2 sec when Dragon's Energy is activated] Remove a harmful effect

 · [Every 2 sec when Dragon's Energy is activated](70% chance) Lv. 1 Frostbite for 20 sec

 · [Upon removing a harmful effect] Lv. 1 DEF UP for 20 sec

 · [Upon removing a harmful effect] Lv. 1 Dragon's Soul (Unremovable)

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Creates an aura that embodies the Dragon's Energy. Removes a harmful effect on itself every certain time while Dragon's Energy is active and applies Frostbite to enemies within the area with a certain chance. In addition, applies DEF UP and Dragon's Soul to itself upon successfully removing a harmful effect.

 · Dragon's Soul for 20 sec (Unremovable)

 · [Every 2 sec when Dragon's Energy is activated] Remove a harmful effect

 · [Every 2 sec when Dragon's Energy is activated](70% chance) Lv. 1 Frostbite for 20 sec

 · [Upon removing a harmful effect] Lv. 1 DEF UP for 20 sec

 · [Upon removing a harmful effect] Lv. 2 Dragon's Soul (Unremovable) (Changed)


  · 5★ Dragon Knight (Wind)




Eye of the Storm

[Continuous Effect]

Accelerates its skill cooldown for a certain time at the start of the battle. Applies Dragon's Soul to itself every certain time during battle. Increases the damage dealt and decreases the damage taken based on the Dragon's Soul LV. Suppresses all enemy and allied skill cooldown/ultimate gauge up/down effects. (This passive skill is only applied in the Arena and Siege Battle.)

 · [Per caster's Dragon's Soul LV] Increase DMG Dealt by 3%

 · [Per caster's Dragon's Soul LV] Decrease DMG Taken by 3%

 · Suppress Skill Cooldown UP/DOWN by 100%

 · Suppress Ultimate Gauge UP/DOWN effects by 100%

 · [At the start of battle] Accelerate skill by 400% for 1.5 sec

 · [Every 6 sec in battle] Lv. 1 Dragon's Soul (Unremovable)

[Continuous Effect]

Accelerates its skill cooldown for a certain time at the start of the battle. Applies Dragon's Soul to itself every certain time during battle. Increases the damage dealt and decreases the damage taken based on the Dragon's Soul LV. Suppresses all enemy and allied skill cooldown/ultimate gauge up/down effects. Limits the ATK SPD of all enemy Monsters and allied Monsters, except for Monsters with the same skill, to a value lower than its ATK SPD. (This passive skill is only applied in the Arena and Siege Battle.)(Changed)

 · [Per caster's Dragon's Soul LV] Increase DMG Dealt by 3%

 · [Per caster's Dragon's Soul LV] Decrease DMG Taken by 3%

 · Suppress Skill Cooldown UP/DOWN by 100%

 · Suppress Ultimate Gauge UP/DOWN effects by 100%

 · Suppress ATK SPD (Lower than the caster's ATK SPD) (Added)

 · [At the start of battle] Accelerate skill by 400% for 1.5 sec

 · [Every 6 sec in battle] Lv. 1 Dragon's Soul (Unremovable)


  · 5★ Chakram Dancer (Fire)




Crescent Moon Slash

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK +  7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP, remove a harmful effect on itself, and apply DMG Taken DOWN to itself.

 · 644.6% of ATK + 21.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 1 DMG Taken DOWN for 14 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK +  7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP, remove 2 harmful effects on itself, and apply DMG Taken DOWN to itself.(Changed)

 · 644.6% of ATK + 21.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove 2 harmful effects (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 DMG Taken DOWN for 14 sec


 · 5★ Chakram Dancer (Water)




Crescent Moon Slash

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times, and each hit applies Unrevivable with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK + 7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (80% chance) Unrecoverable for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP. The damage of this attack increases based on the target's lost HP. In addition, removes a harmful effect on itself, and applies DMG Dealt UP to itself.

 · 576.7% of ATK + 19.2% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 1 DMG Dealt DOWN for 14 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times, and each hit applies Unrevivable with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK + 7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (80% chance) Unrecoverable for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP. The damage of this attack increases based on the target's lost HP. In addition, removes 2 harmful effects on itself, and applies DMG Dealt UP to itself. (Changed)

 · 576.7% of ATK + 19.2% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove 2 harmful effects (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 DMG Dealt DOWN for 14 sec


 · 5★ Chakram Dancer (Wind)




Crescent Moon Slash

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times, and each hit applies Block Harmful Effect Removal with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK + 7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (80% chance) Block Harmful Effect Removal for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP and additionally deal fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP. Stunned targets receive increased fixed damage. Recovers its HP based on the fixed damage dealt to the target.

 · 322.2% of ATK + 10.7% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · [Bonus Hit] 10% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [If target is stunned] Increase DMG Dealt by 100%

 · Recover HP by 100% of the fixed DMG

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times, and each hit applies Block Harmful Effect Removal with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK + 7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (80% chance) Block Harmful Effect Removal for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP and additionally deal fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP. Targets affected by harmful effects take increased fixed damage. Recovers its HP based on the fixed damage dealt to the target. (Changed)

 · 322.2% of ATK + 10.7% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · [Bonus Hit] 10% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [If target has harmful effect] Increase DMG Dealt by 100% (Changed)

 · Recover HP by 100% of the fixed DMG


 · 5★ Chakram Dancer (Light)




Silver Chakram

[Continuous Effect]

Increases the damage dealt based on the target's Bleed LV when the caster and all Boomerang Warriors in the team attack with a skill. When attacked, decreases the damage taken based on the attacker's Bleed LV. In addition, applies Bleed with a certain chance when attacking with a skill.

 · [Per target's Bleed LV when caster and Boomerang Warriors in the team attack with a skill] Increase DMG Dealt by 7%

 · [Per attacker's Bleed LV when caster and Boomerang Warrior are attacked] Decrease DMG Taken by 7%

 · [When attacking with a skill](70% chance) Lv. 1 Bleed for 14 sec

[Continuous Effect]

Increases the damage dealt based on the target's Bleed LV when the caster and all Boomerang Warriors in the team attack with a skill. When attacked, decreases the damage taken based on the attacker's Bleed LV. In addition, applies Bleed when attacking with a skill. (Changed)

 · [Per target's Bleed LV when caster and Boomerang Warriors in the team attack with a skill] Increase DMG Dealt by 7%

 · [Per attacker's Bleed LV when caster and Boomerang Warrior are attacked] Decrease DMG Taken by 7%

 · [When attacking with a skill] Lv. 1 Bleed for 14 sec (Changed)

Chakram Crush

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area nearby 3 times, and each hit stuns with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 134.5% of ATK + 4.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (45% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area nearby 3 times. Each hit stuns with a certain chance, and the last hit applies Block Harmful Effect Removal. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 134.5% of ATK + 4.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (45% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Block Harmful Effect Removal for 14 sec (Added)

 · Activate Coop attack

Ultimate Chakram Crush

[No Skill Cooldown]

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area nearby 4 times, and each hit stuns with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attack together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 237.4% of ATK +  7.8% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (45% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[No Skill Cooldown]

Deals damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area nearby 4 times. Each hit stuns with a certain chance, and the last hit applies Block Harmful Effect Removal. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike. (Changed)

 · [Per hit] 237.4% of ATK +  7.8% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (45% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Block Harmful Effect Removal for 14 sec (Added)

 · Activate Coop attack


 · 5★ Chakram Dancer (Dark)




Crescent Moon Slash

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times, and each hit applies Unrevivable with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK +  7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (80% chance) Unrecoverable for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP and removes all beneficial effects. Applies Poison to the target per beneficial effect removed, and recovers its HP.

 · 644.6% of ATK + 21.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove all beneficial effects

 · [Upon successful removal] Lv. 1 Poison for 30 sec

 · [Upon successful removal] Recover HP equal to 10% of its MAX HP

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP 2 times, and each hit applies Unrevivable with a certain chance. In addition, a Boomerang Warrior in the team attacks together with Boomerang Strike.

 · [Per hit] 228.9% of ATK +  7.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (80% chance) Unrecoverable for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Moonlight Blow

Activated when attacking together with Boomerang Warrior. Charges at the enemy target to deal damage based on its MAX HP and removes all beneficial effects. Applies Poison to the target per beneficial effect removed, and recovers its HP.

 · 644.6% of ATK + 21.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove all beneficial effects

 · [Upon successful removal] Lv. 1 Poison for 30 sec

 · [Upon successful removal] Recover HP equal to 15% of its MAX HP (Changed)


 · 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Fire)




Returning Boomerang

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Throws a boomerang forward to deal damage to enemies within the area, remove 2 beneficial effects, and apply DEF DOWN with a certain chance. Afterward, the boomerang returns, dealing damage to enemies within the area and stunning them with a certain chance. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 300.9% of ATK as DMG

 · Remove 2 beneficial effects

 · (90% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · (70% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target, stunning with a certain chance and applying DEF DOWN.

 · 678.6% of ATK as DMG

 · (70% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 14 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Throws a boomerang forward to deal damage to enemies within the area, remove 2 beneficial effects, and apply DEF DOWN with a certain chance. Afterward, the boomerang returns, dealing damage to enemies within the area and stunning them with a certain chance. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 300.9% of ATK as DMG

 · Remove 2 beneficial effects

 · (90% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · (70% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target, stunning with a certain chance and applying DEF DOWN.

 · 678.6% of ATK as DMG

 · (85% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 14 sec

Flame Drive

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Deals damage to the enemy target and enemies near the target. Applies Unrecoverable and irresistible Stun to the enemy target. Also, stuns enemies near the enemy target with a certain chance. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 475% of ATK as DMG

 · Unrecoverable for 14 sec

 · Stun for 2.5 sec

 · (60% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Deals damage to the enemy target and enemies near the target. Applies Unrecoverable and irresistible Stun to the enemy target and has a certain chance to apply Unrecoverable and Stun to enemies around the enemy target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow. (Changed)

 · 475% of ATK as DMG

 · Unrecoverable for 14 sec

 · (60% chance) Unrecoverable for 14 sec (Added)

 · Stun for 2.5 sec

 · (60% chance) Stun for 3.5 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


 · 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Water)




Turbo Boomerang

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy target to deal damage based on its ATK SPD and applies Unrecoverable. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 565.8% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · (85% chance) Unrecoverable for 12 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target to deal damage based on its ATK SPD, removing 1 harmful effect on itself and applying ATK SPD UP to itself. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken.

 · 565.8% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 2 ATK SPD UP for 12 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy target to deal damage based on its ATK SPD and applies Unrecoverable. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 565.8% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · (85% chance) Unrecoverable for 12 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target to deal damage based on its ATK SPD, removing 2 harmful effects on itself and applying ATK SPD UP to itself. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. (Changed)

 · 565.8% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · Remove 2 harmful effects (Changed)

 · Lv. 2 ATK SPD UP for 12 sec

Triple Strike

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on its ATK SPD. Each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 213.7% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · (60% chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 12 sec

 · (60% chance) Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 12 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on its ATK SPD. Each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 213.7% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · (80% chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 12 sec (Changed)

 · (80% chance) Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 12 sec (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack

Ultimate Triple Strike

[No Skill Cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on its ATK SPD. Each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 503% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · (75% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · (75% chance) Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[No Skill Cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on its ATK SPD. Each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. This attack ignores the target's beneficial effects that reduce the damage taken. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 503% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD, Ignore target's DMG Mitigation effect)

 · (85% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · (85% chance) Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack


 · 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Wind)




Turbo Boomerang

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy target and applies Oblivion with a certain chance. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 305.3% of ATK + 610.6% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (90% chance) Oblivion for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target to apply Oblivion with a certain chance, remove 1 harmful effect on itself, and apply ATK UP to itself. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target.

 · 305.3% of ATK + 610.6% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (90% chance) Oblivion for 14 sec

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 1 ATK UP for 14 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy target and applies Oblivion with a certain chance. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 305.3% of ATK + 610.6% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (90% chance) Oblivion for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target to apply Oblivion with a certain chance, remove 2 harmful effects on itself, and apply ATK UP to itself. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. (Changed)

 · 305.3% of ATK + 610.6% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (90% chance) Oblivion for 14 sec

 · Remove 2 harmful effects (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 ATK UP for 14 sec

Triple Strike

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 120.7% of ATK + 241.3% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (65% chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 14 sec

 · (65% chance) Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 14 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 120.7% of ATK + 241.3% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (85% chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 14 sec (Changed)

 · (85% chance) Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 14 sec (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack

Ultimate Triple Strike

[No Skill Cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 271.4% of ATK + 542.8% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (75% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · (75% chance) Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[No Skill Cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. The damage of this attack is based on the difference in ATK between itself and the target. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 271.4% of ATK + 542.8% of the difference in ATK as DMG if its ATK is higher than the target's

 · (90% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · (90% chance) Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack


 · 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Light)




Returning Boomerang

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Throws a boomerang forward to deal damage to enemies within the area, remove 2 beneficial effects, and apply DEF DOWN with a certain chance. Afterward, the boomerang returns, dealing damage to enemies within the area and stunning them with a certain chance. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 224.4% of ATK (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · Remove 2 beneficial effects

 · (85% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 17 sec

 · (65% chance) Stun for 3.2 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target to deal damage based on its ATK SPD, removing 1 harmful effect on itself and applying ATK SPD UP to itself. In addition, reduces the cooldown of Lightning Flash.

 · 565.8% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · Remove a harmful effect

 · Lv. 2 ATK SPD UP for 12 sec

 · Decrease the cooldown of Lightning Flash by 20%

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Throws a boomerang forward to deal damage to enemies within the area, remove 2 beneficial effects, and apply DEF DOWN with a certain chance. Afterward, the boomerang returns, dealing damage to enemies within the area and stunning them with a certain chance. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 224.4% of ATK (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · Remove 2 beneficial effects

 · (85% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 17 sec

 · (65% chance) Stun for 3.2 sec

 · Activate Coop attack


→ Boomerang Strike

Activated when attacking together with Chakram Dancer. Attacks the enemy target to deal damage based on its ATK SPD, removing 2 harmful effects on itself and applying ATK SPD UP to itself. In addition, reduces the cooldown of Lightning Flash. (Changed)

 · 565.8% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · Remove 2 harmful effects (Changed)

 · Lv. 2 ATK SPD UP for 12 sec

 · Decrease the cooldown of Lightning Flash by 20%

Lightning Flash

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Deals damage based on its ATK SPD to enemies within the area. Reduces the cooldown of Returning Boomerang when a target with a harmful effect is hit. A single attack can be applied up to 3 times. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 366.9% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · Activate Coop attack

 · [If target has harmful effect] Decrease the cooldown of Returning Boomerang by 20%

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Deals damage based on its ATK SPD to enemies within the area. Reduces the cooldown of Returning Boomerang when a target with a harmful effect is hit. A single attack can be applied up to 3 times. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · 417.1% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD) (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack

 · [If target has harmful effect] Decrease the cooldown of Returning Boomerang by 20%


 · 5★ Boomerang Warrior (Dark)




Triple Strike

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on the number of its beneficial effects, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 241.3% of ATK + 36.2% based on no. of beneficial effects as DMG

 · (75% chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · (75% chance) Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 20 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on the number of its beneficial effects, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 241.3% of ATK + 36.2% based on no. of beneficial effects as DMG

 · (90% chance) Lv. 1 DEF DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · (90% chance) Lv. 1 ATK DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack

Ultimate Triple Strike

[No Skill Cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on the number of its beneficial effects, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 542.8% of ATK + 81.4% based on no. of beneficial effects as DMG 

 · (75% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec

 · (75% chance) Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec

 · Activate Coop attack

[No Skill Cooldown]

Attacks the enemy target 3 times to deal damage based on the number of its beneficial effects, and each hit has a certain chance to apply DEF DOWN and ATK DOWN. In addition, a Chakram Dancer in the team attacks together with Moonlight Blow.

 · [Per hit] 542.8% of ATK + 81.4% based on no. of beneficial effects as DMG

 · (90% chance) Lv. 2 DEF DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · (90% chance) Lv. 2 ATK DOWN for 20 sec (Changed)

 · Activate Coop attack


 · 5★ Undine (Fire)




Fire Frenzy

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Attacks enemies within the area to remove 1 beneficial effect and pulls them into the center of the area with a certain chance, applying Unrecoverable.

 · 633.3% of ATK as DMG

 · Remove a beneficial effect

 · (70% chance) Pull

 · Unrecoverable for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Recovers HP of nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery. In addition, if the target is affected by a DoT effect, removes a harmful effect and a DoT effect.  The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. (Changed)

 · 633.3% of ATK as DMG

 · Remove a beneficial effect

 · (70% chance) Pull

 · Unrecoverable for 20 sec

 · Recover HP equal to 22.6% of MAX HP (Added)

Protection of Fire

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Recovers HP of nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. Recovers once more if the target has DoT. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP.

 · Recover HP equal to 29.1% of MAX HP

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [If target has DoT] Recover Target's HP by 28.4%

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Recovers HP of nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery. In addition, if the target is affected by a DoT effect, removes a harmful effect and a DoT effect.  The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP(Changed)

 · Recover HP equal to 29.1% of its MAX HP

 · Lv. 1 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [If target has DoT] Remove a harmful effect (Changed)

 · [If target has DoT] Remove 1 DoT effect (Added)

Ultimate Protection of Fire

[No Skill Cooldown]

Applies Continuous Recovery to nearby allies and greatly recovers HP of targets with DoT. The recovery amount is based on the target's MAX HP. In addition, recovers HP of the target without DoT. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP.

 · Lv. 2 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [If target has DoT] Recover target's HP by 100%

 · [If target doesn't have DoT] Recover HP equal to 28.4% of its MAX HP

[No Skill Cooldown]

Recovers the HP of nearby allies and applies Continuous Recovery. In addition, if the target is affected by a DoT effect, removes all harmful effects. The recovery amount is based on its MAX HP. (Changed)

 · Recover HP equal to 43.8% of its MAX HP (Changed)

 · Lv. 2 Continuous Recovery for 20 sec

 · [If target has DoT] Remove all harmful effects (Changed)


 · 5★ Mermaid (Fire)




Burning Hearts

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy and removes 1 beneficial effect. Then, applies Unrevivable and Unrecoverable.

 · 904.7% of ATK as DMG

 · Remove a beneficial effect

 · Unrevivable for 20 sec

 · Unrecoverable for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Attacks the enemy and removes 1 beneficial effect. Then, applies Unrevivable and Unrecoverable. Enemies defeated by this attack cannot be revived. (Changed)

 · 904.7% of ATK as DMG (Target unrevivable upon death) (Changed)

 · Remove a beneficial effect

 · Unrevivable for 20 sec

 · Unrecoverable for 20 sec


 · 5★ Phoenix (Fire)




Flame Nova

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Attacks the enemy target 1 time to deal damage that ignores the target's damage mitigation effects, remove Immunity, and apply DMG Taken UP. This attack penetrates the target's DEF if the target is immune to CC effects. In addition, applies Unrevivable if the target is immune to CC effects and uses Flame Nova once again (MAX 2 times).

 · 769.1% of ATK as DMG (Ignores the target's damage reduction effects)

 · [If target is immune to CC effects] DMG Penetration by 50%

 · Remove Immunity

 · Lv. 1 DMG Taken UP for 20 sec

 · [If target is immune to CC effects] Unrevivable for 20 sec

 · [If target is immune to CC effects] Use Flame Nova 1 time

[Skill Cooldown: 24 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Prioritizes attacking the enemy target that cannot take CC effects to deal damage that ignores the target's damage mitigation effects, remove Immunity, and apply DMG Taken UP. This attack penetrates the target's DEF if the target is immune to CC effects. In addition, applies Unrevivable if the target is immune to CC effects and uses Flame Nova once again (MAX 2 times). (Changed)

 · 769.1% of ATK as DMG (Ignores the target's damage reduction effects)

 · [If target is immune to CC effects] DMG Penetration by 50%

 · Remove Immunity

 · Lv. 1 DMG Taken UP for 20 sec

 · [If target is immune to CC effects] Unrevivable for 20 sec

 · [If target is immune to CC effects] Use Flame Nova 1 time


 · 5★ Ifrit (Dark)




Mach Crush

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Approaches the target, dealing damage based on its MAX HP to nearby enemies, and stuns the target with a certain chance. Decreases the cooldown of Super Crush if the target gets stunned. In addition, removes a harmful effect on nearby allies.

 · 38.4% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (62% chance) Stun for 3 sec

 · Remove a harmful effect (Removed)

 · [If target gets stunned] Decrease the cooldown of Super Crush by 20%

[Skill Cooldown: 20 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 3] (Changed)

Approaches the target, dealing damage based on its MAX HP to nearby enemies, and provokes with a certain chance. Decreases the cooldown of Super Crush upon applying Provoke to the target. 

 · 38.4% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (82% chance) Provoke for 11 sec (Changed)

 · [If applying Provoke] Decrease the cooldown of Super Crush by 10% (Changed)

Super Crush

[Skill Cooldown: 32 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Smashes the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and removes all harmful effects on nearby allies.

 · 36.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove all harmful effects

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec] (Changed)

[Mana Cost: 4] (Changed)

Smashes the ground to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and stuns with a certain chance. Then removes a harmful effect on nearby allies. In addition, recovers its HP. (Changed)

 · 36.6% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (82% chance) Stun for 3 sec (Added)

 · Remove a harmful effect (Changed)

 · Recover HP equal to 20.5% of its MAX HP (Added)

Conversion of Magic

[Continuous Effect]

Removes a harmful effect on itself every certain time during battle. In addition, recovers the HP of an ally every time Ifrit removes a harmful effect on a team member. The amount of recovery is based on the no. of harmful effects removed. Accelerates its skill cooldown if Ifrit doesn't have any harmful effects.

 · [Every 10 sec in battle] Remove 2 harmful effects

 · [Upon successful removal] Recover Target's HP by 22%

 · [If caster doesn't have harmful effects] Skill Acceleration by 30%

[Continuous Effect]

Removes 2 harmful effects on the team member every certain time during battle. In addition, recovers the HP of an ally that removed the effect every time Ifrit removes a harmful effect. Accelerates its skill cooldown if Ifrit doesn't have any harmful effects. (Changed)

 · [Every 10 sec in battle] Remove 2 harmful effects

 · [Upon successful removal] Recover Target's HP by 22%

 · [If caster doesn't have harmful effects] Skill Acceleration by 30%

Ultimate Super Crush

[No Skill Cooldown]

Smashes the ground strongly to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and removes all harmful effects on allies within the area.

 · 69.8% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · Remove all harmful effects

[No Skill Cooldown]

Smashes the ground strongly to deal damage based on its MAX HP to enemies within the area and stuns with a certain chance. Then removes all harmful effects on allies within the area. In addition, recovers its HP. (Changed)

 · 69.8% of its MAX HP as DMG

 · (82% chance) Stun for 3 sec (Added)

 · Remove all harmful effects

 · Recover HP equal to 37.4% of MAX HP (Added)


 · 5★ Valkyrja (Dark)




Sword of Promise

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Raises the sword high to apply Immunity and Drain to itself.

 · Immune for 20 sec

 · Lv. 3 Drain for 20 sec

[Skill Cooldown: 18 sec]

[Mana Cost: 3]

Raises the sword high to apply Immunity and Drain to itself. Then decreases the cooldown of Ragnarok and increases the team Summoner's ultimate gauge. (Changed)

 · Immune for 20 sec

 · Lv. 3 Drain DMG for 20 sec

 · Decrease the ‘Ragnarok’ cooldown by 30% (Added)

 · Increase Ultimate gauge by 10% (Added)


[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Swings the sword 2 times to spread darkness within the area. The first hit deals fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP to both nearby allies and enemies, and the last hit deals damage based on its ATK to the nearby enemies only.

 · [First Hit] 32.7% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [First Hit] 21.8% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [Last Hit] 218% of ATK as fixed DMG

[Skill Cooldown: 30 sec]

[Mana Cost: 5]

Swings the sword, scattering darkness to attack 2 times. The first hit deals fixed damage to nearby allies, excluding itself, and enemies based on the target's MAX HP and gains Apocalyptic Energy based on the no. of team members and enemies hit. The last hit deals fixed damage only to nearby enemies based on its ATK, and increases the damage based on its Apocalyptic Energy LV. (MAX 100%) (Changed)

 · [First Hit] 32.7% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [First Hit] 21.8% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [Last Hit] 218% of ATK as fixed DMG

 · [Per caster's Apocalyptic Energy LV] Increase DMG Dealt by 5% (Added)

 · [Per each enemy hit by the first strike] Lv. 2 Apocalyptic Energy (Unremovable) (Added)

 · [Per each team member hit by the first strike] Lv. 3 Apocalyptic Energy (Unremovable) (Added)

Ultimate Ragnarok

[No Skill Cooldown]

Summons the sword of doom to unleash powerful attacks and attacks 2 times. The first hit deals fixed damage based on the target's MAX HP to nearby allies and enemies. The last hit deals fixed damage based on its ATK, only to nearby enemies.

 · [First Hit] 43.6% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [First Hit] 21.8% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [Last Hit] 327% of ATK as fixed DMG

[No Skill Cooldown]

Summons the apocalyptic sword to attack 2 times. The first hit deals fixed damage to nearby allies, excluding itself, and enemies based on the target's MAX HP and gains Apocalyptic Energy based on the no. of team members and enemies hit. The last hit deals fixed damage only to nearby enemies based on its ATK, and increases the damage based on its Apocalyptic Energy LV. (MAX 100%) (Changed)

 · [First Hit] 43.6% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [First Hit] 21.8% of target's MAX HP as fixed DMG

 · [Last Hit] 327% of ATK as fixed DMG

 · [Per caster's Apocalyptic Energy LV] Increase DMG Dealt by 5% (Added)

 · [Per each enemy hit by the first strike] Lv. 1 Apocalyptic Energy (Unremovable) (Added)

 · [Per each team member hit by the first strike] Lv. 1 Apocalyptic Energy (Unremovable) (Added)


 · 5★ Chimera (Dark)





[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Applies CRIT DMG UP to itself and attacks the enemy target with sharp claws to deal damage based on its ATK SPD 3 times. The last hit removes a beneficial effect on the target with a certain chance.

 · Lv. 1 CRIT DMG UP for 10 sec

 · [Per hit] 200.4% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · (82% chance) Remove a beneficial effect

[Skill Cooldown: 26 sec]

[Mana Cost: 4]

Applies CRIT DMG UP to itself and attacks the enemy target with sharp claws to deal damage based on its ATK SPD 3 times. Each hit has a certain chance to remove a beneficial effect on the target. (Changed)

 · Lv. 1 CRIT DMG UP for 10 sec

 · [Per hit] 200.4% of ATK as DMG (DMG UP based on its ATK SPD)

 · (70% chance)[Per hit] Remove a beneficial effect (Changed)



■ New/Improvements/Changes


▶ Quest

- When automatically progressing quests related to the Profession, you will be directed to the Profession screen if you possess a crafting table.

- After using the Instant Complete feature to clear a quest, tutorials will not proceed.

[Summoner’s Way]

- New quests for intermediate Summoners will be added.

  · The first use of the instant completion feature for each quest consumes 700 Crystals.

* Quests completed manually are excluded from the Crystal consumption for Instant Completion.

  · If you already have a Summoner who completed all the quests for intermediate Summoners, 6,000 Crystals will be consumed regardless of the current number of remaining quests.


▶ Dungeon

[World Boss]

- When the Total DMG Reward is available, a notification will be displayed on the dungeon screen.

- A notification will be displayed only once when a new season begins.

- The following rewards will be changed after the Dec. 28th regular maintenance.

   · The artifacts received from the high score rewards by grade have been changed to Silver Artifact Seals.

   · Valor Coins received from cumulative damage rewards have been changed to Silver Artifact Seals.


▶ Battlefield

- A new battleground, Howling Cliff, will be added.

  · 6 Summoners will be matched and divided into two teams.

  · Monsters that move along the direction of each team's attack to aid in battle are summoned.

  · If one Summoner defeats all three Monsters, an elite Monster aiding allies in battle is summoned.

* The number of Monsters defeated to summon the elite Monster is displayed above the Summoner's head.

   · You can now destroy the protective stone when you remove the protective shield by destroying the opponent team's guard tower.

   · The team that reaches the target points first wins.

- Two modes are added: Fair Sports Mode and Competitive Battlefield Mode.

  · In Sports Mode, levels and stats that affect the PWR of all Summoners and Monsters are adjusted equally.

※ However, using using food items may create differences in PWR between players.

  · In Battlefield Mode, no special restrictions exist on your Summoners and Monsters.

  · The Howling Cliff will proceed as a Sports Mode where the PWR of all Summoners and Monsters is fixed for four days.

  · Moon Shadow Forest and Sky Waterfall Island will alternate between Sports Mode and Battlefield Mode every two days.

- Improvements to the rules of all battlefields:

  · Summoners of the same class cannot form a party for matching.

  · If you haven't formed a party, you can now include only 2 Summoners of the same class in one team for the 10-player battlefield.

  · If you haven't formed a party, you can now not include a Summoner of the same class in one team for the 6-player battlefield.

※ If the matchmaking time lasts 120 sec or longer, the Summoner class restriction will be removed.

  · Opponents with similar battlefield ranks and party states will be prioritized for matching.


▶ Arena

[Brawl Arena]

 - The number of free-ban Monsters in Brawl Arena and Friend Battle will be changed to two.

  · In Friend Battle, the change to two free-ban Monsters will take effect from Dec. 28th.

  · In Brawl Arena, the change to two free-ban Monsters will take effect from Jan. 1st. Dec. 28th.

- 5★ Harp Magician (Water) will be added to the list of free-ban Monsters in Brawl Arena and Friend Battle.


▶ Character


- The following transformations will be added to the appearance changes during Summoner Transformation:

· Hop Hop Dova, Kontana Guardian Elucia, Lovesweet Naomi

· You can apply appearance changes by tapping the button in the upper right corner of the [Transformation] screen.


▶ Equipment

- A button will be added to the Gem list on the screen when equipping Gems, allowing you to display Gems by type.


▶ Monster


- New transmogrifications “Ice Hockey Panda Warrior” and “Snow Beast Rider” will be added.

  · “Ice Hockey Panda Warrior” and “Snow Beast Rider” can be purchased in the [Shop] - [General Sale] - [Transmogrification] tab.

  · Only awakened Monsters can change appearance through transmogrification.


  · 5★ Panda Warrior (All Attributes) - Ice Hockey Panda Warrior


  · 5★ Beast Rider (All Attributes) - Snow Beast Rider


- The pop-up screen will be enhanced to allow you to view the Monsters and transmogrifications you own.

- The transmogrification screen will be modified so that you can directly apply or remove the transmogrifications you own by clicking the button at the bottom right of the pop-up screen.

- Options based on the Monster and transmogrification will be added to the filter and sorting criteria.


[Team Placement]

Changes to the Field Team and Preset Teams 1-3 placements made simultaneously will now be saved altogether.

- When entering a dungeon, changing weapon attributes will no longer affect the current Field Team's weapon attributes.


▶ Rune

An “All” tab will be added to the top of the bag section on the right side of the screen.

The following features will be added to the sorting/filtering pop-up:

  · Function to display main property and sub property based on the “And” or “Or” conditions.

  · Function to display based on the lock status.

- A “value criteria” based on the rune properties will be added.

  · Sorting/filtering options will include classification criteria based on value.

  · The display will be adjusted to show as follows depending on the value.


▶ Artifact

Newly acquired artifacts will now be displayed at the top of the artifact list on the right side of the Artifact screen.

- The maximum quantity of artifacts you can own will increase from 150 to 450.

  · It can be expanded up to a maximum of 600.

An "Artifact List" button will be added to the [Artifact]-[Manage Artifacts] screen.

  · You can click the button to view artifact types, effects, and quantities by grade in the pop-up.

  · You can select each artifact and adjust Enhancement Lv. to check effects per level.

- Adjusted so that when entering the [Manage Artifacts] screen with a Monster not equipped with any artifacts, the artifact selection screen on the right will no longer appear.


- The chance of Great Success on Rare artifact combinations will increase from 10% to 25%.

  · The cost for the combination will decrease from 14,000 gold to 9,000 gold.


- Improved so that you can obtain Legendary artifacts from artifact combinations.

  ·You can obtain a Legendary exclusive artifact upon achieving great success.


▶Summon Altar

Notifications will now appear in the Summon Altar menu and on the left tabs of the Summon Altar for the following circumstances:

  · When you can summon a Monster or artifact for free from Mystical Summon or Galaxy Artifact Summon.

  · When you can use Monster Piece Summon, Selective Summon, or Vortex of Destiny.


▶ Guild

- A guild hair accessory that you can craft through Guild Profession will be added.

  · It is the same design as the guild emblem. Changing the guild emblem will also change the hair accessory design.

  · The Guild Master and Veterans can change the color of the hair accessory by clicking the “Change Guild Color” button on the bottom right of the Manage Guild pop-up.

- Normal Lizardman Exploration HQ NPC will be added to the Guild Town.

- A button to send a private chat will be added to the guild member list.


[Guild Siege Battle]

- Rewards will be added to guilds that achieve high rankings during the season.

  · Season rewards can only be obtained after achieving the ranking from the preparation period for the first round of the next season until the end of the second half of the final round.

 · Season rewards based on rankings will only be given to guild members who have joined before the start of the battle period of the last round of the season in which the guild achieved the ranking, regardless of participation in the Guild Siege battle.

  · The following rewards will be given to Rank 1 to Rank 3 guilds.


Season Siege Battle Title



Grandmaster Guild

Crystal (Free) x10,000


Master Guild

Crystal (Free) x8,000


Expert Guild

Crystal (Free) x6,000

* Unlike other rewards, any guild member can use the "Season Title" during the next season.


- Even if you fail to attack another guild’s defense team, the “Demoralization” effect will be applied to the defense team upon meeting certain conditions.

  · Demoralization effect is granted sequentially, one level per battle, and is reset when the base is sieged.

  · HP reduced by Demoralization cannot be recovered.





When defeated after inflicting 5% or more DMG to the target’s total HP at least onceThe target starts the battle with 10% reduced total HP


When defeated after inflicting 15% or more DMG to the target’s total HP at least onceThe target starts the battle with 20% reduced total HP


When defeated after inflicting 25% or more DMG to the target’s total HP at least onceThe target starts the battle with 30% reduced total HP


- The defense team’s info will be displayed on the top right corner of the Place Defense screen.


[Guild Raid]

Guild members who have not participated in guild raids can now receive rewards when all raids up to Lv. 5 are cleared.

  · Guild members who join during the season and don't participate in guild raids won't receive rewards.

- Transformation EXP Potion (M) will be added to the season rewards. (Applies to the new season that begins on Jan. 2nd)

The boss 'Intara' under Oblivion will now attack the target with the highest DEF.


[Guild Infinite Raid]

- Best Score tab will be added to the Strategy Info pop-up.

  · The top 10 players’ info will be displayed based on the highest score.


▶ Cairos

- Theme Monster for the Illusion Garden will change to 4★ Penguin Knight (Light)

  · Period : Jan. 1st 12am - Jan. 7th 11:55pm


▶ Profession

A “5-Star Legendary Artifact Box” will be added to the list of items that can be crafted through [Alchemy]

- “Will of Oath Hair Accessory” will be added to the list of items that can be crafted through [Guild Crafting].


▶ Character

If transcendence has been completed for one character, the transcendence will automatically progress for other characters within the same account.

  · After the initial transcendence at each level, the transcendence level will be applied for each character upon logging in.


▶ Other

- Improvements will be made so that the Monster’s Soul Link skill can be used even if the summoner dies in the following content.

  · Arena, Guild Siege Battle, World Boss

- A private chat button will be added for more convenient communication.

  · You can check it on the guild member list and Summoner info pop-up.

  · When you send a private chat, you will enter the recipient’s private chat channel, and a system message will appear upon entry.

  · You can also send a private chat to someone who has not created a private chat channel.

- Grade and gauge to assess the options will be added to the details info pop-up for items with options such as Handwork Gems, Effect Stones, Spell Books, and Symbols.

- Items with options, such as Handwork Gems, Effect Stones, Spell Books, and Symbols, will be aligned according to the option value.

- Items with options such as Gems, 

- Backgrounds for Kontana continent and dungeons within the area will be improved.

- The effects of enhanced Soleta weapons will be improved to be more visible on the field.

- Graphics for some Soleta outfits will be improved.

- “Display effects for incoming hits” option will be added to [Settings]-[Graphics].

- In-game button touch sound effects and event-related sounds will be improved.



■ New Event


▶ 14 Days of Lucky Summon Event

- Period: 14 days from the day you log into the game and check the 14 Days of Lucky Summon event page.

- Event Details: When obtaining a 5★ Monster, a fire/water/wind attribute Monster selected in advance is guaranteed.

  · You can only proceed once per account, and the event ends when the event period is over or when you acquire the selected Monster.

  ·You can select up to 5★ Phoenix based on the release date.



■ Issue Fixes


- Modified some parts within the Twisted Marsh video clip.

- Fixed some of the effects that were applied before being defeated remaining when reviving with Soul Protection.

- Some artifacts’ skill descriptions will be changed as follows.

  · Overcharge: This Artifact effect is no longer applied upon defeat.

  · Blueprint: This Artifact effect is no longer applied upon defeat.

- Fixed some of the effects that are activated at the start of battle to not apply again upon reviving.

- Players in [Arena]-[Friend Battle] can now open the chat window using the Enter key.

- Fixed the issue where the chat window size abnormally increased when scrolling after sending emojis.

- Fixed the issue where emojis sent by Summoners with nicknames less than three characters would extend beyond the chat window.

- Fixed the issue in [Arena]-[Friend Battle] where the nickname colors in the spectator view changed when players moved.

- Fixed the intermittent issue of team members’ PWR displaying differently when entering a dungeon.

- Fixed the conversation screen with the NPC not closing when clicking the NPC button repeatedly on the minimap.

- Fixed the issue of not being able to use the Evasion skill toward the desired direction after changing to the mouse controls.

- Fixed the NPC speech bubbles in the village not being visible after moving to another continent with an airship.

- Fixed the cumulative damage text appearing on the left when entering the world boss for the first time.

- Fixed the issue of other Summoners’ chats not appearing when reconnecting to the game inside a dungeon.

- Fixed the issue of the chat not being displayed in the mini chat box in certain situations.

- Fixed the synchronization issue between the normal chat and the mini chat.

- Fixed the chat previews not refreshing in certain situations.

- Fixed the auto-scroll issue when entering the Rune/Artifact menu through a Monster located at the bottom of the sorted list.

- Fixed the Monster transmogrification not being applied to the world boss damage meter.

- Fixed the top background image in the Raid, Rift, and World Boss entry menu screen to display properly in certain resolutions.

- Fixed the issue of auto-gathering above the max quantity when changing channels after setting the quantity.

- Fixed the result screen displaying abnormally when succeeding equipped Rune with a Rune enchanted with effect stones or spell books.

- Fixed the preset not changing when switching the defense team without changing the weapon attribute in Guild Siege Battle.

- Adjusted the alignment of items displayed at the top of the Battlefield to be centered.

- Fixed the issue of players being able to mine the snowballs without having a Snowflake Pickaxe in certain situations.

- Added information regarding Burn effects to the Execute Annihilation Code skill description within the Fallen Sanctuary World Boss Strategy Tip pop-up.

- Fixed the party member’s information being displayed on the damage meter when entering the Arena in a party.

- Fixed the notification dot not disappearing from the event page button even after accepting the [Finding the White Crystal Naraka] event quest.

- Fixed the intermittent issue of the Summoner appearing abnormally when reviving in the Battlefield.

- Fixed the crafting status not refreshing when crafting an outfit through a certain path in the wardrobe.

- Fixed the intermittent issue of the Summoner’s weapon appearing as no-attribute when proceeding with a Raid.

- Fixed the attribute of the weapon not changing when moving back after switching the field deck attribute in the dungeon Monster switch screen.

- Fixed the effect of certain skills not reapplying when reviving after defeat.

- Fixed an incorrect language being displayed in certain situations.

- Fixed the final transformation animation of the World Boss Solarion not being displayed.

- Fixed the artifact essence only showing in certain levels when enhancing the artifact to Lv. 3 and higher.

- Fixed the Monster composition info not displaying when entering the field Monster switch screen after retrying a dungeon.

- Fixed Monsters’ Runes not refreshing immediately when trying to change them through a certain path.

- Fixed a certain effects not displaying properly when proceeding with the introduction map as Soleta.

- Fixed the ground effect appearing strangely for a certain skill when previewing Soleta’s skills.

- Fixed the text issue in Guild Raid Boss Intara’s [Strategy Info] - [Strategy Tip] details for some languages.

- Fixed the incorrect skill description for Tree of Heroes “Farakel”.

- Fixed certain skills not being able to defeat the creatures in the [Monster Story]-[Beast Rider] Lv. 11 dungeon.

- Fixed the close button not working when navigating to certain tabs on the Rune page.

- Fixed the guild display settings not being applied immediately upon changing the character information display in the settings.

- Fixed the Crystal consumption amount not displaying correctly for certain languages when trying to change the guild name.
- Fixed the Monster appearing as if additional development is available when clicking the [Info] tab in [Monster] - [Enhance] tab.

- Fixed certain outfits appearing abnormally depending on the graphic quality.

- Fixed some of the sound effects not playing during the Brawl Arena’s pre-ban stage.




We hope you enjoy a delightful time in Summoners War: Chronicles

with the new content and events starting soon.


Thank you.


Sample default message pop-up


Select a language to translate.

Select a language to translate.