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Maecolif Cup : Ariel · Verdehile · Lupinus 3 Servers Invitational
CM Luna 04/22/2024


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


Rahil Guard Commander Maecolif says that he has prepared a special event.
Let's hear from Maecolif himself.📲


Sir, are you there?



Hello, to all guards. First off, thank you for doing your best in protecting the kingdom.
I can tell that you've all gotten very strong. Haha!


I've prepared a special competition for you to participate in to see who's the strongest.
It'll be an invitational event held with only the strongest Summoners from the three servers in the Asia region: Ariel, Verdehile, and Lupinus!
Refer to the details below for the competition outline.

MAECOLIF INVITATIONAL: Ariel·Verdehile·Lupinus 3 Servers Invitational - Overview


▶ Competition Schedule
- May 18th 

  • * Detailed streaming time will be updated in the future.

▶ How to Participate
- Summoners War: Chronicles <MAECOLIF INVITATIONAL> will be held online.
- The competition will be held with a separate voice chat program, and separate instructions will be provided regarding the online process when the participation is confirmed, so please enter and check the notices according to the instructions.
* It is expected that the competition will take a long time, so please make plenty of time in advance.

▶ Competition Process: Brawl Arena Tournament
- Best of 5

▶ Player Selection
- Selection Period: 4th week of April
- An invitation will be sent to the Summoners who finished the Brawl Arena ‘Season Serena’ (Mar. 4th – Apr. 1st) with a high score in each server (Ariel, Verdehile, and Lupinus)

※ Please Note!
- The provided information is subject to change, and additional notice will be provided continuously.
- If a player doesn't respond to the invitation within the designated period, participation rights will be transferred automatically to the next Summoner in line.
- This competition is for Summoners from the three servers: Ariel, Verdehile, and Lupinus. We will provide additional information about competitions for Summoner from other servers in the future.
- The invitees for this competition will be limited to the regions where Summoners War: Chronicles was officially released.



That's all for the <MAECOLIF INVITATIONAL> announcement.



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