Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.
Clear the new Mythic Raid for the first time to be registered on the Hall of Fame and get the first clear title given according to the clear order, Mythic Shiny Weapon Selection Box and more!
We'll also be creating a special tribute banner for the first team to clear the Mythic Raid and a coupon reward will be provided for all Summoners to use.
Please read below for more info.
Mythic Raid First Clear [Conqueror of Abyss] Event
▶ Event Period
- After the Apr. 18th maintenance - First clear of the raid
▶ Event Details
- Go to [Mythic: Abyss Lord's Asylum] to clear the raid for the first time. A special tribute banner for the first team to clear the Mythic Raid will be created for each region and the Abyss Conqueror Coupon Reward will be provided for all Summoners to use.

* Achievement Reward: This is a reward given to all Summoners along with a congratulatory pop-up to commemorate the Rank 1 team's registration on the Hall of Fame.
* Coupon Reward: This is a reward given to all Summoners along with a tribute banner to commemorate the Rank 1 team. (The first team to clear the dungeon will be revealed for all regions)
Please Note!
- The team matching and ranking registration will be separated for each region. (Asia/Europe/North America/Japan)
· The ranking will be registered based on the entrance time and the ranking tally will be based on the dungeon clear time.
· The ranking will be registered only when all team members are not registered on the ranking, and the clear record won’t be registered on the ranking even if just one member of the team was registered.
· If a team member leaves the team before the dungeon is cleared after entering the dungeon with all team members not registered on the ranking, all other team members, excluding the member that left the team, will be registered on the ranking.
- The event schedule and details are subject to change and will be notified when they're changed.
Make sure to check out the new Mythic: Abyss Lord's Asylum Raid to clear the raid and get the special rewards!
- 2 0 9999+