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Chronicles Knowledge Quiz Event
CM Luna 04/11/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>!


Prof. Luna of Rahil Academy made a knowledge quiz!

Test your Chronicles knowledge!


Please check below for more details.



Chronicles Knowledge Quiz Event

▶ Event Period




Apr. 11th 9am - Apr. 17th 5pm

Apr. 11th 2pm - Apr. 17th 10pm

Apr. 11th 4pm - Apr. 18th 12am


▶ Event Details

Take the quiz via the survey at the bottom of the forum event notice and submit your answers.


The total number of correct answers from the 6 official global forums will be calculated

after the event, and all Summoners will receive rewards!


▶ Event Rewards




500pts Reached Complete

Rahil Order


1,000pts Reached Complete



2,000pts Reached Complete

Raid Ticket



※ Please Read

- 1pt will be given for each correct answer. 

- Event rewards will only be sent to Summoners with a synced account. Please make sure to check your account sync status.

- The quiz answers from the 6 official global forums will be added up.

- All completed mission rewards will be sent.



We look forward to your interest and participation.

Enjoy the week in the world of Chronicles.

Thank you.

Vote now! Expired
1. What is the attribute of Boiling Waterfall - Naraka?
2. Which of the following is the correct description of Battlefield?
3. Which of the following Rune content does not exist in Chronicles?
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