Hi PD Choi! Boss Choi! Happy Valentine~
Yes yes I know Valentine is yesterday, do you also know what happened yesterday? A significant drop of Active players in your Asia servers. They're probably trying this new version of an iconic game franchise, a very popular mmo franchise. In my server, a whole guild of spenders went there and many haven't return. Seems they need a new place to plant their money trees since SWC doesn't give them the fruits they desire anymore.
BUTT!!! I'm here now, to give you some LOVEEEE~ pew pew pew
Thank you so much for Orbia's buffs, Boss!! For once you do the right thing for her. Please remember to never remove anything from her again, especially spell shield, a stupidity so memorable it makes my head hurts every time it came up.
Also!!! I have to applause you for the current events. The collaboration events are okay. Sidecar Motorcycle is better without the sidecar, but who cares, it's free. But this Valentine event, boss, this event is GENIUS. Asking players to afk grinding for "Chocolate" AND spending crystals for "Dark Chocolate"??? A way to spend both of our time AND money. You, boss, or anyone who have suggested this combo, deserve a raise. well, if you have any leftover fund that is. Bravo!
Some players I know enjoyed the monsters from Ah! My Goddess collab too, especially the Light and Dark ones. They seems to be pretty useful. Player L said, and this is direct quote: "only mons buff is better then old pd if u ask me lol" -which is a good thing! Player L rarely said anything good.. Oh, speaking about monsters, can you like.. release a very good monsters on par with Martial Rabbits? It's just.. there's this Player D (no, not you DVA) who keep complaining about Martial Rabbits. Probably because of his skills issues, but he won't shut up about it and it's getting old and we're bored, so, you know, give him new monsters to complaint?
Now, as usual, I bring some wisdom from other players with me:
from another Player D (different from the one complaining above): "Reduce the skill-based matchmaking in Battlefield to increase the number of matches. Sometimes there are 3 lobbies with 9/10 players each, but they never get matched together. We would rather have matches than no matches at all. Also adding White Night Scrolls to Battlefield Shop could increase Battlefield participants."
- Boss Choi, don't you rather have players online and do nothing, than not online at all? That's why you put out this Valentine event, yes? Same with Battlefield, just match the players of any type and rank, than no matches at all. You have low player-base now, the privilege to match them based on any kind of filter is gone.
From Player 烈 (maaan, he has many things to complaint recently lol usually he's quiet). Okay, first one!: "You seem not to be nervous in the face of crisis while playerbase keep losing day by day. Having no exciting contents whatsoever since your presence is available. So many guys are bored with your game day by day. Is that really your plan to go for this game as PD?"
- translation: he just worried about you, Boss Choi, because all the events been boring since you take over. Not just him, many players I know also said same things many times- I mean, yeah, you do stingy on event, especially the rewards, and not creative on how the event works too. That's why I compliment you on the current GENIUS Valentine event! Still boring, but I think it works in your favor. Not the players.
now for second and third, you will need context. So Player 烈 is a very generous helper in doing the current mythic raid. Almost every single day he's inside the Icy Garden just to help other players passed it many times. Yes, more than once in a day. He feels bad for kicking random players every time he opened a lobby. He kicked A LOT LOT of random players, he started to worry "Guys now think i am fcking toxic kicker".
And so, second suggestion is: "Naming the room will surely solve this problem. Give the room name is easy and nobody will be pissed off that way" which supported by the one and only Player Yeji愛: "they should have an option to restrict people who don't met green power". Yes, the same Yeji愛 who has beefs with you.
then third, a continuation from the second one:
"Like seriously
I help almost every server here but no way to use RECENT USER option
Whenever we play 2 matches, the name is disappeared... (like Player Yeji愛 - appointment for 2 hours later, showed up after 2 days...)
Who in the world think deleting cross server friend is a good idea?"
- Boss Choi, you should enable players to have friend list ACROSS servers. We are all one big struggling family after all.
And finally!!!
This last one is from Player M (no, not you, MarcTheSpark). Player M is not even from same region as JAKKADUU, but I guess he's representing others when he asked this. He spent two hours to make his point across on how important this is.

But you lucky, Boss Choi, this problem has solved by itself because -by the time I posting this- JAKKADUU got hijack by other game! The game I mentioned above.
Okay, I'll see you around then. Keep fighting, Boss!
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