One of the main problems today on Western servers is that the queues for Mysthic dungeon and Battlefield are endless. Even for Brawl Arena, depending on the time it is huge, so here are some simple suggestions:
1. Allow us to create the Lobby in the Mysthic dungeon at the same time as we do the rest of the game. Today no one creates a lobby because they have to stand still and look at the screen, unlike when looking for one.
2. Allow us to do quick battles while we are in all queues, so we can all be looking for matches while doing elite raids for example.
3. Allows you to enter more than one search simultaneously, at least Battlefield and Mysthic Dungeon. Both modes are important and for players in general, any of the two matches we find will be good, in addition to being different teams.
4. After reaching the maximum Mysthic dungeon bonus (as it is now, with 60 days to go), implement Luna's blessing to allow solo players who were unable to do the dungeon at any point in the season to at least be able to do it now at the end. This way you keep it good for competitive people (who will do it from the beginning) and make it possible for more casual people to also enjoy it.
5. Lastly (and in this position because I believe it requires greater complexity) implement bots in the battlefield, or rework this mode. Today it's honestly not a competitive mode, and nobody cares much about it, so at least with bots we can get the rewards and play whenever we want.
I hope I have contributed in some way to the direction of your work. Thank you.
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