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Feb. 6 Update Before/After Schedule Notice
GM Chronicles 02/03/2025


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>!


We would like to inform you about the maintenance scheduled for Feb. 6.


The game will be temporarily unavailable during the maintenance period.


Once the maintenance is over, the app version will change and you will not be able to access the previous version. Please be sure to update so you can play the game smoothly.


Please check below for more details.


Feb. 6 Update Before/After Schedule Notice


▶ Target Region

- All Region


▶ Maintenance Reward

- Energy x200

* Please connect to the game within 24 hours after the maintenance ends to collect the reward.

* We'll notify you again with this notice if the reward changes due to extended maintenance, etc.


▶ Events/Content Starting Before Maintenance

Event/Content Name


Daily Draw

Feb. 6, 12:00 AM ~ Feb. 13, 12:00 AM

Collection Challenge Week 4

World Boss Season 71

Feb. 6, 2:00 AM ~ Feb. 13, 12:00 AM

* Time zone for each region: WESTERN - CET / ASIA - ICT

* Details on the events starting after the maintenance will be provided through the update notes.


▶ Expiring Events/Content

Event/Content Name

End Schedule

Stuffed with Rice Cake

~ Feb. 6, 12:00 AM

Art Master Cumulative Purchase Event II

Lucky Bingo

World Boss Season 70

Happy Candy Exchange Shop

~ Feb. 7, 12:00 AM

* Time zone for each region: WESTERN - CET / ASIA - ICT

* Please make sure to collect all rewards before the event or the content ends.


▶ Expiring Products

Product Name

End Schedule

Art Master Step UpⅠ~Ⅳ

~ Feb. 6, 12:00 AM

Art Master All-in-one Package

Art Master Awaken Support Step UpⅠ~Ⅳ

Art Master Awaken Light Step UpⅠ~Ⅱ

February LD Step UpⅠ~Ⅴ

February Crystal Package

Happy Candy Event Package A~B

~ Feb. 6, 11:50 PM

* Time zone for each region: WESTERN - CET / ASIA - ICT



Additional Notice


▶ Pre-notice regarding Total War Revamp during the Feb. 6 Maintenance

- The following improvements will be made to Total War during the Feb. 6 maintenance.

  · New Total War Ticket will be added, and the daily recharge amount will be changed from 5 to 3 tickets.

  · Rewards obtained from challenges will be increased.

  · Following the automatic recharge count adjustment, the weekly Total War bonus reward count included as an Arena Pass premium purchase benefit will be changed to 21.
 * The weekly count of Total War bonus rewards claimed before maintenance will not be reset. If you have already claimed weekly bonus rewards 21 times or more before maintenance, the remaining count will be set to 0 after maintenance ends.

 * Further details will be provided through the Feb. 6 Update Note.

 * New Total War Ticket x10 will be given to Summoners after the update to experience the revamped Total War.


▶ Pre-notice regarding Hero Raid Difficulty Adjustment during the Feb. 6 Maintenance

- Hero: Strife Lord's Palace Raid's difficulty will be decreased during the Feb. 6 maintenance.




Please check the notice that will be posted after the maintenance for the update details.


Thank you.


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