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1 Year Anniversary Fan Art Contest
GM Chronicles 08/24/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>!


It's already been a year since we started our journey.


To make the 1st anniversary of Chronicles even more memorable,

we've prepared a generous art event!


Share Chronicles fan art in any format on your social media

to celebrate our 1st year together!


Please check the details below.



▌1 Year Anniversary Fan Art Contest




▶ Event Period


8/24 01:00 - 9/06 01:00 (UTC -7, PDT)


8/24 04:00 - 9/06 04:00 (UTC -4, EDT)


8/24 10:00 - 9/06 10:00 (UTC +2, CEST) 


8/24 15:00 - 9/06 15:00 (UTC +7, ICT)


8/24 17:00 - 9/06 17:00 (UTC +9, JST)


▶ Event Details
- Create fan art related to Chronicles' 1st anniversary! You can get Gold, Sky Stones, and Mystical Scroll Selection Box as rewards, and the selected fan art will be promoted on our social media page.

* Works will be chosen based on internal review criteria, and the number of likes on the post may be taken into consideration during the evaluation.

* Be sure to review the notes provided at the bottom of the notice before participating in the contest.


▶ How to Participate via Social Media

① Create a fan art related to Chronicles' 1st anniversary following the provided entry format

② Register the link of the fan art you've created to the [Google Form (Go)] to complete your participation

* Upload it on the social media page of your choice, such as TikTok, Youtube Shorts, Instagram, or Facebook

▶ How to Participate via Twitter

 ① Create a fan art related to Chronicles' 1st anniversary following the provided entry format

Go to NA Twitter  / Go to JP Twitter / Go to FR Twitter

② Retweet the fan art posting on Summoners War: Chronicles official Twitter via [Quote Retweet] with the

#SWCH0824ART hashtag, your account name, server name, and the fan art you've created to complete your participation


[Fan Art Example]




▶ Reward



All Participants

Sky Stone x20,000

Gold x300,000

Grand Prize

(Up to 10 winners)

Mystical Scroll Selection Box x10

Gold x1,000,000

Excellence Prize

(Up to 5 winners)

Mystical Scroll Selection Box x30

Gold x2,000,000


※ Please Read

- The details of the event, such as the duration, are subject to change, and any changes will be notified.

- Participants must submit works that they have personally created. Any entries involving content unrelated to Chronicles or the unauthorized use of others' works, or participation through unfair means, may lead to disqualification from receiving rewards. Participants will be held responsible for any consequences arising from such actions.

- Failure to follow the event entry format will result in exclusion from reward eligibility.

- Works that violate operational policies due to violence, indecency, etc., may be excluded from selection.

- Event rewards will be sequentially distributed to the in-game Inbox of participating accounts after the event ends.

- Submitted works may be posted or used on official social media pages and the official "Summoners War: Chronicles" community.

- For inquiries regarding this event, please contact our 1:1 customer support (Go).




This concludes the details on the 1-Year Anniversary Fan Art Contest.


We look forward to your interest and participation.

Enjoy unlimited fun in Chronicles!


Thank you.


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