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谁的错? Who's fault?
姬娜小姐的猫 12/17/2024
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"Why do others have it, but I don’t?"
"Damn, why did I only manage to make the gear on December 14th? I 'lost' a lot!"
"Why do Korean streamers get compensation as soon as they cry or complain? Does no one even look at other languages?"


         – 但是你们开发组是否在乎其他语言的反馈就不得而知了,我目前是没看过反应这么快的补偿,(是因为我不会说韩语么?

First of all, I think Storyteller didn’t do anything wrong by posting the video. Relatively speaking, they stood up and spoke out, unlike the silent majority.

    – However, whether the development team actually cares about feedback in other languages remains unclear. I, for one, haven’t seen such quick compensation (Is it because I don’t speak Korean?)
– 하지만 개발팀이 다른 언어의 피드백을 실제로 신경 쓰는지는 불분명합니다. 적어도 저는 이렇게 빠른 보상을 본 적이 없습니다. 

제가 한국어를 못해서 그런 걸까요?
제가 한국어를 못해서 그런 걸까요?
제가 한국어를 못해서 그런 걸까요?

The content should have been confirmed and finalized by the development team before going live, instead of making players pay for your mistakes. We aren’t part of a large online paid beta test.

If you really want to build a character properly, almost everyone spent the past couple of days grinding Mythic Raids. I ran it nearly 50 times just to craft the final set of gear.

So, about this December 13th deadline, I can’t really say much because, honestly, I missed the update when I started making the gear and wasn’t affected by the bug. That’s undeniable.

But you need to understand that players never care about having less; they care about fairness. Compensation is never something that satisfies everyone (unless you give out a lot, of course).



In my guild, there are currently two types of players (彼岸):

The first type are those who only play Kina. They finally waited for a new character to level up and play, purely for fun, not for strength or any other purpose.
The second type are those who never planned to level up a new character and had no expectations. The current class balance is just a pile of crap.


This is my Miss Jin. She is very enjoyable to play, but the effort put into practicing it doesn’t match the rewards.

1. 为什么我在蓄力期间能被姬娜的技能击飞/击退?为什么不能加一个在我蓄力期间霸体?
2. 技能前摇非常的长,根本打不中移动的目标,纯纯笨比。 实时就不用说了,战场也是砸不到人,大招从来都是放空的,甚至后排魔灵的自动ai都可以走位躲掉

3. 严重怀疑火/暗武器的暴伤转攻击力被动没有生效


So, do you think I’m commenting on your compensation announcement? Wrong! I’m talking about how Jin’s skill design is just a pile of half-cooked crap.

  1. 1. Why can I be knocked back or CCed by Kina's skills while charging? Why not add immune CC during my charge time?

2. The skill animations are way too long, making it impossible to hit moving targets—absolutely useless. Let alone brawl, even in battlefield scenarios, the skills never land. The ultimate is always be dodged, and even the backline magic monsters with auto AI can dodge it like WTF.

3. I seriously suspect that the critical damage-to-attack passive on fire/dark weapons isn’t working.

     I know she looks pretty, but this makes things really difficult for me to play.


I’ve already become quite a laid-back player because there are still friends in my guild who are seriously playing the game. I hope the development team can work together with the players and not just see this as a job or a paycheck. A game without passion is meaningless to play; that would simply be industrial waste.
저는 이미 상당히 느긋한 플레이어가 되었습니다. 왜냐하면 길드에는 여전히 진지하게 게임을 즐기는 친구들이 있기 때문입니다. 개발팀이 이 게임을 단순히 직업이나 월급으로만 여기지 않고, 플레이어와 함께 노력하길 바랍니다. 애정이 없는 게임은 플레이할 의미가 없으며, 그것은 그저 산업 폐기물에 불과합니다.



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