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Summoners War: Chronicles 1-Year Anniversary Event 🎈 Pre-Notice
GM Chronicles 08/03/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.

Today marks a joyous occasion as we celebrate the 1st anniversary
since the Summoners on the Korean server began their journey in the world of Chronicles! ♪( ›◡‹ )♪

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the Summoners
who have shown great interest and love for Chronicles during this precious year.

Words alone cannot express our gratitude.
So to make your 1st anniversary even more enjoyable,
we have prepared various events to celebrate this milestone! ✧*.◟(ˊᗨˋ)◞.*✧

Exciting new events will await you every week,
and we've gathered all the various events in this notice
to ensure you don't miss out on any of the fun!

Please look forward to the series of epic events
that we've prepared for you,
and check the details below for more information! ٩( ᐛ )و

* Please note that the events are subject to change during the initial development process.

▌Summoners War: Chronicles 1-Year Anniversary Event Pre-Notice

🎁 1-Year Anniversary Events Part 1 🎁



Event Period


1-Year Special Check-in

5★ Selection Ticket, 

Transcendence Scroll, 

1-Year Gratitude Scroll x70, 

LD Legendary Scroll and more!

Aug. 11th - Oct. 20th 00:00

Aug. 10th

Collect 1-Year Medals for gifts!

1-Year Medal

Aug. 11th - Oct. 20th 00:00

Collect 1-Year Medals for Scrolls!

1-Year Gratitude Scroll x30,
Mystical Scroll x128, 

Legendary Scroll x3, and more! 

Aug. 11th - Oct. 20th 00:00

Cairos Stamp Tour

Gold (4.5m MAX), 

5★ Devilmon x2,

Sky Stones (256k MAX)

Aug. 1st - Aug. 28th


Find Hidden Chronicles Coupons!

Gold x1,111,111,

 Crystal x1,111,

Sky Stone x111,111

Aug. 1st - Aug. 7th 



🎁 1-Year Anniversary Events Part 2 🎁



Event Period


1-Year Festival Draw

5★ Devilmon x3,

Refining Catalyst x3,

Blessing Marble x3,

Profession materials and more!

Aug. 17th - Oct. 20th 00:00

Aug. 17th

Chronicles 1-Year Countdown D-Day Coupon

Legendary Scroll x3,

Legendary Fire/Water/Wind Scroll,

Fire/Water/Wind Scroll x10 (each)

Aug. 19th - Sep. 22nd

Aug. 19th


🎁 1-Year Anniversary Events Part 3 🎁



Event Period


1-Year Special Gift

Crystals (15k MAX) 
(Based on account creation date)

8/24 ~ 10/20 00:00


Spend Energy For More Energy!

Energy (4.2k MAX)

8/17 ~ 8/31


1-Year Special Village

Various events and development resources

8/24  ~ 10/20 Until Oct. 19th maintenance


1-Year Special Summon

Rate UP for desired

5★ Fire/Water/Wind Monster

8/24 ~ 10/20 00:00

Rahil Kingdom Founding Anniversary Celebration

1-Year Medals, 

Transformation Potion, 
development resources, and more!

8/25 ~ 10/20 Until Oct. 19th maintenance

1-Year Points Exchange Shop

5★ Selection Ticket, 

1-Year Gratitude Scroll x150,

Light and Darkness Legendary Scroll x5,

 Maximization Marble,

 5★ Devilmon x5,

 1-Year Harpu Transmogrification, and more!

8/25 ~ 10/20 00:00

1-Year Special Rune Shop

Legendary 6★ Rune x6
(Reset available for property)

8/25 ~ 10/20 00:00

Chronicles Love Awards

Limited-Edition Event Title
(Available upon clearing mission)

8/25 ~ 10/19

* 1-Year Gratitude Scroll: Can be used in 1-Year Special Summon.
* Transformation Potion: It's a special potion that can transform a Summoner into a certain Monster.
* In addition to the events above, there will be social media events as well.
Please follow the official social medias for Summoners War: Chronicles for news. [Check Out the Social Media Pages]


 That concludes the pre-notice for the Summoners War: Chronicles 1st Anniversary event.


Hope you enjoy the various events prepared for you,
and we'll come back with more exciting content in the future.


We look forward to having more exciting adventures with you in Chronicles!


Thank you.

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