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Interview With Harg Episode 1: Lulu
CM Luna 06/08/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


Hello, Summoners! Here is your adorable companion, Harg!

CM Serena suggested this idea that I should conduct a Monster interview,

and since I've been wanting to meet you all,

I accepted the offer! ♡〜٩( ˃́▿˂̀ )۶〜♡


Now, then! Let's kick off the new segment called Interview With Harg!

Who will be very first guest?


Drumroll, please! (Dududududududu)

It's one of the best 4★ water support, Howl!

Say hello to Lulu, everyone!



Reporter Harg: Heya, Lulu! Could you introduce yourself to the Summoners? 😉


Lulu (Howl): Pleased to meet you all. I'm Lulu, the Water Howl known as the mascot of the Flurence Festival.

I usually idle in front of the White Shadow Castle and Shadow Ice Mountain.

I decided to participate in Harg's interview as I wanted to get to know you all and other Monster friends (•́_•̀;ก)💦


Reporter Harg: Aww... Looks like our Lulu is quite nervous about meeting you all 😅

It's okay, Lulu. They are not gonna bite you (´._.`)\(‘́⌣’̀ ), So, as an ice breaker, could you tell us what you like?


Lulu (Howl): Hmm... I gotta say... Summoners? (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Reporter Harg: Lulu, are you sure about that? ʘ‿ʘ 

Lulu (Howl): . ∙ º º ( › ̯‹ ) º º ∙ .


Lulu (Howl): Actually, I gotta say it's Summoner Rone who is on duty at the Snow Mountain Observatory!

Rone is a Rahil Guard, but she always visits us in Shadow Ice Mountain to protect us all! ٩(๑>ꇴ< ๑)و


Reporter Harg: Wow, that's amazing of her! I remember she would always hum "Howl, Ho-wl" in a happy melody 🤣 Hahaha!

Anyhow, I heard you recently went through a terrifying experience. Could you tell us about it?


Lulu (Howl): Well, since I'm okay with it now, I'll tell you! There was a person taking a nap on the field,

so I played a little prank on him.

But then he got annoyed and hired a mercenary to hunt us...

Lulu just wanted to have fun and make friends (๑•́₋•̩̥̀๑)

It was dangerous at the time, but Rone has convinced the Mercenary Netu, so it's fine now ٩(๑•◡-๑)۶


Reporter Harg: That must've been scary Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)!! I'm glad you're safe now, Lulu.

Now, who do you consider to be your closest Monster friend?


Lulu (Howl): (Looking around) Naomi!!


Reporter Harg: I thought it'd be me! But why Naomi?


Lulu (Howl): That's because...

Lulu (Howl): You can find out why by going to [Guard Journal] > [Monster Story] > [Martial Cat].


Reporter Harg: … 


Lulu (Howl): …


Reporter Harg: … (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง


Lulu (Howl): … ε=٩(●❛ö❛)۶

Reporter Harg: … ୧༼◔益◔୧ ༽


Reporter Harg: Well, there we have it.

Please look forward to which Monster we'll have as a guest for the next interview,

Don't forget to like♥ and follow Harg's interview! (~˙∇˙)~📣


Thank you.




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