Why the fuck have you not nerfed fixed damage yet, how many months has it been that there has been 0 counterplay to this shit, it's supposed to counter defense based monsters, so why the fuck can it 2 shot my full HP scaling team with a shield on too, there is no fucking saving them besides fucking light Paladin, who counters it, because she fucking counters everything in the game you worthless fucking retards, I don't even have her or any other fucking invincibility LD in the game, since you retards can't fix it, give ALL monsters with HP scaling a 50% reduction just innately to fixed damage, any HP scaling on any ability, just give it to them, so many times I've taken full HP teams just for them to be 2 shot, JUST LIKE DEFENSE SCALING MONSTERS, THERE'S NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE, IT'S STILL IMPOSSIBLY HARD TO HEAL THROUGH FOR HP TEAMS ANYWAY. 166703 fire Rabbit, 145280 fire Valkyrie, 159791 water Harp, all with a 20.4% shield for 34007 HP, but still 2 shot with no other damage source, what the fuck can you do besides invincibility you retarded trash, HP is supposed to counter fixed damage, but you useless fucks can't do it.
Before any retards act like taking all melee is a problem, there's no fucking such thing as ranged in the first place against a Cleaf.
Oh and it only has 8000 attack, there's literally 0 counterplay you retards

Mine has 10700 without perfect runes, nerf it already

On that note what the fuck happened here???
Where is my passive ignore death, you can see it activate for a single fucking frame, then it's gone, the rabbit is supposed to strip ONE debuff after the damage, it also gives spell shield, you can count 4 hits, no matter what I should have only ever been hit by 3 and survived, even if she stripped the spell shield with the 1st hit, then the 2nd hit would hit invincibility and strip that at most, what happened here, is she stripping more than said or what you useless fucks. Who knows if it's only 4 because I died before the 5th could pop up.
On that note, how have you useless troglodytes still not noticed from under your bridge that Jin's wind 3rd alternate skill is doing FIVE TIMES THE FUCKING DAMAGE YOU USELESS SHITS, I NOTICED IN FUCKING LESS THAN 20 MINUTES OF TESTING HER, FUCK YOU IT'S BEEN NEARLY 2 WEEKS.

I wrote that 20 minutes after the patch, that's just 20 fucking minutes when I wrote it, who knows when I noticed it and decided to type it, do your fucking job, it's doing more than 50% more than an Orbia ultimate on a 20 fucking second cooldown, 1130% and 76% HP scaling, everyone has clearly been spamming it the last week but you retards still can't change 1 line of fucking code, which is just number replacing.
On that note, why does fire/dark Jin have 1 second cooldown reduction on her basic attack full combo last hit, it isn't listed anywhere, but it fucking triggers the stupid cooldown counter set and there's no way to deal with it, either remove it or fucking make it not trigger it or make fucking water Paladin trigger the set, the mess you retards make by not making fucking summoners affected by 90% of counters.
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