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I'm getting bored with this game
IIlIIIIIIIII 12/19/2024
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Hello I'm IIlIIIIIII form DeadGame (we named our guild because this game already dead lol) Guild (Now known as CaniAttack) Ariel server. I want to give some opinion to improve this game, I mean no harm and I don't want to debate with you guys. I played this game from the beginning global release, I like the first event water desert queen, wind Ifrit, and etc. Todays event is too boring…  I just want to give my opinion because SWC have reduced revenue and active steam player, and launcher. Sorry for my English because English isn't my first language. 


And steam player . 

1120 player in game (700 + afk lol)

My opinion for com2us are:

1# Elite Raid for newbies

As we known newbie that play this game don't know anything, they don't know how to build their monster and etc. They can't do any hard raids, need some veteran who willing to help them, but veteran don't get anything except ‘thanks’ 

Need Veteran player more rewards for helping newbie

Solution : Give player who want to help newbie at elite raid 100k gold per 1 time, you guys can max it to 5 M per day with newbie under level 70 or 80, or any rewards up to you


2# Guild Siege

Now guild siege is pain in the ass, many people who have hard time using 10 tickets or don't have time, and they still give 1 vs 1 vs 1, please only give guild siege 1 vs 1 mode, because now its based on politics, 1 vs 1 vs 1 are more boring than 1 vs 1, as we can know 350 tickets cant win againts 700 tickets because we can't use again the already destroyed defense… and can you give  sort defense monster ? like all defense have craka, or all defense have phoenix etc. Can you make remove defense option? its to hard for every remove defense needed to drag to bottom. And  give leader or veterans ability to distribute tickets to their member, like 1 person have 10 tickets and 1 person have 5 tickets with maximum 10 tickets and minimum 5 tickets, because some member don't have any time to use 10 tickets.

1 vs 1 guild siege battle
Sort defense by monster and option to remove defense
Leader or veterans can distribute tickets

Solution 1: Make guild siege 1 vs 1
Solution 2: Make sort monster defense and remove defense option

Solution 3: Give Leader or Veterans Authority to distribute tickets maximum 10 tickets and minimum 5 tickets


2# Guild Raid

Today guild raid is more boring than old guild raid, old guild raid have complex mechanics like night and day, and guard. Todays guild raid only needed cleanser and oblivion. The rewards for fastest lvl 5 is too little, please improve the rewards, and can  you guys give more rewards for member who participate 5 stages? because member that only participate 1 time (only poke the boss) still got the same rewards

Boring guild raid
Need to increase top 10 guild raid rewards

Solution 1: Change the guild raid mechanics
Solution 2: Improve the rewards System for fastest guild raid clear, at least top 10
Solution 3: Give more rewards to member who participate 5 times (5 lvl) on guild raid

3# Request Office
Do you guys think 46 energy is equal with 7 research log piece? please reconsider it. Or you guys can change it to all energy

46 energy
7 research log pieces??

Solution : Give equal rewards for request office

4# Challenge Arena World

I think you guys need to reduce stats for first week top 3/5 used monster, then for next week add 3 more monster, and the day after next week, the reduced monster stats will be back on next month ( the reduce stats only works in challenge arena world)

Nerf top 3 most used monster every week

Solution : Reduced challenge arena world top 3/5 monster per week , like this week is Jager, Rei light, and Asuka dark, second week dark sword spirit, dark fairy etc. And the next month all reduced stats monster will be back (Remember only for challenge arena)

5# Is this game don't have any quality inspector?

As we known that this game is dying, please consider what do you guys do and what do you guys don't do, many people stop playing this game because stupid decision, do you guys not try the patch before it release? pls consider this.

6# P2W content vs F2P
As we known you guys nerf celestial rift, its payed content lol, people will be mad for this, please consider what should you do when you guys face p2w content

7# Content Creator
Please support more your content creator, this game need more advertising because nobody know summoner war chronicles, they only know summoner war… support more content creator…

In the end
I hope COM2US fix their member first before they fix the game, please consider your audience and player, I have friends and they told me they want to stop play this game because stupid decision. Hope you guys can be better. I still have plenty of complaints, but the most crucial things are above, please make this game great again. I think if COM2US still don't hear player voice, Me and my friends Will stop playing this game.. because we are the most active guild in Ariel Server (We known as Kerang Bulu and Secret TH)… hope you guys consider this. We have a lot of spender in this guild.. if you want to lose all this game spender, its okay then, don't do anything.. the developer aren't playing this game, they only think about their stomach.

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