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Celestial Rift - don't be hasty.
Zie 12/04/2024
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Dear Sir PD Choi,
First of all, thank you for your hard work. It could be discouraging since players keep shouting harsh words for every decision you make while no compliments for exciting events/ rewards. Please hang in there. They do it out of ungratefulness love.
Now, about Celestial Rift.
By “thorough trial runs conducted” by your team, you think it “may severely disrupt game-play balance”. That would imply that the game-play is/ already balance. But, what balance? Which balance? If you mean by balance is the opportunity to get materials for all players, new and old, well everyone get the same afk rewards, so I think it's balance enough. If you mean by balance is THE balance, we all know the issue is so much deeper than just upgrading summoners and monsters stats… Or maybe you meant to say imbalance? Because it will -ironically- makes more sense.


Anyway, this Celestial Rift does helpful in getting stones, but it won't disrupt anything. It just makes updating monsters a little bit easier.  If you worry that we will get flooded with stones, mind you we only want to use S grade or at least A grade and it's not easy to get. Also, we need a lot lot LOT of stones, 12 just for a single monster and cannot be removed, so we will always need new ones. I don't know about others, but pretty often I didn't get a single Treasure Box after afk max hours. For me personally, I haven't feel the effect of this new feature yet.
My point is, this thing have only exist for less than a month and you already want to nerf it significantly. Maybe let us enjoy it first while you monitoring it, see if it really will disrupt the balance. Then again, what balance?

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