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Quadruple value is still far worse than OPM collab
glaphan 07/02/2024
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Fucking retards, I said 1000 scrolls for $200 would be worse than OPM, that is even worse as I fucking said. Half price double pity, you currently have a 35 scrolls for $18 pack, that's "400%" value, ignoring that fake retarded value you put on everything, 350 scrolls for $180, or 700 for 90$, I suppose it's better than 1000 for $200, but it's over $400 to guarantee pity on all 4 assuming the same value packs, OPM collab you needed to spend $600 IF YOU WERE FUCKING UNLUCKY TO FAIL AN 80% CHANCE SIX TIMES IN A ROW, if you got it just 3 times it was only $300, you could even get luckier and spend far less, there's literally 0 chance of even getting without pity as you morons explained yourself. Funny those are 400% value packs so technically they should be $1600 to hit pity, not like the 3000 crystals or 300k gold has any fucking value, it's obviously for the scrolls only. But you retards said yourself OPM was a failure on your part, why are you doing it again.


Actually maybe I'm wrong, we aren't even getting double scrolls, it's just about double pity isn't it, so it's still fucking 350 for $90 or fucking over $800 since you need to reach 750 with those 350, $3200 without the “400%” value. Sorry for making your packs 8x value instead of 4x, I guess I was being too reasonable.

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