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Solution for balancing Summoners
Limite 07/01/2024
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One of the things you receive most as complaints is the imbalance between summoners. Every week there is a print of 7 kinas in the TOP 10 of brawl, then 5 heath in the top 5, and so a flood of complaints, everyone getting irritated with the "meta".

Some time ago I played some MMO RPGs that, in a way, solved this: 

They created competition only between the same classes. So there was a "champion" Cleaf, a Soleta, a Kina and so on.

This made players enjoy playing even with that class that was most disadvantaged, because in that case it would be easier to become the champion of that class due to less competition.

And so it also creates more competition, without excuses since you will only fight against those who have the same resources - in relation to the summoner, of course.

I believe this is a much better solution than implementing battles with just monsters - or at least having both solutions - since a large part of our game is to make our summoner stronger.

I hope you will think about such a solution. And you who are reading, also leave your opinion on the subject below.

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