You retards realize that literally no one will have 6000 scrolls to get all the collab right? Obviously even you aren't retarded enough to not see that, so why are you retarded enough to do it anyway. OPM collab you had to spend like $600 with shit luck to guarantee all collab, I spent $200 to get 2 since you gave me no fucking 5* besides pity, but 6000 scrolls, you realize that is fucking impossible, are you going to be selling them for 1000 Nerv scrolls per $200?? No, you morons will put them the same as normal scroll prices, even those prices are worse than OPM, and here we are getting worse, since it's not even a reasonable rate to get it before pity. You think Meta Clones are enough, how many months until they are added to the pool, how many even have the LD versions, you troglodytes realize you can only mimic one at a time right, there's 2 of each element, and that means you can't use the original form, already annoys me enough I can't use water Meta Clone since I need it as Garou, I don't have Atomic Samurai and Genos, so I can't use both, ever. Your deformed hands typed that there's more mystical scrolls available, I get 1st place on field boss like every day, craft and buy every scroll, and have only spent 200 since the previous collab, I probably had like 200 at the end of it anyway, so I have 1100 scrolls around right now, I probably bought 100 as well over that time like the new 45 for $5, others probably have far less than I got, where in that empty abyss did you manage the thought it's reasonable to have 6000 scrolls right now, if you announced it a year ago and told people to save 6000, maybe people could be fine, but you are announcing this 10 days before the event starts, where do I get 5000 scrolls in 40 days, it took me over 2 months for 1000, and you fucking gave 200 of those as a “gift”, I think the gift should have been 4000 to be reasonable. I was assuming before that it would be 400 to be reasonable, that way you get people buying 200 Nerv scrolls to save 400 normal scrolls, and 1600 would be hard to achieve since the last collab, but I severely underestimated your brain damage. You retards are going to change it or the game will die.
Oh wait I actually did spend more, forgot about the Meta Clones, I probably spent like 700 more on those, didn't get the LD version, probably had 400 at the end of previous collab since I was debating rolling for the rest of Xellos.
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