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Com2us really thinks about its players
Miseralan 06/04/2024
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Uhhhu Another stupid decision from Troll2us
[Contains irony]
Of course, I, the player, would like to participate in a fully automatic arena in an MMORPG, where I have a summoner that I cannot control. Obviously, it is much better to see my monsters using the wrong skills, or better yet, to see my elenoa using the first Skill instead of her main skill, not to mention that it is great to face about 80% of the current defenses use Kraka, for sure, it is a balanced monster that no one uses and does not need a nerf like Kina, which is well balanced, since in the top 100 60% of the players are Kina. But the one who really deserves a nerf is Orbia. Of course, playing the Arena 15 times a day is what I want, I would not like to compete there having to refill tickets in repetitive battles.

Of course, the power of the monsters makes perfect sense, because only Cleaf and Kina benefit, especially Cleaf, since the combination of Defense, HP, Attack, Critical Rate and Critical Damage is what gives the most power in the game and just think, only these two benefit, it makes perfect sense for me to put 6k defense on my Soleta since she doesn't need Accuracy and attack to deal Damage, like Heath, gosh it makes perfect sense for me not to build him with Evasion, I'll put defense because then I'll gain power with the Summoner.

Not to mention the energy, right guys, since it's cheap, it only costs 300 crystals for me to buy a 60 energy refill which, incredible as it may seem, I do 6 runs on the growth path and they give me 6 runes, the only thing I can't do is do Hero RAID, because it's not possible with 60, but I don't want to farm Equipment, right, why? hahahahaha

Of course, not to mention the incredible match maker, which is a delight. The game is so good that, in order to keep us from getting too addicted, Com2us made decisions that now make us wait 30 minutes to find a match on the battlefield, which doesn't have a good reward and which, by the way, is content that we all love.

But yes, Collab was what we needed!!!

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