Refine stones are heavily used for equipment sub-stats refining and rune sub-stats conversion. Having only Galagos Ruins available once a month to farm them seems insufficient to me.
With all these nerfs and buffs to Summoners, I just hope Com2Us increases the refine stone rewards from the Galagos Ruins or at least release a new source where we could get some so we can switch Summoner when our main gets nerfed to the ground lol.
As a Kina main, I usually burn my refine stones through rune conversions but with the current update, I just want to switch my main (bruh, 4 nerfs in a 1-year span is too much) to Soleta, lol. (having ALL of my rune conversion plans put on hold).
I just hope Com2Us-senpai notice me/my post xD
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